This week’s episode of AEW Collision aired live from the Rogers Arena in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, featuring a major TNT title match between Adam Copeland and Kyle O’Reilly.

(1) BLACKPOOL COMBAT CLUB (Bryan Danielson & Claudio Castagnoli) vs. TOP FLIGHT (Dante Martin & Darius Martin)

Danielson and Darius started the match exchanging hearlock takeovers. Darius put Danielson in a crabate before transitioning into a facelock. Darius took Danielson down with an arm drag and a shoulder tackle before avoiding a roundhouse kick. Dante nailed Danielson with a chop and a kick to the back, following it with a headscissors takeover on Claudio. Dante clocked Claudio with a corner clothesline, setting him up for a suplex and slingshot senton alongside Darius.

Claudio pummeled Darius with chops and uppercuts before hanging his body on the top rope. Danielson cracked Darius with a diving knee to the head, followed by a Romero Special. Danielson held Darius in position for a running uppercut from Claudio. Darius attacked Claudio with forearm strikes, but Claudio shut him down with a shot into the ring post, as AEW Collision went to commercials.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Danielson blasted Darius with kicks to the chest, until he started retaliating with chops. Darius cracked Danielson with a sudden Pele kick, reaching Dante for the hot tag. Dante clocked Claudio with an enzuigiri, followed by a high crossbody. Darius nailed Claudio with an enzuigiri while Dante caught Danielson with a suicide dive. Dante knocked Claudio off the top turnbuckle with an enzuigiri, setting him up for a Frog Splash and a two count. Claudio caught Dante off-guard with the Giant Swing before trapping him in the Sharpshooter.

Darius broke Claudio’s hold with a flatliner before getting into a chop exchange with Danielson. Darius spiked Claudio with an assisted Tornado DDT before taking Danielson out with a suicide dive. Dante crashed into Claudio with the Nosedive for a close nearfall. Claudio evaded a diving move from Dante, allowing Danielson to knock him out with a Busaiku Knee. Danielson and Darius exchanged chops, until Claudio took Darius out of commission with a running uppercut.

WINNERS: Blackpool Combat Club at 13:51 (***3/4)

– After the match, Bryan Danielson grabbed a mic and put over how great Top Flight was. Danielson put over how the people chant AEW and how he chose to fight in Anarchy in the Arena because he loves AEW. Danielson said that The Elite might have founded this company, but they no longer represent it. He put over how Tony Khan was at every AEW show while The Elite weren’t here tonight. Danielson said that he was willing to take part in Anarchy in the Arena because he loves AEW and wanted to protect it.

– A recap of Brian Cage and the Gates of Agony turning on Bryan Danielson was shown.

[Commercial Break]

– Roderick Strong joined the commentary table for the next match.

(2) LEE MORIARTY (w/Shane Taylor) vs. WILL OSPREAY

Moriarty put Ospreay in a wrist lock, only for Ospreay to sweep him off his feet and nearly hit him with a kick to the head. They locked up and started exchanging monkey flips, until Moriarty snapped Ospreay’s arm with his feet. Ospreay sent Moriarty out of the ring with a headscissors takeover, setting him up for a Pescado, as AEW Collision went to an ad break.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Moriarty knocked Ospreay off his feet and attacked him with a neck twist. Ospreay knocked Moriarty off his feet with a handspring enzuigiri before putting him down with a back body drop. Ospreay nailed Moriarty with a corner big boot and a springboard clothesline for a two count. Moriarty snapped Ospreay’s hand and floored him with a Falcon Arrow for a nearfall. Ospreay clobbered Moriarty with a forearm strike, only for Moriarty to respond with an enzuigiri.

Ospreay stopped Moriarty atop the turnbuckle with a thrust kick and laid him out with a Blue Thunderbomb. Taylor tried to distract Ospreay, but Ospreay shut him down with a thrust kick. Ospreay went for the OsCutter, only for Ospreay to counter it with the Border City Stretch. Ospreay managed to break the hold and blast Moriarty with a Hidden Blade, setting him up for the Storm Breaker and the win.

WINNER: Will Ospreay at 10:26 (***1/2)

– After the match, Will Ospreay and Roderick Strong had a face-off, until Shane Taylor attacked him from behind and clobbered him with a forearm strike. The Undisputed Kingdom stood on top of Ospreay’s body.

– It was announced that Willow Nightingale would defend her TBS title against Tam Nakano at STARDOM Flashing Champions on May 18.

– Earlier today, Mercedes Mone threw the first pitch at a Boston Red Sox game while representing AEW.

(3) BRIAN CAGE & GATES OF AGONY (Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona) vs. EVAN RIVERS & THE VOROS TWINS (chris & Patrick)

Cage put Rivers down with a pop up facebuster and a thrust kick, followed by a suplex. Kaun and Liona took care of the Voros Twins with an Alabama slam and a spinebuster. Liona pummeled Rivers with body shots before he, Kaun and Cage finished them with an elevated powerbomb.

WINNERS: Brian Cage & Gates of Agony at 1:07 (*1/4)

– After the match, Tony Schiavone entered the ring to ask Brian Cage why he turned on Swerve Strickland. Cage said that Swerve and Nana used them and left them hanging, until they needed their help. Cage said that what they needed was the leadership of the new AEW and the EVPs. Swerve Strickland’s music played and he appeared from behind to take out the Gates of Agony.

– Swerve blocked a suplex from Cage and knocked him out with a House Call kick. He crushed both Liona and Kaun with Swerve Stomps before tying Kaun’s neck to the ring post with a chain. Liona took care of Swerve with a running shoulder tackle, only for Swerve to block a running hip attack with a cinderblock. Swerve stood on Liona’s head and crushed it into the steel steps with a chair shot.

[Commercial Break]

– Backstage, Swerve Strickland talked about people claiming that he had gotten soft since winning the title. Swerve said that he took out the Mogul Embassy and the only one left was Brian Cage, setting up a match on Dynamite.


KM nailed Garcia with a knee to the abdomen, only for Garcia to pummel him with a bunch of forearm strikes. KM put Garcia down with a lariat and mocked his dance. Garcia stomped KM down and pummeled KM with a bunch of right hands. Garcia put KM down with a backdrop driver and forced him to tap out with a dragon sleeper.

WINNER: Daniel Garcia at 2:09 (*1/4)

– A recap of Eddie Kingston and Bryan Danielson joining FTR to form team AEW on Dynamite was shown.


Dax took Tommy down with an arm drag before knocking him down with a headlock takeover. Dax nailed Tommy with a shoulder tackle and pressed him down to the mat for a two count. They exchanged headbutts, until Dax trapped Tommy in a hammerlock. Tommy took Dax down with a monkey flip, but Dax refused to let go of the hammerlock. Dax withstood a bunch of shoulder tackles, until Tommy was able to knock him off his feet. Dax blasted Tommy with a series of chops, a clothesline and a snap suplex for a two count. Tommy knocked Dax down with a thrust kick and sent him out of the ring with a running crossbody, as AEW Collision went to a commercial break.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Tommy crashed into Dax with a dive, followed by a missile dropkick and a running clothesline. Tommy dropped Dax with a snap suplex, setting him up for a diving elbow drop and a nearfall. Dax sat Tommy atop the turnbuckle, but Tommy knocked him down with a bunch of headbutts. Dax stopped Tommy on the corner and put him down with a superplex. Dax dropped Tommy with a series of German suplexes, until Tommy was able to respond with German suplexes of his own. Tommy missed a strike, allowing Dax to plant him with a dragon suplex. Tommy avoided a powerbomb and nearly beat Dax with an inside cradle. Dax managed to kick out of a modified inverted roll-through. Dax countered a victory roll with a springboard powerbomb for the victory.

WINNER: Dax Harwood at 12:58 (***1/2)

– It was announced that Don Callis had gotten the services of Jeff Cobb to face the Blackpool Combat Club on Dynamite.

– Last Wednesday, Kazuchika Okada challenged Dax Harwood to a singles match. Jack Perry said that he felt miserable last year, but now he was the keystone of this match and all of his opponents were dead. The Young Bucks tried to berate Christopher Daniels for getting into their business. Matthew pointed out how they got him this job, only for Daniels to respond that he earnt this job and threatened him if spoke like that to him again.

– Backstage, Christopher Daniels called out the Young Bucks for treating him like a lackey and confirmed that he was now booked in a tag match against them. Daniels said that he would team with Matt Sydal and he would make sure the right people were punished.

[Commercial Break]

– Backstage, Dax Harwood put over how dangerous Anarchy in the Arena was and how he was now booked to face Kazuchika Okada. Dax said that Okada might be one of the best wrestlers in the world, but he had never faced someone like him.


They locked up and took each other down, until Robyn sat Rosa atop the turnbuckle. Rosa kicked Robyn away and knocked her off her feet with a dropkick. Rosa sent Robyn to the apron and knocked her down with a roundhouse kick. Robyn avoidied a suicide dive and clocked Rosa with a pump kick, as AEW Collision went to commercials.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Robyn nailed Rosa with a knee strike and a double stomp for a nearfall. Rosa attacked Robyn with a series of clotheslines and a Codebreaker, setting her up for a basement dropkick into the ropes. Robyn avoided a kick to the head and dropped Rosa with a pump handle flatliner. Robyn missed a moonsault, allowing Rosa to crush her with a double stomp to the back. Rosa immediately put Robyn in a modified Cobra Clutch for the submission win.

WINNER: Thunder Rosa at 7:38 (**3/4)

– Backstage, Lexy Nair interviewed Taya Valkyrie and Johnny TV. Johnny said that unlike the people in this town he would get a win when faces PAC on Rampage.

[Commercial Break]

– A video from Hook was shown where he talked about first receiving the offer of advice from Chris Jericho. Hook said that Jericho has pissed him off with his recent actions before telling him that he doesn’t know who or what he can be.

Announced for AEW Dynamite:

  • Hook Returns
  • BCC (Moxley & Danielson) vs. Kyle Fletcher & Jeff Cobb
  • Young Bucks vs. Matt Sydal & Christopher Daniels
  • Kazuchika Okada vs. Dax Harwood – AEW Continental Championship
  • Willow Nightingale & Mercedes Mone Contract Signing
  • Swerve Strickland vs. Brian Cage
  • Adam Copelands Calls Out Malakai Black
  • Roderick Strong & Will Ospreay Face-to-Face
  • Toni Storm vs. Harley Cameron

Announced for AEW Collision:

  • Will Ospreay vs. Shane Taylor


Copeland put Kyle in a wrist lock, only for Kyle to quickly shut him down with a headlock takeover. Kyle sent Copeland to the apron and knocked him down with a headlock takeover. Kyle targeted Copeland’s back with a series of forearms and knees to the back. Copeland nailed Kyle with an Irish-whip into the corner, followed by a modified gutbuster. Copeland attacked Kyle with a couple of shoulder thrusts and strikes to the abdomen. Kyle tried to put Copeland in a Guillotine, until Copeland dropped him onto the top rope. Copeland knocked Kyle off the apron, as AEW Dynamite went to its final commercial break.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Copeland knocked Kyle off the top turnbuckle, but Kyle countered his diving elbow drop with an armbar. Copeland pummeled Kyle with a barrage of strikes to the back, setting him up for a crossface. Kyle managed to reach the ropes to break the hold and hit Copeland with a knee strike. Copeland dropped Kyle with a gutbuster, only for Kyle to bounce back and take him out with a lariat. Kyle caught Copeland with a series of knee strikes to the abdomen before sweeping him off his feet. Kyle hyper-extended Copeland’s arm before taking him down with a back suplex into a knee bar.

Copeland managed to reach the ropes, only for Kyle to maintain him down with kicks to the legs. Kyle smashed Copeland’s shoulder onto the apron and crushed his back with a diving knee drop for a nearfall. Kyle tried to put Copeland in an armbar, until Copeland broke the hold and planted him with a back slam. They got into a forearm strike exchange, until Copeland missed a Spear into the ropes. Copeland kicked out of an O’Connor Roll and trapped Kyle in a sleeper hold. Copeland tried to transition into a Bulldog Choke, but Kyle countered it with an armbar.

Kyle withstood a pair of stomps to the stomach and got a nearfall with an inside cradle. Copeland managed to put Kyle down with a gutbuster, leaving both men on the floor. Kyle blocked a superplex before nailing Copeland with an avalanche arm flatliner. Copeland caught Kyle with a kick to the abdomen, seemingly leaving him hurt. Kyle barely managed to get up and counter the Spear with a Guillotine Lock. Copeland broke the hold with a liver punch, setting him up for an Impaler. Copeland immediately took Kyle down with one final Spear for the victory.

WINNER: Adam Copeland at 19:36 (Still AEW TNT Champion) (****)

– As the show transitioned into Rampage, Adam Copeland and Kyle O’Reilly hugged in the middle of the ring. Copeland didn’t let go of Kyle’s hand for a second and awkwardly walked out of the ring.