This week’s episode of AEW Dynamite was taped from the Utilita Arena in Cardiff, Wales, featuring the Continental and Women’s World titles on the line.


– Tony Schiavone introduced Britt Baker and Mercedes Mone with Kamille to the ring. Mone started by claiming that she was the future while Baker was the past. Baker reminded that last year’s Mone was sitting in the crowd to watch her and that before there being a CEO, there was always a DMD. Mone said that people identified themselves in Baker as a loser. Mone told Baker that she was her biggest fan and that she was the reason Baker got into wrestling. She pointed out how Baker had a degree to fall back and she was fully all in. Mone put over how she changed the face of women’s wrestling and that Baker wouldn’t be where she is without her.

– Baker put over how Mone was one of four while she had always been one of one. Baker said that she admired Mone and that she helped her become the foundation of the company she was sitting in right now. She said that Mone made a difference, but she was no longer that person. Baker told Mone that she only cared about getting paid and hoped that she would find that version of herself, so she could beat her. Baker stood up and told Mone that she wouldn’t hit her before smashing her mic into Kamille’s head. She threw the contract into Mone’s face and crushed her and Kamille with a crossbody.

– Backstage, Renee Paquette interviewed Chris Jericho about his upcoming match against Tommy Billington. Jericho called Tommy out for calling himself the Dynamite Kid and daring to compare himself to the original one.

(1) CHRIS JERICHO (w/Big Bill & Bryan Keith) vs. TOMMY BILLINGTON

Tommy took Jericho down with an arm drag and countered a wrist lock with a headlock. They traded shoulder tackles, until Tommy knocked Jericho off his feet with a shoulder tackle. Tommy dropped Jericho with a bodyslam, setting him up for a missile dropkick and a two count. Tommy drove Jericho into the barricade, only for Keith to sweep him off the apron and Bill to smash his head into the ring post, as AEW Dynamite went to commercials.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, both men knocked each other down with running crossbodies. Tommy caught Jericho with a dropkick, followed by a bodyslam. Jericho evaded a dropkick and crushed Tommy with the Lionsault for a two count. Tommy managed to put Jericho down with a German suplex, but he kicked out at two. Jericho trapped Tommy in the Walls of Jericho, until he was able to grab the ropes. Tommy hit Jericho with a snap suplex and countered a tilt-a-whirl move with a Tombstone Piledriver. Tommy took Keith down with a high crossbody and drove Bill into the barricade. Jericho countered a diving move with the Codebreaker for the three count.

WINNER: Chris Jericho at 9:25 (***)

– After the match, Chris Jericho said that if Hook was here, he would rip him apart branch by branch. Hook showed up to confront Jericho, only for Bill to immediately attack him from behind and put him down with a chokeslam.

[Commercial Break]

(2) TONI STORM vs. SARAYA (w/Harley Cameron) – AEW Women’s World Championship

Saraya caught Storm with a kick to the abdomen, only for Storm to knock her down with a pinning combination after mocking her. Saraya pulled Storm’s head into the ropes and pummeled her with a series of knees to the chest. Cameron drove Storm into the barricade behind the referee’s back, setting her up for a cannonball off the apron from Saraya, as AEW Dynamite went to an ad break.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Storm pummeled Saraya with a series of right hands and spiked her with a DDT. Storm laid Saraya out with a fisherman suplex, but she kicked out at two. Saraya surprised Storm with the Nightcap for a two count. Saraya laid Storm out with a sunset flip powerbomb and a cradle DDT, only for Storm to grab the ropes at the last moment. Storm planted Saraya with Sky High and kissed Cameron before she could interfere. Saraya accidentally knocked Cameron off the apron, allowing Storm to kiss her and knock her out with Storm Zero.

WINNER: Toni Storm at 8:39 (Still AEW Women’s World Champion) (**3/4)

– After the match, Mariah May attacked Toni Storm from behind with a shoe. May posed in the middle of the ring to stand tall.

– Backstage, Renee Paquette interviewed The Conglomeration and Mark Briscoe cut a fired up promo to hype up All In. Kyle O’Reilly briefly did a British accent to announce an upcoming match on Collision.

[Commercial Break]


– MJF and Will Ospreay made their way to the ring for the face-off. Ospreay hyped up the British crowd and said that he would clean up MJF’s mess. MJF put over how good he was for business and said that he came back early from injury because top-brass in AEW and WBD called him. MJF said that he came back to clean Ospreay’s mess, calling him an egotistical prick. Ospreay told MJF to look at himself in the mirror before mocking how his title run overstayed its welcome.

– Ospreay claimed that Tony Khan called him to put on a great match at last year’s All In because he couldn’t trust MJF to do it. He said that this show was about restoring the feeling and that he was the feeling. MJF told Ospreay that he wasn’t here for the fans and that he would do what Americans do best and win. MJF asked who Ospreay was and pointed out how everyone knew him and praised his work. He said that the fans didn’t know anything about wrestling and that’s why they liked Ospreay’s matches. MJF told Ospreay that he could be the feeling while Friedman was the facts.

– MJF put over his accomplishments and how he came from the greatest country in the world. He mocked how Ospreay couldn’t beat him without the Tiger Driver and that told him that facts didn’t care about feelings. Ospreay put over how everyone in the world knew he was the greatest wrestler in the world and it took him only four beats of his music to win over the fans, unlike MJF who took four years to do it. MJF instinctively exploded and yelled that the fans loved him, until Ospreay showed up.

– MJF recomposed himself before putting over how Ospreay’s kid came from his wife’s previous marriage and he was now taking care of him. He said that he met Ospreay’s wife earlier today and told Ospreay that the next kid she has wouldn’t be Opsreay’s either. Ospreay asked Tony Schiavone how much was the fine for punching MJF and he announced that it was £100,000. Ospreay said that it was worth it and jumped at MJF to beat him down. Numerous security guards showed up to separate them, until MJF knocked them and Ospreay down with his diamond ring. MJF nailed Ospreay with a Brainbuster to stand tall.

[Commercial Break]

– Backstage, Renee Paquette interviewed Hangman Adam Page who was kicked out of the arena. Page confirmed that he would take part of the Casino Gauntlet and that he would hurt anyone who got between him and the world champion. Page stopped Evil Uno who was walking by and asked him if he knew anyone in the Gauntlet. Uno confirmed that he got a spot in the Gauntlet, only for Page to clobber him with a steel chair and walk away.

(3) KAZUCHIKA OKADA vs. CLAUDIO CASTAGNOLI – AEW Continental Championship

Okada pushed Castagnoli to the ropes, only for Castagnoli to do the same and tease hitting him with an uppercut. Castagnoli knocked Okada down with a shoulder tackle, but couldn’t hit him with a tilt-a-whirl powerslam. Castagnoli evaded the Rainmaker and clocked Okada with an uppercut. Okada attacked Castagnoli with elbow shots and knocked him off his feet with a running back elbow, as AEW Dynamite went to a commercial break.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Castagnoli dropped Okada with a delayed vertical suplex. Castagnoli blasted Okada with a series of uppercuts in the corner, forcing him to roll out of the ring. Castagnoli clobbered Okada with a running uppercut, followed by an elbow drop. They started trading forearm strikes, until Okada collapsed off his feet. Okada caught Castagnoli off-guard with a DDT and laid him out with a suplex for a two count. Castagnoli blocked a boot to the face and clotheslined Okada out of the ring. Okada rammed Castagnoli’s head into the ring post, as AEW Dynamite went to commercials.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Okada blocked the Neutralizer, only for Castagnoli to shut him down with a gutwrench suplex and a double stomp. Okada knocked Castagnoli off the top turnbuckle with a dropkick. Castagnoli stopped Okada atop the turnbuckle with a dropkick and whacked him with another uppercut. Okada blocked a superplex and knocked Castagnoli off the top turnbuckle before nailing him with a shotgun dropkick. Okada put Castagnoli down with a bodyslam, setting him up for a diving elbow drop. Castagnoli got up while Okada gave the crowd the middle finger and put him in the Giant Swing. Okada caught Castagnoli off-guard with a dropkick, only for Castagnoli to counter the Rainmaker with a springboard uppercut. Okada blocked the Neutralizer and dropped Castagnoli with a modified neckbreaker onto his leg. Both men started exchanging forearms and uppercuts with one minute of time on the block. Castagnoli cracked Okada with a pop up uppercut, followed by a double stomp to the chest for a nearfall before time officially ran out.

WINNER: Draw at 20:00 (Kazuchika Okada Still AEW Continental Champion) (****)

– After the match, the Young Bucks and Jack Perry showed up to praise the match. The Bucks teased giving the match 5 more minutes, only to tell Claudio Castagnoli that they wouldn’t do it and that he had to leave. Darby Allin and FTR showed up for their match and started a brawl while Castagnoli dragged Kazuchika Okada away from the ring.

(4) DARBY ALLIN & FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) vs. THE ELITE (Jack Perry, Matthew Jackson & Nicholas Jackson)

Dax nailed Perry with a chop to the chest before Allin blasted him with a suicide dive. The Bucks kicked FTR away and crushed them with stereo planchas. Allin crashed into the Bucks with a Coffin Drop at ringside. The Bucks pulled Allin out of the ring and laid him out with an electric chair Penalty kick, as AEW Dynamite went to an ad break.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, the Elite hit Perry with a buckle and double enzuigiri combination for a two count. Dax got the hot tag to pummel Perry and the Bucks with a barrage of right hands. Dax crushed Matthew with a corkscrew crossbody and clotheslined Nicholas out of the ring. Perry missed a clothesline, allowing Dax to drop him with a pair of German suplexes. Dax kicked Matthew away and spiked Perry with a brainbuster for a nearfall. Perry cracked Dax with a rising knee, only for Cash to take him and the Bucks down with clotheslines.

The Bucks blasted Cash with a double superkick, setting him up for a backslide from Perry and a two count. The Bucks missed the EVP Trigger, allowing Cash to drop Nicholas with a powerslam. Perry nailed Cash with a thrust kick, only for Allin to shut him down with a shotgun dropkick. FTR & Allin put The Elite in stereo Scorpion Deathlocks, until they were able to reach the ropes. The Elite tried to walk away with their belts, only for Cash to crash into them with a suicide dive.

Cash tripped Nicholas atop the turnbuckle before Matthew took him and Dax down with superkicks. ALlin floored Matthew with a Code Red, but Perry immediately planted him with a Scorpion Death Drop. Allin evaded the Glass Jaw, allowing FTR to take him out with the Shatter Machine. FTR flattened Nicholas with a superplex and diving splash combination, followed by Allin’s Coffin Drop for the win.

WINNERS: Darby Allin & FTR at 9:56 (***3/4)

– After the match, The Acclaimed showed up to taunt FTR and the Young Bucks. They put over how neither of them could beat them over the past week and said that they would fight until they become the next tag team champions.

– Backstage, Renee Paquette interviewed Will Ospreay about his status ahead of All In. Bryan Danielson immediately interrupted to tell Ospreay to do

[Commercial Break]

Announced for AEW All In London:

  • Swerve Strickland vs. Bryan Danielson – AEW World Championship
  • Toni Storm vs. Mariah May – AEW Women’s World Championship
  • Will Ospreay vs. MJF – AEW International Championship
  • Mercedes Mone vs. Britt Baker – AEW TBS Championship
  • Jack Perry vs. Darby Allin – AEW TNT Championship
  • The Patriarchy vs. House of Black vs. Bang Bang Gang vs. TBA – AEW World Trios Championship Ladder Match
  • Young Bucks vs. FTR vs. The Acclaimed – AEW World Tag Team Championship
  • Chris Jericho vs. Hook – FTW Championship
  • Casino Gauntlet Match
  • Willow Nightingale & Tomohiro Ishii vs. Kris Statlander & Stokely Hathaway (Zero Hour)


– Nigel McGuinness introduced Swerve Strickland as the most dangerous man in AEW. Nigel mocked how Bryan Danielson’s health wasn’t great and Swerve was in the best shape of his career. He asked Swerve how it felt to be going into All In as an overwhelming favorite. Swerve listed the people he beat to get where he was and said that he would purposefully end his career. He said that Danielson saying that he was ready to retire was disrespectful to him and that he was the one taking this away from him and not the other way around.

– Swerve said that even if Danielson chooses to come back on an indie show or a show in Mexico, he would be there to beat him down. Swerve said that even if Danielson was in his home and mentioned the idea of coming back to his wife, he would be there to beat him down. Danielson showed up to immediately take Swerve out with a Busaiku Knee. Danielson said that maybe people didn’t understand, but he was the best f*cking wrestler in the world. He said that if Swerve wanted to end his career in front of his family, he would have to kill him. Danielson finished by asking the crowd if the American Dragon could win the AEW World title at the main event of All In, to which they responded with thunderous ‘Yes’ chants.