This week’s episode of AEW Dynamite aired live from the KIA Forum in Inglewood, California, featuring the fallout from Double Or Nothing and the start of the build to Forbidden Door with the return of the Casino Gauntlet.


– Mercedes Mone her way to a ring full of balloons to celebrate her title win. Mone said that she was worth the wait, putting over how they celebrated 5 years of AEW and the return of the greatest of all time. Mone mocked Willow for being too nice and said that when she came back, she hoped she came back better than ever. She started talking about Forbidden Door before being interrupted by Skye Blue on-screen. Blue revealed that she was the one that attacked her backstage last month. Blue appeared behind Mone and put her down with a TKO before standing tall with her title.

– A video package with highlights from Double Or Nothing was shown.



Swerve nailed Killswitch with a rising kick, only for Killswitch to send him out of the ring. Swerve caught Killswitch with a pair of dropkicks to the knee, followed by a neckbreaker in the ring and one on the floor. Killswitch blocked a pump kick from the apron and smashed Swerve’s head into the steel steps. Killswitch clobbered Swerve with a chop to the chest, followed by a thrust kick, as AEW Dynamite went to commercials.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Swerve caught Killswitch off-guard with a Triangle Choke, followed by a rolling flatliner. Swerve hit Killswitch with a kick to the knee and a diving uppercut to the back of the head. Killswitch tried to go for a suplex, but Swerve shut him down with a vertical suplex for a nearfall. Killswitch nailed Swerve with a back elbow before blocking the rolling flatliner with a headbutt and laying Swerve out with a chokeslam. Nana stopped Killswitch from using a chair, allowing Swerve to pummel Killswitch with a load of pump kicks.

Swerve crushed Killswitch with a Swerve Stomp from the apron. Back in the ring, Swerve clocked Killswitch with two kicks to the head, only for Killswitch to floor Swerve with a chokeslam and a standing moonsault for a nearfall. Swerve evaded the Extinction before putting Killswitch down with a German suplex, a House Call and the Swerve Stomp for a shocking nearfall. Killswitch tried to fire up, but Swerve knocked him out with one final House Call.

WINNER: Swerve Strickland at 11:45 (***1/2)

– After the match, Swerve Strickland grabbed a pair of scissors and cut off Killswitch’s ponytail.

[Commercial Break]

– Tony Schiavone announced that Mercedes Mone would defend the TBS title on tonight’s main event.

– Backstage, Jon Moxley talked about facing Rocky Romero and not being 100%. Moxley talked about working tonight, Dominion, Bloodsport and Forbidden Door back to back.


– Big Bill introduced Chris Jericho to the ring to hype up how great he is as the Learning Tree. Jericho called the crowd his branches, teased throwing a t-shirt into the crowd and put over how tough facing Shibata and Hook was. Jericho welcomed Bryan Keith to the ring to ask him why he chose to sit under the Learning Tree. Keith said that Jericho was not getting the respect that he deserved, calling out the fans for booing him. Jericho told Keith that he was welcome to be a part of the Jericho Vortex before being interrupted by Hook. Hook took down a pair of security guards, only for Samoa Joe to get in his way. Joe whispered something in Hook’s ear before they walked away together.

– A brief recap of Jon Moxley defeating Konosuke Takeshita at Double Or Nothing was shown.

– A video package hyping up the work of CMLL Women’s World champion and NJPW Strong Women’s Champion Stephanie Vaquer.


Romero immediately took Moxley down with a dropkick and a suicide dive. Romero smashed Moxley’s damaged arm into the announce table and targeted it with a bunch of kicks. Moxley caught Romero off-guard with an Xplex, followed by a series of kicks to the back. Romero nailed Moxley with a double stomp to the arm and a basement dropkick, only for Moxley to put him in a sleeper hold. Romero pulled Moxley’s arm into the ropes and hit him with a diving dropkick. Before Moxley could react, Romero hyper-extended his leg into the barricade, as AEW Dynamite went to an ad break.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Moxley bit Romero’s head and laid him out with a superplex. They got into a kick and forearm strike exchange, until Moxley shut Romero down with a cutter. Moxley ran into Romero’s back elbow, allowing Romero to spike him with a diving Tornado DDT. Romero immediately put Moxley in a cross armbreaker, but Moxley was able to transition the hold into the Bulldog Choke. Romero snapped Moxley’s damaged arm and took him down with a cross armbreaker. Moxley broke the hold with a load of stomps, only for Romero to kick him away. Moxley clobbered Romero with two back-to-back lariats before finishing him with the Death Rider.

WINNER: Jon Moxley at 10:37 (***1/4)

– Backstage, Renee Paquette interviewed Samoa Joe and Hook about what happened earlier tonight. Joe said that they learnt their first lesson and it was that they do not exist on their time, but on their own.

[Commercial Break]


– Don Callis made his way to the ring to put over how great it has been to scout Orange Cassidy over the past few weeks. Cassidy made his way to the ring, so Callis could praise his work and offer him a contract for the Don Callis Family. Cassidy took Callis’ contract, only to slowly tear it off and reject the offer. Callis told Cassidy that no one rejected him and that he was the one in control here. Stokely Hathaway and Kris Statlander interrupted to announce that they would accept the offer on behalf of their best friend. Trent Beretta appeared behind Cassidy and pummeled him down before offering Callis a hug. Trent and Callis stomped Cassidy down, as they walked away from the ring.

Announced for AEW Collision:

  • Will Ospreay vs Kyle O’Reilly

– Backstage, Renee Paquette interviewed Daniel Garcia and Matt Menard. Garcia talked about people getting the red carpet and how he would drag his boots across that carpet. Garcia said that he didn’t care who was the International champion, he would climb the rankings to get a shot and lighten up Will Ospreay’s luggage.

(3) MERCEDES MONE vs. SKYE BLUE – AEW TBS Championship

Mone smashed Blue’s head into the turnbuckle numerous times and clobbered her with forearm strikes. Mone hit Blue with a rising knee strike, followed by an arm drag and a dropkick. Blue sent Mone to the apron, only for Mone to send her out of the ring with a headscissors takeover. Mone caught Blue with a sliding dropkick, followed by a Meteora off the apron. Blue surprised Mone with an inside cradle before hitting her with a boot to the face and a draping neckbreaker for a two count, as AEW Dynamite went to a commercial break.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Mone hit Blue with a Stunner and a back elbow, only for Mone to shock her with a running Meteora. Mone cracked Blue with a backstabber, but Blue stopped her atop the turnbuckle with a thrust kick. Mone countered a powerbomb with a hurracarrana before receiving the Skyfall for a nearfall. They traded a forearm strike and a thrust kick, until Mone countered the Code Blue with the Moneymaker.

WINNER: Mercedes Mone at 7:37 (Still AEW TBS Champion) (***)

– After the match, Stephanie Vaquer showed up to have a face-off with Mercedes Mone while both raised their belts.

– Backstage, Stokely Hathaway and Kris Statlander took over an interview. Stokely put over how Statlander chose to make a change after Willow won a Four-way match for a TBS title shot that also involved her. Statlander said that she had to make the change she did because the moment she did something for herself, everyone booed. Statlander said that she was done solving messes and being a bodyguard and now everyone needs protection from her.

[Commercial Break]

– A recap of MJF making his return at Double Or Nothing was shown, followed by a video package listing all of his accomplishments.


– The Elite made their way to the ring to talk about what happened at Double Or Nothing. Jack Perry put over how they faced a dream team that pulled out all the stops and he still pinned Bryan Danielson. The Young Bucks put over the release of their new Pumps before presenting Kazuchika Okada with a brand new Lamborghini. Matthew announced that Adam Copeland suffered a major injury at Double Or Nothing and they had to strip him of the title. 

– Matthew tried to award the vacant title to Perry, only for Christopher Daniels to interrupt. Daniels announced that Tony Khan had re-hired as an interim EVP and every announcement he made came directly from Khan himself. Daniels announced that the new champion would be determined in a ladder match at Forbidden Door. The Elite tried to attack Daniels, but The Acclaimed showed up to back him up.

– Backstage, Swerve Strickland explained that after what the Patriarchy did to him, he simply got back at them. Swerve put over the different talent that would take part in the Casino Gauntlet.

[Commercial Break]

– Backstage, Rush congratulated MJF on his return before calling him out.

Announced for next week’s AEW Dynamite:

  • MJF Returns

(4) FORBIDDEN DOOR CASINO GAUNTLET – AEW World CHampionship Contender’s Match

Jay White and PAC were the first two participants, only for PAC to immediately smash his head into the turnbuckle. PAC threw White into the barricade twice and the apron, until White shocked him with a chop to the chest. PAC knocked White down with a hurracarrana, setting him up for a fosbury flop. Back in the ring, PAC blasted White away with a missile dropkick for a two count. White pulled PAC’s head into the ropes, as Mistico was revealed as the third entrant in the match. Mistico knocked White down with a headscissors takeover before nailing PAC with an arm drag and a thrust kick. Mistico sent White out of the ring with a dropkick and crushed him and PAC with a high crossbody, as AEW Dynamite went to commercials.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Will Ospreay was the fourth entrant, immediately blasting Mistico with a springboard forearm. PAC threw White into the ring, so Ospreaay to take him out with a chop and a handspring enzuigiri. PAC surprised Ospreay with an O’Connor Roll for a close nearfall. Mistico crushed PAC and Ospreay with a high crossbody, followed by a thrust kick on PAC and La Mistica on Ospreay. Shota Umino was the fifth entrant, immediately breaking Mistico’s hold and throwing him out. Umino clocked Ospreay with an uppercut and knocked him down with a dropkick.

Umino spiked Ospreay with a slingshot DDT on the apron and a Tornado DDT, but White broke the pinfall. White pummeled Umino and Ospreay with a series of chops, as Claudio Castagnoli became the sixth entrant. Castagnoli hit Ospreay with a big boot and chased Ospreay around the ring. Castagnoli nailed PAC with an uppercut and crushed Umino with a double stomp. Umino tried to roll-up Castagnoli before receiving a pop up uppercut for a nearfall. Castagnoli knocked White off his feet and put him in the Giant Swing, as AEW Dynamite went to its final commercial break.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Lio Rush was the seventh entrant, quickly evading all of Castagnoli’s strikes. Rush knocked Castagnoli off the apron with handspring kicks and hit Umino with a cyclone kick. Umino caught Rush with a forearm strike before they traded lariats at the same time. Catagnoli took Umino and Rush down with a double clothesline, as Orange Cassidy entered eight in the match. Castagnoli blocked a Satellite DDT, only for Cassidy to hit him with a Stundog Millionaire. Cassidy spiked Castagnoli with a Satellite DDT before having a face-off with Ospreay. White spiked Ospreay with a sleeper suplex and planted Cassidy with a uranage for a two count.

Hechicero was the ninth entrant, immediately cracking White with a jumping knee and Castagnoli with a guillotine Tijeras. Hechicero shocked Ospreay with an armbar and nearly beat Cassidy with an inside cradle. Ospreay blasted Cassidy with a thrust kick before receiving a springboard splash from Hechicero. Mistico took Hechicero down with a springboard hurracarrana, followed by a suicide dive from Rush. Umino took Rush down with a shotgun dropkick and mistico knocked Castagnoli down with a headscissors takeover, followed by a springboard hurracarrana at ringside.

Umino cracked Cassidy with a pop up knee before receiving an Orange Punch. PAC tried to roll Cassidy up, but he countered the hold around. PAC nailed Cassidy with a thrust kick and blocked the Blade Runner. Juice Robinson knocked PAC off the apron while White spiked Cassidy with a sleeper suplex. Ospreay took care of White with a Hidden Blade, but Cassidy countered the Storm Breaker with a hurracarrana for a nearfall. Ospreay avoided the Orange Punch and nailed Cassidy with an OsCutter for the win.

WINNER: Will Ospreay at (****1/4)

– After the match, Swerve Strickland came out to have a face-off with Will Ospreay.

Announced for AEW Rampage:

  • Konosuke Takeshita vs Penta El Zero Miedo – AEW TNT Championship Qualifier Match
  • Satnam Singh in Action
  • Toni Storm vs Viva Van
  • Kyle O’Reilly in Action

Announced for next week’s AEW Dynamite:

  • Mariah May vs Saraya