This week’s episode of AEW Dynamite aired live from the Wintrust Arena in Chicago, Illinois, featuring a huge International title match and three matches in the Owen Hart Foundation tournament.

– Backstage, Renee Paquette interviewed Daniel Garcia about his title match tonight. Garcia said that he respected Will Ospreay and everything he has done, but he wouldn’t lose tonight. MJF showed up to show Garcia his support and told Garcia to focus on his match and not think about what he said last week. MJF offered himself to accompany Garcia to the ring tonight.

(1) PAC vs. BRYAN DANIELSON – Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Semifinals Match

They started the match going for headlock takeovers, until PAC put Danielson in a wrist lock. Danielson turned the wrist lock around, only for PAC to break the hold and nail him with a basement dropkick. PAC blasted Danielson with chops to the chest, but Danielson retaliated with chops of his own. Both men evaded each other’s strikes and knocked each other off their feet with running crossbodies.

Once they got up, they exchanged forearm strikes and uppercuts, until Danielson collapsed off his feet. PAC knocked Danielson off the apron with a boot to the face, setting him up for an Asai moonsault. Back in the ring, PAC trapped Danielson in the Brutalizer, until Danielson was able to reach the ropes, as AEW Dynamite went to commercials.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, PAC clobbered Danielson with kicks to the chest, until Danielson retaliated with forearm strikes. Danielson landed on his feet off a German suplex and cracked PAC with a roundhouse kick. Danielson attacked PAC with a barrage of kicks to the chest before knocking PAC down with a diving knee strike from the apron. At ringside, Danielson maintained control over PAC with more kicks to the chest, only for PAC to shut him down with a thrust kick. PAC crushed Danielson with a diving elbow drop from the barricade, followed by a springboard elbow drop in the ring. PAC spiked Danielson with a piledriver, but he managed to kick out at two.

Danielson managed to put PAC in the LaBelle Lock, until he was able to put his boot on the ropes. PAC caught Danielson with an uppercut before receiving a running dropkick into the corner. PAC tripped Danielson atop the turnbuckle and laid him out with an avalanche brainbuster for a close two count. Danielson evaded the Black Arrow at the last moment, setting PAC up for a Busaiku Knee. Danielson struggled to go for the pinfall, allowing PAC to put him in the Brutalizer. PAC kicked out of the pinfall attempt and blocked the LaBelle Lock, only for Danielson to score the win with a crucifix pinfall.

WINNER: Bryan Danielson at 16:44 (****)

– Backstage, Renee Paquette interviewed Willow Nightingale about having to face Kris Statlander tonight. Willow said that nothing mattered, but she still smiled because that’s the words that she lives by. Willow said that she smiled anyway for the little girl that fought to get here. She said that she would fight to become a two-time Owen Hart Foundation tournament winner and go to Wembley to win the women’s world title.

[Commercial Break]

– A video package was shown, recapping the ladder match for the TNT title and Jack Perry’s victory.


– Mark Briscoe said that he came inches from winning the TNT title, but Jack Perry got ahead of him. Briscoe said that he wouldn’t care about last week and that he would instead focus on the next few weeks. Briscoe declared that he would be part of team AEW at Blood and Guts. Perry clobbered Briscoe with his belt from behind before Kyle O’Reilly showed up to make the save. Kyle attacked Perry with a series of kicks, until Kazuchika Okada arrived to take him out with the Rainmaker. The Young Bucks made their way to the ring to hit Briscoe with the EVP Trigger. The Acclaimed ran down to chase the Elite away from the ring.

– Backstage, Renee Paquette interviewed Toni Storm and Mariah May about their wins at Forbidden Door. Storm warned May about facing Hikaru Shida on this week’s Rampage.

(2) KRIS STATLANDER (w/Stokely Hathaway) vs. WILLOW NIGHTINGALE – Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Semifinals Match

They immediately started brawling on the ramp, until Willow pounced Statlander across the ramp. Willow smashed Statlander’s head numerous times into the apron before dropping her with a snap suplex. Willow nailed Statlander’s head into the turnbuckle, but Statlander managed to shut her down with a diving back elbow, as AEW Dynamite went to an ad break.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Willow knocked Statlander down with a thrust kick, only for Statlander to pull her head into the ropes. Willow attacked Statlander with forearms to the chest and blocked a German suplex, making Statlander crash into the floor. Willow crushed Statlander with a diving cannonball from the apron, followed by a missile dropkick and a lariat for a two count. Statlander blocked the Doctor Bomb and clocked Willow with an axe kick for a two count. Statlander planted Willow with a German suplex, but couldn’t follow up with a second one.

Willow stopped Statlander atop the turnbuckle and launched her away with an avalanche German suplex. Statlander nailed Willow with a slap and a big boot, only for Willow to counter Wednesday Night Fever with a roll-through. Statlander blocked a Death Valley Driver with a forearm and laid her out with an F5 for a close nearfall. Stokely handed Statlander a chain before distracting the referee and Willow. Willow evaded a chain punch and got the three count with a roll-up.

WINNER: Willow Nightingale at 8:10 (***1/2)

– Backstage, Renee Paquette interviewed Jeff Jarrett about his match tonight and not knowing his opponent. Jarrett immediately walked away, as Jay Lethal said that tonight he would honor one of his best friends.

[Commercial Break]


– Tony Schiavone introduced the returning Britt Baker to the ring. Baker said that everyone had a past, present and a future. Baker said that starting with the past, she was gone for the past 10 months. She described how she suffered a TIA late last year and had to take time off. Baker confirmed that in the present, she is back and healthy, but was the most unsure she has ever been at Forbidden Door. Baker thanked the fans for welcoming her back with cheers and chants.

– She started speaking about her motivation before mentioning that another female wrestler had arrived as the face of the company. Baker mocked the fact that that wrestler had the letters CEO piped in her music. Mercedes Mone showed up on-screen, arriving at the arena and being welcomed by the Young Bucks. The Bucks told Mone that the ring was ready for her celebration, as numerous stagehands started decorating the ring with balloons and pictures for her segment.


– Mercedes Mone made her way to the ring while Britt Baker still remained in the ring. Mone gloated about becoming champion and downplayed Baker showing up at Forbidden Door. Mone told Baker and the fans in Chicago that this was what a real champion looked like. Baker said that she was in the first All In and was the first woman to become All In by signing with AEW. Baker challenged Mone to a title match at All In, only for Mone to claim that since she was a double champion, Baker should go to the back of theline.

– A recap of Don Callis trying to interfere in Will Ospreay’s match at Forbidden Door and Swerve Strickland retaining his belt was shown.

– Backstage, Renee Paquette interviewed Will Ospreay about facing Daniel Garcia tonight after coming up short at Forbidden Door. Don Callis interrupted, only for Ospreay to say that this was his own fault. Ospreay thanked Callis for everything that happened over the past year before asking Callis to be out of the Don Callis Family. Callus said that he would do him the favor and maybe one day he would ask him for a favor.


– Chris Jericho made his way to the ring to claim that he would join the commentary table. Jericho said that Hook committed a sin by stealing his finisher before calling Taz out for not being impartial during his match. Jericho said that he spoke with the Young Bucks and got an executive order to take Taz’s spot in the commentary table and force him to leave the Wintrust Arena.

(3) CAGE OF AGONY (Brian Cage, Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona) vs. SAMOA JOE, KATSUYORI SHIBATA & HOOK

Liona and Joe traded forearm strikes, until Liona knocked Joe off his feet with a back elbow. Joe nailed Liona with an enzuigiri, forcing him to tag Cage in. Shibata blasted Cage with a running boot to the face, but Cage shut him down with a shoulder tackle. Hook and Shibata split Cage’s legs before Kaun attacked him with a cutter into the ropes and a pump kick, as AEW Dynamite went to a commercial break.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Shibata put Liona in a sleeper hold and sent him over the ropes, reaching Hook for the hot tag. Hook blasted Kaun and Cage with running clotheslines and a Xploder. Liona clocked Hook with an uppercut, setting him up for Kaun’s gutbuster and a two count. Hook knocked Cage off the apron before receiving a double spinebuster for a nearfall. Joe sent Kaun out of the ring, only for Liona to knock him down with a shoulder tackle.

Shibata hit Liona with a big boot, only for Cage to send him out of the ring. Hook nailed Cage with a back elbow and countered an F5 with a Tornado DDT, reaching Joe for the hot tag. Joe dropped Liona with an STO and sent Kaun out of the ring with an atomic drop. Shibata and Hook planted Liona with a double suplex, setting him up for a senton from Joe. Joe, Hook and Shibata countered stereo vertical suplexes with stereo sleepers for the victory.

WINNERS: Samoa Joe, Katsuyori Shibata & Hook at 9:08 (***)

– After the match, Chris Jericho distracted Samoa Joe, Hook and Katsuyori Shibata, allowing Big Bill and Bryan Keith to attack them from behind with steel chairs. Keith crushed Shibata’s arm with a chair shot while Bill nailed Joe with a chair to the back into the steel steps. Jericho put on a knuckle duster and punched Hook on the head before Bill put Hook through a table with a chokeslam.

[Commercial Break]

– The Wild Card in the Owen Hart Foundation tournament was revealed to be a returning Hangman Adam Page.

(4) HANGMAN ADAM PAGE vs. JEFF JARRETT – Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Quarterfinals Match

Page shoved Jarrett away and cornered him before they started exchanging forearm strikes. Page clobbered Jarrett with a cheap forearm, followed by a bunch of strikes to the back of the head and a kick to the ribs. Jarrett trapped Page into the ropes and hit him with a kick to the back. Page knocked Jarrett off his feet with a massive lariat and sent him to the apron with a Fallaway Slam. Page dropped Jarrett with a powerbomb onto the edge of the apron and started smashing his head into the steel steps,as AEW Dynamite went to commercials.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, they traded right hands on the apron, until Page started biting Jarrett’s head. Jarrett blocked the Dead Eye and managed to drop Page with The Stroke on the apron. Back in the ring, Jarrett took Page down with various jabs and an enzuigiri for a two count. Jarrett tried to counter the Dead Eye with a Sharpshooter, but Page blocked it.

Page spiked Jarrett with the Dead Eye and prepared to go for the Buckshot Lariat. Jarrett managed to counter the Buckshot Lariat with a Sharpshooter, but Page reached the ropes. Page sent Jarrett throat-first into the ropes and knocked him down with the Buckshot Lariat. Page pummeled Jarrett down and knocked him out with a final Dead Eye.

WINNER: Hangman Adam Page at 11:14 (***1/2)

– Backstage, doctors checked on Hook, only for Big Bill and Bryan Keith to assault him. Chris Jericho shot a fireball into Hook’s eyes to stand tall.

[Commercial Break]

– Backstage, Renee Paquette tried to interview Hangman Page about his match, but the Young Bucks quickly took over. The Bucks said that they lifted his suspension and gave him a spot in the Owen Hart Tournament.. They asked him if he would be the fifth man in their team at Blood & Guts. Page grabbed them by their shirts and said that he wasn’t their puppet and was here only to win the Owen.

Matches announced for AEW Rampage:

  • Rush vs Komander
  • Mariah May vs Hikaru Shida – Owen Hart Tournament Semifinals

Announced for AEW Collision

  • MJF Kicks Off Collision
  • Toni Storm vs Trish Adora
  • Hangman Adam Page vs Jay White – Owen Hart Tournament Semifinals

Announced for AEW Dynamite

  • Bryan Danielson vs Hangman Adam Page or Jay White – Owen Hart Tournament Finals
  • Willow Nightingale vs Mariah May or Hikaru Shida – Owen Hart Tournament Finals
  • Swerve Strickland Returns

(5) WILL OSPREAY vs. DANIEL GARCIA (w/MJF) – AEW International Championship

Ospreay cornered Garcia before they traded shoulder tackles. Garcia caught Ospreay with a kick to the back, only for Ospreay to knock him off his feet with a single chop. Ospreay landed on his feet off a back suplex and caught Ospreay with a rising kick. Garcia took Ospreay down with a hip toss and countered a headscissors takeover with a short piledriver. 

Garcia nailed Ospreay with a series of body shots and a dropkick to the back for a one count. Ospreay missed a strike, allowing Garcia to hit him with a neckbreaker and a corner clothesline. Garcia pummeled Ospreay with right hands, until Ospreay sent him out of the ring with a thrust kick. Ospreay crashed into Garcia with a Pescado before having a face-off with MJF, as AEW Dynamite went to its final commercial break.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Ospreay attacked Garcia with a series of chops to the chest before Garcia responded with a bunch of forearms. Garcia withstood a boot to the face and nailed Ospreay with a pair of swinging neckbreakers. Garica spiked Ospreay with a DDT, followed by a third swinging neckbreaker for a two count. Ospreay cornered Garcia and nailed him with a diving forearm strike, followed by Kawada kicks.

Ospreay offered Garcia a free shot to go for Kawada kicks, but Garcia chose to mock him with his dance. Garcia dropped Ospreay with a Saito suplex, only for Ospreay to shock him with a modified Spanish Fly. Garcia blocked the Storm Breaker and dropped Ospreay with a modified back-to-belly piledriver. Ospreay caught Garcia with an enzuigiri, followed by a powerbomb and the Styles Clash for a nearfall. Garcia countered the Hidden Blade with a sleeper hold, transitioning into a Guillotine Choke.

Ospreay dropped Garcia face-first on the mat to break the hold and blocked the Red Cross. Garcia blocked the OsCutter and spiked Ospreay with a piledriver for a close nearfall. MJF laid his diamond ring on the mat, so Garcia could use it. Ospreay surprised Garcia with a roll-up, but Garcia knocked him off his feet with a lariat. Garcia refused to use the ring and gave it back to Garcia, only for Ospreay to immediately knock him out with a Hidden Blade.

WINNER: Will Ospreay at 14:21 (Still AEW International Champion) (****)

– After the match, Will Ospreay checked on Daniel Garcia and walked away. MJF met Garcia and accepted that this was fault before raising Garcia’s arm. MJF shocked Garcia with a low blow and put on his diamond ring. Matt Menard tried to make the save, but MJF knocked him off the apron with a diamond punch. MJF cracked Garcia with a diamond punch and pressed his boot on Garcia’s throat.

– MJF pummeled Garcia down with numerous diamond punches to the head and spit on his body. Before Garcia could react, MJF took him down with a diving Tombstone piledriver. Will Ospreay finally returned to the ring, only for MJF to run away through the crowd. Garcia was taken away from the ring in a stretcher, as the show came to an end.