This week’s episode of AEW Dynamite aired live from the Scotiabank Saddledome in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, featuring the finals of the men’s and women’s Owen Hart Foundation tournament.

– The show opened with a video package recapping MJF’s explanation of his attack of Daniel Garcia from Collision.


– Will Ospreay made his way to the ring to speak about what happened last week on Dynamite. Ospreay said that he wasn’t surprised and that he was one of the most insecure men he’s ever met. Ospreay said that Daniel Garcia still had no idea when he could come back and MJF blamed it all on the people. He told MJF that he had ADHD and that it didn’t give him any excuse to be a little prick.

– Ospreay said that he already knew that MJF didn’t like him because his bidding war of 2024 didn’t work because Tony Khan would rather spend money on talent that would elevate AEW. Ospreay said that the second reason MJF didn’t like was that he had more talent on his left nut than MJF in his whole body. He said that the main reason MJF didn’t like him was that he reminded everyone of AEW’s identity while AEW, according to MJF, was all about himself. Ospreay said that he felt like he was cleaning after someone else’s mess when he arrived and he finally found the guy.

– Ospreay said that MJF as a scumbag was his best version, but that version was ground floor while he himself was at the top. He said that he was here for a fight and called MJF out. MJF interrupted from the giant screen and said that he was better than Calgary. MJF told Ospreay that he was a dime a dozen and would be forgotten once the next flippy came. He told Ospreay that he wouldn’t wrestle him tonight, but was willing to face him next week for the International title.

– A video package was shown, hyping up the finals match between Bryan Danielson and Hangman Page.

– Jeff Jarrett stood on stage as the special enforcer for the finals match.

(1) BRYAN DANIELSON vs. HANGMAN ADAM PAGE – Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Finals Match

Page shoved Danielson down and avoided a roundhouse kick to pummel Danielson down. Page clobbered Danielson with chops, until Danielson trapped him in a half Boston Crab. Danielson nailed Page with a chop and launched him out of the ring, setting him up for a suicide dive. Danielson blasted Page with a shotgun dropkick and avoided the springboard clothesline, only for Page to smash his head into the turnbuckle, as AEW Dynamite went to commercials.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Danielson attacked Page with a series of kicks to the chest, only for Page to drop him with a spinning sleeper hold. Page beat Danielson down with a load of chops to the chest before Danielson retaliated with chops and uppercuts of his own. Danielson surprised Page with a cross armbreaker, transitioning it into the LaBelle Lock. Page was able to reach the ropes with his boot to break the hold and lay Danielson out with a Saito suplex. Danielson tripped Page atop the turnbuckle and dropped him with a Spider German suplex. Danielson missed a diving headbutt, allowing Page to put him in a crossface, as AEW Dynamite went to an ad break.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Danielson hit Page with anvil elbow strikes atop the turnbuckle, but couldn’t follow up with an avalanche back suplex. Page exposed the leather cover from the turnbuckle and smashed Danielson’s head into it. Page spiked Danielson with a moonsault into a Tombstone Piledriver for a two count. Danielson shoved Page off the top turnbuckle, making him crash back-first onto the apron. Danielson crashed into Page with a springboard cannonball, seemingly hurting himself in the process. Before the referee or doctor could check on Danielson, he fired up and blasted Page with a series of kicks to the chest. Page avoided the final kick and dropped Danielson with a piledriver.

Page shoved the doctor and Jeff Jarrett away before returning to the ring. Danielson struggled to stay on his feet and barely got back in the ring. Page immediately beat Danielson down with a flurry of forearms to the head. Page started stripping off the Kinesiotape from Danielson’s neck, but Danielson was able to fire up and crack him with a Busaiku Knee. They traded numerous headbutts, until Danielson caught Page with a roundhouse kick. Both men landed on their feet off German suplex attempts, until Danielson accidentally hit the referee with a Busaiku Knee.

Page turned Danielson inside out with a lariat before starting to whip him with his belt. Jarrett entered the ring to confront Page, only for Page to shove him away. Jarrett took off his shirt, revealing a referee shirt underneath. Danielson trapped Page in the LaBelle Lock, but Page broke it and spiked Danielson with the Dead Eye for a nearfall. Page nailed Danielson with a Buckshot Lariat to the back, only for Danielson to counter a second one with an O’Connor Roll for a close two count. Page trapped Danielson in a deep crossface, nearly making him pass out. Danielson managed to counter the hold with a pinning combination to score the win.

WINNER: Bryan Danielson at 25:46 (****1/2)

– After the match, Jeff Jarrett and Dr. Martha Hart made their way to the ring to personally award Bryan Danielson with the Owen Hart Foundation trophy and championship.

[Commercial Break]


– Swerve Strickland made his way to the ring to talk about his past match with Will Ospreay and his future encounter with Bryan Danielson. He congratulated Danielson for his win, reminded him of their last match and said that he held onto grudges. Swerve said that he was officially joining team AEW at Blood & Guts and that he would do two things that Danielson failed this year. Swerve said that he already beat Will Ospreay and now would lead team AEW to victory against The Elite. He finished by challenging Kazuchika Okada to a singles match and warning Danielson that at All In, it would be his final countdown.

[Commercial Break]

– A music video from The Acclaimed was shown where they made fun of the Young Bucks, ahead of their title match.

– A recap of Chris Jericho shooting a fireball into Hook’s eyes last week was shown.

(2) CHRIS JERICHO (w/Bryan Keith) vs. SAMOA JOE – Stampede Street Fight

Joe immediately pummeled Jericho with a series of right hands and headbutts, setting him up for an enzuigiri. Jericho gouged Joe’s eyes and attacked him with chops to the chest, only for Joe to shock Keith with a suicide dive. Joe threw Keith over the barricade before Jericho knocked him off his feet and threw him into the barricade.

Back in the ring, Jericho poured a bag of horseshoes, but couldn’t drop Joe onto them with a back suplex. Joe blocked a kick to the head and nailed Jericho with a back suplex onto horseshoes, setting him up for a senton. Jericho hit Joe with a low blow and put him in the Walls of Jericho, as AEW Dynamite went to a commercial break.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Joe cracked Jericho with a horseshoe to the head to break the hold. Joe clobbered Jericho with a corner clothesline, but couldn’t follow up with the Muscle Buster. Jericho knocked Joe off his feet with a missile dropkick, only for Joe to walk away from an axe handle, making him crash into the steel steps. Joe dragged Jericho into the crowd where he smashed his head into a barricade and hit him with a box of popcorn.

Joe took the brawl to the backstage area where Jericho threw a cup of hot coffee into his face. Jericho tried to go for the Judas Effect, only for Joe to put him in the Coquina Clutch. Big Bill and Keith showed up to attack Joe from behind and obliterated with a belt punch to the head. Bill and Keith laid Joe’s body on a forklift’s pallet while Jericho sat in the driver’s seat. Jericho drove the forklift through a wall to take Joe out of commission.

WINNER: Chris Jericho at 12:32 (***1/4)

[Commercial Break]

– A recap of Chris Jericho putting Samoa Joe through a wall with a forklift was shown.

– Backstage, Samoa Joe was loaded in an ambulance, as Chris Jericho and his crew watched from afar.

(3) CLAUDIO CASTAGNOLI (w/Wheeler Yuta) vs. KYLE FLETCHER vs. PAC vs. TOMOHIRO ISHII – AEW International Championship Contender’s Match

Fletcher knocked Castagnoli and PAC down before catching Ishii with a boot to the face. Ishii knocked Fletcher down with a shoulder tackle and started trading shoulder tackles with Castagnoli. Castagnoli and Ishii sent Fletcher out of the ring with a double shoulder tackle and double clothesline. Ishii avoided a clothesline from Castagnoli and knocked him down with a shoulder tackle.

PAC blasted Ishii away with a diving shotgun dropkick, only for Fletcher to trip him. PAC took Fletcher down with a hurracarrana before Castagnoli picked his legs. Fletcher blasted Castagnoli with a thrust kick, only for Ishii to hit him and PAC with Saito suplexes. Castagnoli dropped Ishii with a gutwrench suplex, followed by a running Tornillo into everyone else, as AEW Dynamite went to commercials.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Ishii clobbered Castagnoli, PAC and Fletcher with forearm strikes and headbutts. Castaglnoli blasted Ishii with an uppercut, only for Fletcher to hit him with an enzuigiri. PAC spiked Fletcher with a poison rana before receiving a pop up uppercut from Castagnoli. Ishii took Castagnoli with a lariat, but Fletcher shut him down with a Tombstone Piledriver for a two count. Castagnoli knocked Ishii off the top turnbuckle with a running uppercut and trapped Fletcher in the Giant Swing. Castagnoli put Fletcher in the Sharpshooter, only for PAC to hit Fletcher with a springboard splash to the back.

PAC put Fletcher in the Brutalizer while Ishii nailed Castagnoli with a forearm strike and a brainbuster. Ishii broke PAC’S hold with a low lariat and turned Fletcher inside out with a running lariat for a nearfall. Castagnoli took Ishii down with an uppercut and dropped Fletcher with the Neutralizer. PAC and Castagnoli tried to pin Fletcher before Castagnoli hit PAC with an uppercut. Ishii, PAC and Castagnoli traded German suplexes, until Fletcher got a nearfall on PAC with an inside cradle. PAC crushed Fletcher with the Black Arrow and forced him to submit with the Brutalizer.

WINNER: PAC at 11:07 (***3/4)

– After the match, PAC grabbed a mic and admitted that things haven’t gone his way recently. PAC said that it was All In season and that he wouldn’t be denied his Wembley moment.

– Backstage, Renee Paquette tried to interview Hangman Page, but he refused to acknowledge her. Page knocked on the Elite’s door and had a face-off with Kazuchika Okada. The Bucks came out to stop a brawl from taking place and Page simply told them that he would do it.


– Mercedes Mone made her way to the ring and thanked the Young Bucks for the extra security, so she wouldn’t be interrupted. Mone claimed that she was the best that there is, there was and there would ever be. Mone warned Britt Baker that if they were to face each other, she would leave her for dead. Baker showed up and assaulted Mone’s security guards, forcing her to retreat.

[Commercial Break]

– Backstage, Brandon Cutler was shown beaten down, as Darby Allin was revealed as his attacker. Allin called out The Elite, focusing mainly on Jack Perry.

(4) WILLOW NIGHTINGALE vs. MARIAH MAY (w/Toni Storm & Luther) – Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Finals Match

They started the match exchanging wrist locks, until Willow put May in a Full Nelson lock. May blocked the Doctor Bomb, only for Willow to blast her with a chop to the chest. Willow knocked May down with a shoulder tackle, but May responded with a low shotgun dropkick. May sent Willow to the ropes with a headscissors takeover and nailed her with a dropkick to the back. Willow attacked May with a series of chops and a spinning side slam for a two count, followed by a running crossbody for a nearfall. May tried to go for a roundhouse kick, but Willow knocked her off the apron and crushed her with a cannonball, as AEW Dynamite went to an ad break.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, May knocked Willow down with a missile dropkick, setting her up for the running hip attack and a DDT for a two count. Willow caught May with a boot to the face, followed by a spinebuster and a two count. May blocked the Sharpshooter and kicked Willow away before putting her down with a German suplex. May blasted Willow with a corner uppercut and launched her across the ring with an avalanche hurracarrana. Willow evaded a running knee strike and laid her out with a fisherman bomb for a two count. May blocked the Pounce with a running headbutt, leaving both women knocked down.

Stokely Hathaway distracted Willow, allowing Kris Statlander to crack her with a boot to the face. May immediately clobbered Willow with a running knee to the face, but she managed to kick out at two. Willow blocked the May Day and managed to kick out of the bridging Mouse Trap. May tried to talk with Storm before receiving a massive lariat for a close two count. Willow crushed May with a corner cannonball , only for May to counter the Death Valley Driver with a Victory Roll for the win.

WINNER: Mariah May at 12:45 (***3/4)

– After the match, Toni Storm celebrated with Mariah May, until May grabbed the Owen Hart Foundation belt and clobbered Storm with it. May pummeled Storm and Luther with the belt and threw him off the stage. May pummeled a bloodied Storm with a shoe and shoved a referee away before kissing Storm’s head to stand tall.

Announced for this week’s AEW Collision:

  • Konosuke Takeshita vs Tommy Billington

Matches announced for next week’s AEW Dynamite:

  • Will Ospreay vs MJF – AEW International Championship
  • Swerve Strickland vs Kazuchika Okada

Announced for AEW Dynamite on July 24:

  • Team AEW vs Team Elite – Blood & Guts Match