This week’s episode of AEW Dynamite aired live from Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, Tennessee, featuring the return of the career-altering Blood & Guts match between The Elite and team AEW.

– Earlier today, Alex Marvez tried to interview Will Ospreay in the airport. Ospreay said that he would speak once he got to the arena, but found that the tires to his car had been slashed. Ospreay took Marvez’s car to rush to the arena.


– A group of cheerleaders introduced MJF who said that Will Ospreay couldn’t hit the Tiger Driver because he was a coward. MJF claimed that he beat Ospreay without breaking a sweat and that it was the most dominating victory of all time. MJF mocked Ospreay’s dead grandmother and told him to bury himself next to her while calling her fat. He called Ospreay out, but mocked him for not showing up. MJF said that the International championship has represented hard work while retching.

– MJF dropped the belt in a trash can and said that he deserved a belt that symbolized him and the United States. He revealed a United States-themed belt, calling the AEW American championship. MJF dropped a bunch of confetti and a giant USA flag with his face replacing the stars. Will Ospreay ran from the crowd into the ring to chase MJF out of the ring. Ospreay told MJF that he knew that he couldn’t beat and that’s why he pulled out his diamond ring to cheat. Ospreay announced that he talked with Tony Khan and Christopher Daniels to get his rematch at All In.

– Backstage, a referee met The Elite to flip a coin and determine which team would get the advantage in tonight’s match. The Elite had a beaten down Christopher Daniels and used a coin with a double-sided coin to get the advantage.


They started the match exchanging numerous chops to the chest, until Jericho’s chops stopped being effective. Suzuki cornered Jericho with a series of chops, forcing him to retreat. Suzuki pulled Jericho back to the ring and withstood Jericho’s chops before making Jericho’s chest bleed with even more chops. They kept on hitting each other with chops, until Jericho collapsed, as AEW Dynamite went to commercials.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, the chop exchange continued, until Jericho attacked Suzuki with a kick to the abdomen. Jericho knocked Suzuki off his feet with a clothesline, only for Suzuki to block the springboard dropkick with a chop. Suzuki put Jericho in an armbar using the top rope before clobbering him with a steel chair. Suzuki crushed Jericho’s hand with a chair shot and put him in a Fujiwara Armbar.

Jericho raked Suzuki’s eyes and hit him with a Codebreaker, only for Suzuki to kick out at one. They started exchanging forearm strikes, until Suzuki trapped Jericho in a sleeper hold. Jericho countered the piledriver with the Walls of Jericho, but Suzuki was able to kick him away. Suzuki put Jericho in a sleeper and nearly hit him with the piledriver. Jericho shocked Suzuki with a low blow and got the win with the Judas Effect.

WINNER: Chris Jericho at 13:57 (Still FTW Champion) (***1/2)

– After the match, Minoru Suzuki put Chris Jericho in a sleeper hold and spiked him with a piledriver. Bryan Keith and Big Bill showed up to assault Suzuki, until Katsuyori Shibata made his return to attack them from behind. Shibata low-bridged Bill and caught Keith with a knee to the abdomen.

– Backstage, Renee Paquette interviewed Willow Nightingale about winning the CMLL Women’s World title, only for Kris Statlander to blindside her. Statlander dropped Willow with an F5 onto a bunch of storage boxes. Stokely Hathaway suggested they should have an eliminator match for that championship next week.

[Commercial Break]

– Earlier today, Bryan Danielson spoke with Renee Paquette about his neck health ahead of All In. Jeff Jarrett showed up to congratulate Danielson and tell him that he was at the top of people that support him. Jarrett finished by telling Danielson that if he thought about going all in, he should do it.


Baker knocked Shida down with a crucifix pinfall, but Shida blocked a headlock takeover and cornered her. Baker tried to go for the Lockjaw before they traded a couple of pinning combinations. Shida threw Baker out of the ring and pummeled her with a load of right hands. Shida laid Baker on the apron and cracked her with a rising knee, as AEW Dynamite went to an ad break.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Baker caught Shida with a running neckbreaker and knocked her off her feet with a sling blade. Shida caught Baker with a knee strike and laid her out with a German suplex. Baker blocked an armbar attempt, only for Shida to trap her in a Guillotine Choke. Shida shocked Baker with a knee to the face, but Baker evaded a Meteora and caught her with a thrust kick. Shida clobbered Baker with a forearm before receiving a sudden thrust kick.

Baker tried to go for the Air Raid Crush, only for Shida to counter it with a sunset flip. They traded pinning combinations, until Baker picked Shida’s arm, nearly trapping her in the Lockjaw. Shida thought about using her kendo stick, but refused to do it. Baker nailed Shida with a swinging neckbreaker before Shida retaliated with a roundhouse kick and a Falcon Arrow. Baker managed to counter the Katana with the Lockjaw to get the submission win.

WINNER: Britt Baker at 10:18 (***1/4)

– After the match, Mercedes Monè showed up to congratulate Britt Baker about her win. Monè teased the possibility of doing a match at All In, but refused to give her the match. A debuting Kamille attacked Baker from behind with a pump kick and laid her out with a Rack Bomb before standing tall alongside Monè.

[Commercial Break]

– Backstage, Christian Cage gloated about walking about winning the trios titles on Collision. Cage said that Nick Wayne would take part in the Royal Rampage before leaving him to talk. Wayne declared that he would win before noticing Kip Sabian in the background. Wayne threatened Kip and told him to get over the death of his father.

(3) PAC vs. BOULDER (w/Bronson & Jacked Jameson)

PAC nailed Boulder with a spinning kick, following it with a pump kick. Boulder knocked PAC down with a shoulder tackle, but immediately missed a moonsault. PAC blasted Boulder with a shotgun dropkick and knocked him away with a missile dropkick. PAC spiked Boulder with a brainbuster to pick up the win.

WINNER: PAC at 1:48 (*1/4)

– Backstage, Swerve Strickland stood with the rest of team AEW to talk about tonight’s match. Darby Allin called Swerve out for the way he was leading the team. Swerve threatened Allin before The Acclaimed interrupted to tell them that they didn’t like them and that their goal was to take out the Young Bucks. Everyone started arguing, until Mark Briscoe got in the way.


May immediately blasted Alexis with a shotgun dropkick, following it with a missile dropkick. May nailed Alexis with a running boot to the face, followed by the May Day. Instead of going for the pinfall, May crushed Alexis with a running hip attack and knocked her out with the Storm Zero.

WINNER: Mariay May at 1:36 (*)

– After the match, Toni Storm’s theme played, only for Mariah May to start laughing as the music stopped. Storm showed up disguised as a stagehand and started brawling with May. Numerous referees and security guards showed up to separate them. Storm asked May if she was ready to die because she was.

– A video package narrated by Dean Malenko was shown to recap the rise of The Elite and highlight the brutality of the Blood & Guts match.

– Jack Perry made his way to the ring, as the first participant.

[Commercial Break]

(5) TEAM AEW (Swerve Strickland, Mark Briscoe, Darby Allin, Anthony Bowens & Max Caster) vs. THE ELITE (Hangman Adam Page, Kazuchika Okada, Jack Perry, Matthew Jackson & Nicholas Jackson) – Blood & Guts Match

Perry attacked Allin as he entered the cage and drove him into a wall with a powerbomb. Perry launched Allin over the steel steps and the barricade with an Irish-whip. They brawled into the crowd, until Allin clotheslined Perry into ringside. Once they entered the match, Perry cracked Allin with a trash can shot to the head before choking him out with a cable. Perry set up a trash can in the corner and threw Allin into it with a Lawn Dart. Perry smashed Allin’s head into the trash can before posing on the top rope.

Nicholas Jackson entered the match next with a chair and a briefcase in hand. Perry dropped Allin with a backbreaker, setting him up for a slingshot leg drop from Nicholas. Allin blocked a double suplex into a chair, only for Nicholas to shove him into the wall. Nicholas blasted Allin with a superkick and a Penalty kick, as AEW Dynamite went to a commercial break.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Mark Briscoe entered the match to blast Perry and Nicholas with chops and kicks. Briscoe blasted Perry with a flying clothesline onto the second ring before laying Nicholas out with a Xploder. Briscoe introduced a ladder and Irish-whipped Nicholas into it. Allin knocked Nicholas down, setting him up for a Swanton Bomb onto the ladder from Briscoe. Allin pummeled Perry down with a chair while Briscoe crushed Nicholas with a corner splash inot the ladder.

Matthew Jackson entered the match with a briefcase in hand to Nicholas. Matthew dropped Allin with a suplex onto a briefcase while Nicholas clobbered Briscoe with the other. The Bucks dropped Allin with a buckle bomb onto Briscoe’s back. Matthew hit Allin with the Locomotion Northern Lights suplexes, followed by a diving double stomp and Dominator combination alongside Nicholas. Matthew immediately hit Briscoe with a backstabber in the corner.

Anthony Bowens entered the match to put Nicholas down with a series of clotheslines. Bowens nailed Matthew with a thrust kick and spiked Perry with a leaping Famouser. Matthew threw a briefcase into Bowens’ head before receiving an uppercut from Briscoe. Matthew tripped Briscoe atop the turnbuckle and knocked Allin down with a clothesline. Briscoe stopped Nicholas on the top rope with an avalanche cutter before he could go for the Meltzer Driver. Allin crushed Matthew with a diving double stomp using his skateboard with thumbtacks while Bowens stabbed Perry’s head with a pair of scissors.

Kazuchika Okada entered next with a street sign in hand. Okada clocked Bowens, Briscoe and Perry with his sign before dropping Briscoe with a Tombstone Piledriver onto it. Okada hit Briscoe with a low blow, followed by a chair-assisted dropkick, as AEW Dynamite went to commercials.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Max Caster entered the match with a mic in hand to punch Okada with it. Caster nailed the Bucks with his steel chain and nailed Perry with a chair shot to the back. Caster clocked Okada with a diving chair shot to the head before introducing a board covered in barbed wire. The Elite saved Okada from a double suplex onto the barbed wire and dropped Bowens onto it with a double hip toss and a bodyslam. Matthew covered Bowens with another board of barbed wire, setting him up for a Swanton Bomb from Nicholas. Okada pulled out a bag of thumbtacks and poured them in Caster’s mouth before the Bucks hit him with a double superkick.

Hangman Page’s theme started playing, but he didn’t show up. Allin surprised the Bucks with a pair of corner splashes, setting Nicholas for a Xploder from Briscoe. Bowens wrapped his leg in barbed wire and hit Matthew with Scissor Me Timbers.

Swerve Strickland entered the match, only for Page to finally show up and crack him with a chair shot to the back. Page cuffed Swerve to the outside wall while Okada drove Briscoe through a barbed wire board with a shotgun dropkick. Page pummeled Swerve with the belt while the Bucks planted Briscoe with a double powerbomb. The Bucks threatened to fire Page and ordered the referees to officially start the match. Okada and Page started arguing, allowing team AEW to attack them from behind, as AEW Dynamite went to an ad break.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Jeff Jarrett and Billy Gunn showed up to help and smash a guitar on Brandon Cutler’s head when he tried to interrupt. Prince Nana showed up with pliers to free Swerve who used them to open a hole in the wall. Swerve entered the match and took Okada down with a dropkick, powerbombed one of the Bucks into the other and dropped Perry with a brainbuster. Swerve and Page across both rings before starting to brawl in between the rings.

Page clotheslined Swerve over the ropes, but Swerve evaded the Buckshot Lariat. Page blocked Big Pressure and pressed a barbed wire board on his head. Allin hit Page with the Code Red before receiving a flapjack from Okada. Briscoe withstood a double superkick and turned the Bucks inside out with a double clothesline. Perry blasted Briscoe with a lariat, only for Swerve to take him out with a rolling flatliner. Swerve tried to use a staple gun on Page, until Page hit him with a low blow.

The Bucks pulled a bunch of staple guns out of their briefcase and stabbed Swerve numerous times with them. Swerve fired up and stapled both of the Bucks on the head. Swerve hit Perry with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker and stapled his head. Okada gave Swerve the middle finger, only for Swerve to staple his finger. Page accidentally took Okada out with the Buckshot Larit, allowing Swerve to staple his cheek and crack him with the House Call, as AEW Dynamite went to its final commercial break.

[Commercial Break]

During the break, Page and Swerve crashed through a platform off-stage and the Bucks set up four tables at ringside. Nicholas and Bowens exchanged strikes while climbing the cages, until Nicholas made Bowens crash through the pile of tables. Briscoe took Okada, Matthew, Perry and Nicholas with a series of J-Drillers. Briscoe laid Matthew on a table, setting him up for a diving Froggy Bow. Allin laid Perry on a table and climbed to the ceiling to hit him with a massive Coffin Drop.

Caster pulled out a pair of handcuffs from the Elite’s briefcase and Briscoe used them to tie Matthew to the ropes and Perry to a wall. Briscoe blasted Perry with a series of kendo sticks to the abdomen, but he refused to quit. Allin rolled under the ring while Briscoe cracked Perry with a chair shot to the head. Allin poured a bunch of gasoline on Perry’s body and threatened to light him on fire. Perry spit at Allin and refused to quit, only for Matthew to give him a title match at All In and quit for his team.

WINNERS: Team AEW at 49:03 (****1/2)