AEW All In London aired live from Wembley Stadium in London, England, featuring the  highly anticipated title vs. career bout between Swerve Strickland and Bryan Danielson, as well as 7 more championship matches.

– Renee Paquette, RJ City and Jeff Jarrett introduced Zero Hour on their panelists table.

– Numerous wrestlers gave thoughts on their matches tonight.

– Earlier today, Swerve Strickland officially signed an extension on his AEW contract.

– Private Party showed up on the ramp and claimed that they were the MCs of All in. They hyped up the crowd ahead of an impromptu 16-man tag team match.


Tommy and Lethal traded forearm strikes, until Lethal blocked a hurracarrana. Tommy kicked Lethal away and started exchanging chops with him. Kip and Ogogo tagged in and exchanged headlocks, until Kip caught Ogogo with a leg lariat. Andretti crushed Ogogo’s arm with a diving double stomp before  receiving a cheap shot from Daivari. Everyone began brawling, until Rush and Singh were the last two men standing. Rush attacked Singh with chops and held onto his legs, only for Singh to kick him away. Singh blocked a running crossbody and lifted Rush before everyone else saved him from a bodyslam. Singh kicked everyone away and dumped Rush onto Fletcher and Darius.

Silver dropped Andretti with a body slam before Uno and Dutt whacked him with a stack of papers. Reynolds knocked Andretti down with a running back elbow, followed by a stomp from Daivari and a slingshot senton from Kassidy. Quen attacked Andretti with a slingshot senton and a dropkick. Daivari knocked Andretti off his feet with a back elbow before Rush broke the pinfall. Andretti caught Daivari with a handspring back elbow. Kip got the hot tag to knock Reynolds down with a springboard dropkick, following it with a swinging Stunner. Kip crushed Reynolds with an inverted cannonball and threw Silver out of the ring, setting him and Uno up for an Arabiann moonsault.

Fletcher took care of Lethal with a diving cutter and turned Private Party inside out with a double clothesline. Fletcher knocked Singh off the apron and spiked Reynolds with a brainbuster. Daivari broke the pinfall and tagged himself in, only for Dante to take him and Ogogo down with a springboard dropkick. Everyone took an opponent down with stereo planchas, followed by diving splashes from Top Flight, Tommy and Fletcher. Kassidy spiked Kip with the Silly String, followed by an enzuigiri from Quen. Private Party put Kip down with Gin & Juice before receiving a double DDT from Romero.

Romero put Quen down with a body slam, setting him up for a diving headbutt from Tommy. Ogogo knocked Romero out with a punch and took care of Tommy with a pop up punch. Fletcher laid Ogogo out with a Tombstone Piledriver before receiving the elbow, enzuigiri,  stunner and German suplex from the Dark Order. Darius took Dark Order down with a DDT and reverse DDT combination. Daivari planted Darius with a hammerlock lariat, only for Dante to take him down with an enzuigiri and a Frog Splash for the win.

WINNERS: Kyle Fletcher, Rocky Romero, Kip Sabian, Tommy Billington, Top Flight, Action Andretti & Lio Rush at 11:34 (***)

– A video package was shown announcing AEW Grand Slam Australia on February 15, 2025.

– Stokely Hathaway was introduced to the ring in a gold bed wearing a Michael Jackson inspired gold outfit.


Stokely immediately tagged out to avoid facing Ishii. Statalnder swept Willow off her feet and avoided a running crossbody, only for Willow to take her down with a roll-up. They traded forearm strikes, until Stokley distracted Willow, allowing Statlander to attack her from behind. Willow caught Statlander with a spinebuster, followed by a big boot. Stokely low-bridged Willow, allowing Statlander to crush her with a diving splash. Willow knocked Statlander with a discus clothesline, but Statlander stopped her on the apron with a draping DDT. Statlander planted Willow with a suplex on the floor for a two count.

Statlander drove Willow into the ropes with a corner Irish-whip before receiving a series of lariats. Statlander evaded a lariat and hit Willow with a Blue Thunderbomb for a two count. Willow blocked a Death Valley Driver and crushed Statlander with a senton for a two count. They traded chops to the chest, until Willow knocked Statlander off her feet with a lariat. Statlander missed a discus lariat, allowing Willow to drop her with a Death Valley Driver. Ishii got the tag and blocked all of Stokely’s chops and shoulder tackles. Ishii laid Stokely out with forearm strikes and a shoulder tackle, but Statlander saved him from a suplex.

Statlander clobbered Ishii with a series of forearms, setting him up for a spinebuster from Stokely. Ishii immediately got to his feet, but Stokely managed to trip him into the corner. Stokely pummeled Ishii with a bunch of right hands, only for Ishii to lay him out with a powerbomb. Statlander broke the pinfall and took Willow down with a German suplex. Willow pounced Statlander out of the ring while Ishii knocked Stokely out with a sliding lariat.

WINNERS: Willow Nightingale & Tomohiro Ishii at 8:14 (**3/4)

– Tony Schiavone stood on stage to introduce Dr. Martha Hart and Tony Khan. Hart showed her support for the winners of this year’s Owen Hart Cups in their title matches tonight.

– A video package was shown announcing AEW Forbidden Door London on August 24, 2025.

(3) DUSTIN RHODES, SAMMY GUEVARA, THE VON ERICHS (Marshall Von Erich & Ross Von Erich w/Kevin Von Erich) & KATSUYORI SHIBATA vs.  CAGE OF AGONY (Brian Cage, Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona) & UNDISPUTED KINGDOM (Matt Taven & Mike Bennett)

Everyone started brawling on the entrance way. Ross attacked Taven with forearm strikes while Cage smashed Shibata’s head into the ring post. Inside the ring, Shibata, Dustin and The Von Erichs hit Cage, Liona and the Undisputed Kingdom with stereo Shattered Dreams kicks. Sammy took Kaun down with a high crossbody, as the match officially began. Sammy knocked Kaun with a running forearm and low-bridged Liona, only for Kaun to clobber him with chops to the chest. Sammy nailed Kaun with a dropkick and knocked Cage down with an enzuigiri, followed by an Asai moonsault on Kaun and a diving cutter on Cage.

Liona pounced Sammy out of the ring, allowing Kaun to throw him into the barricade twice. Liona crushed Sammy with a splash to the back, setting him up for a barrage of body shots and stomps. Cage nailed Sammy with a chop to the chest, setting him up for an enzuigiri and elbow drop from the Kingdom. Bennett spiked Sammy with a brainbuster, but Taven missed a follow-up Frog Splash. Sammy cracked Bennett with an enzuigiri, reaching Dustin for the hot tag. Dustin caught Taven with an uppercut, followed by an atomic drop and a running bulldog. Dustin put Bennett and Taven down with back-to-backsnap powerslams. Bennett clocked Dustin with a forearm strike before receiving an uppercut from Shibata. 

Cage flattened Shibata with a pump handle facebuster, only for Marshall to take him out with a discus clothesline. Kaun launched Marshall away with a shotgun dropkick, but Sammy quickly shut him down with the GTH. Liona laid Sammy out with a pop up Samoan drop before receiving a corkscrew splash from Ross. Taven sent Ross out of the ring and crashed into everyone else with a diving plancha. Dustin teased going for a suicide dive before doing Sammy’s pose. Cage launched Dustin out of the ring with an F5 and knocked everyone away with a Tope con Hilo. Sammy immediately crashed into everyone with a top turnbuckle Shooting Star Press.

Dustin spiked Taven with a Destroyer, but he managed to kick out at two. Marshall and Ross stopped Cage atop the turnbuckle  before being attacked by the Gates of Agony. Shibata  put Bennett in a sleeper hold while The Gates hit the Von Erichs with stereo powerbombs, making them superplex Cage in the  process. Bennett and Taven took Shibata out with a Death Valley Driver and a Penalty kick. Dustin sent Bennett out of the in and hit Taven with Cross Rhodes for a nearfall. Liona took Marshall down with an F5 while Kaun nailed Ross with a gutbuster. Cage dropped Sammy with a swinging side slam and Cage of Agony put Shibata and Dustin down with back-to-back powerbombs.

Sammy caught Cage with a hurracarrana while the Von Erichs sent the Gates with stereo dropkicks. Sammy sent Cage out of the ring with a jumping knee before receiving a spinebuster from Bennett. Shibata blasted Bennett with a big boot and pummeled him with a barrage of forearms, setting him up for a Hesitation dropkick. Shibata took Bennett down with a suplex and knocked Cage off the apron. Marshall crushed Bennett with a moonsault while Dustin put Taven down with the Final Reckoning. Sammy crushed Taven with a Swanton Bomb to pick up the win.

WINNERS: Dustin Rhodes, Sammy Guevara, The Von Erichs & Katsuyori Shibata at 13:08 (**3/4)

– After the match, Kevin Von Erich and his team put all of their opponents in the Claw.

– Saraya made her way to the ring with Harley Cameron and the entire Knight family. Saraya complained about not getting a spot on the show and said that the show wouldn’t continue until she got the respect she deserved. A returning Jamie Hayter interrupted and assaulted all of the Knight family. Saraya’s mom tried to attack Hayter’s from behind, but Hayter took her out with a forearm strike. Hayter pulled Cameron into the ring and laid her out with a lariat.

– The participants in the trios ladder match made their way to the ring, as the main show started.

(4) THE PATRIARCHY (Christian Cage, Killswitch & Nick Wayne) vs. HOUSE OF BLACK (Malakai Black, Buddy Matthews & Brody King) vs. BANG BANG GANG (Juice Robinson, Austin Gunn & Colten Gunn) vs. PAC & BLACKPOOL COMBAT CLUB (Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta) – AEW World Trios Championship Ladder Match

Everyone assaulted Wayne and Killswitch while Cage ran away from the ring. King crushed Wayne with a crossbody into a barricade while Robinson rammed Killswitch into the barricade. Castagnoli pummeled Colten with a barrage of chops while King set up a table. Colten pulled Buddy off a ladder and clobbered him with a forearm before receiving a strike from Yuta. Black knocked Yuta down, only for Austin to send him out of the ring. PAC clocked Austin with a pump kick to send him out of the ring, but King quickly laid him out with a lariat.

King took Robinson and Colten down with chops, only for Colten to knock him down with a dropkick while holding a ladder. Robinson took Castagnoli down with a cannonball off the apron while Black hit Colten with a roundhouse kick. Black crushed Robinson and Castagnoli with a Triangle moonsault before receiving a suicide dive from Yuta. Buddy took the BCC down with a Tope con Hilo, only for PAC to crash into everyone with a top turnbuckle corkscrew moonsault. The Gunns hit PAC with a bodyslam, setting him up for a diving headbutt low blow. Robinson grabbed a table into the ring, but Buddy attacked him from behind. King took the Gunns out with a double clothesline and knocked everyone down with a suicide dive.

Cage ran down the ramp and set up a ladder, only for King and Castagnoli to pull him down. They threw Cage out of the ring, allowing every other team to stomp him down. Mother Wayne started climbing the ladder in the ring before the Gunns forced her to climb out of the ring. Killswitch put the Gunns down with a double chokeslam and hit Robinson with a chokeslam. Killswiitch took PAC down with a chokeslam and cracked Castagnoli with a headbutt before dropping Yuta on his back with a chokeslam. Buddy tried to attack Killswitch from behind, but Killswitch planted him with a chokeslam on the apron.

Killswitch dropped Black onto a ladder while Wayne caught him with Wayne’s World through  a table. Cage tried to climb the ladder alongside Killswitch, only for the House of Black to knock them off the ladder. King crushed Yuta and Robinson with corner splashes, setting them up for corner cannonballs. The Gunns took care of King with the 3:10 to Yuma before Castagnoli took them out with flying uppercuts. Castagnoli put Robinson in a Giant Swing, setting him up for a basement dropkick from Yuta. PAC crushed Robinson with a Black Arrow before he and Buddy and Black out with suicide dives.

Castagnoli and King traded forearms atop a ladder, until the Gunns knocked them down with chair shots to the back. The Bang Bang Gang introduced a bunch of tables to the ring and set them up. Castagnoli and King climbed the ladder with the Gunns on their backs before crashing off the ladder through a pair of tables. Wayne pulled Buddy off a ladder and nailed him with an enzuigiri, setting him up for Wayne’s World. Wayne drove Black into a ladder, only for Black to smash a ladder into his face. Robinson pulled Black off a ladder and sent him to the apron.

Black knocked Robinson off the apron before receiving a suicide dive into a Destroyer through a table from Wayne. Robinson introduced a gigantic ladder to the ring and climbed it, only for Cage to push him down onto the top rope. Cage caught PAC  with a chair shot mid-air and put him down with the Killswitch onto an open chair. Cage blinded Yuta with spray on his eyes and pummeled him down with numerous chair shots to the back with a ladder on top of him.

Robinson and Cage went for chair shots at the same time, only for Robinson to hit Cage with a low blow and take the spray from Mother Wayne. Robinson blinded Mother Wayne with the spray before being shoved off the apron onto a table. Buddy stopped Cage atop a ladder  and hurled a chair into Killswitch’s face. Cage took Buddy down with a Spear off the ladder through a table in the corner. Killswitch helped Cage climb the ladder, but PAC climbed the other side and kicked Cage down. PAC pulled one of the titles to win the match.

WINNERS: PAC & Blackpool Combat Club at 18:58 (New AEW World Trios Champions) (***3/4)

– A video package was shown to recap the rivalry between Toni Storm and Mariah May.

– Luther made his return to introduce Toni Storm to the ring.

– Mina Shirakawa was shown watching the match from the crowd.

(5) TONI STORM (w/Luther) vs. MARIAH MAY – AEW Women’s World Championship

They immediately traded numerous forearms and tried to hit their finishers. May knocked Storm down with a shotgun dropkick and stomped her down. May clobbered Storm with a bunch of chops to the chest, only for Storm to start trading chops with her. Storm dropped May with a DDT, but May evaded the running hip attack into the ropes. May laid Storm out with a sunset flip powerbomb and dropped her with a spinning side slam. May knocked Storm down with a basement dropkick and sat her atop the turnbuckle. Storm tried to kick May away, but May quickly shut her down with chops to the chest and an avalanche headscissors takeover.

May put Storm in a double underhook Guillotine before knocking her down with a slap to the face. May pummeled Storm with strikes to the head, until Storm took her down with a Thesz Press. Storm tried to put May in a headlock, but Storm took her down with a Saito suplex and cracked her with a flying knee strike. May gave Nigel McGuinness a kiss on the head, blasted Luther with a shotgun dropkick and slapped her own mother. Storm caught May off-guard with a hip attack on the apron, setting her up for Storm Zero on the apron. Back in the ring, Storm pummeled May with a barrage of right hands.

Storm threw May’s body across the ring twice and pummeled her down, until May spit at her face. Storm knocked May down with a slap and Sky High for a close two count. May caught Storm with a roundhouse kick, setting her up for a missile dropkick. May crushed Storm with a running hip attack three times in a row, only for Storm to block a fourth one with a lariat. Storm dropped May with a German suplex, followed by a running hip attack and Storm Zero for a nearfall.

May attacked Storm with slaps to the face, starting a strike exchange. Both women shoved the referee away, hit each other with low blows and clobbered each other with headbutts at the same time. May managed to put Storm down with May Day for a close nearfall. Luther stopped May from grabbing the women’s title and gave her the middle finger. Storm stopped May from using her shoe and took it away, but threw it away. May countered Storm Zero with a jackknife pinfall, followed by two knee strikes to the head and Storm Zero for the win.

WINNER: Mariah May at 15:14 (New AEW Women’s World Champion) (****1/2)

– After the match, the crowd gave Toni Storm a standing ovation as she walked to the back.

– A video package was shown to recap the rivalry between Chris Jericho and Hook.

– Chris Jericho did a brief performance with his band Fozzy for his entrance.

(6) CHRIS JERICHO (w/Big Bill & Bryan Keith) vs. HOOK – FTW Championship FTW Rules Match

Jericho, Keith and Bill immediately stomped Hook down, setting him up for a series of corner splashes. Jericho nailed Hook with a Codebreaker, but he kicked out at two. Hook took Keith down with a Xploder and sent Bill out of the ring before laying Jericho out with a German suplex and a T-Bone suplex. Jericho knocked Hook down with a cross chop, setting him up for a Lionsault and a two count. Jericho poured a bag of cricket balls, only for Hook to drop him with a back suplex. Hook pulled out a cricket bat and clobbered Keith and Bill with them. 

Hook threw a bunch of cricket balls at Jericho and put him in a sleeper hold and a Xploder using the bat. Keith knocked Hook down with a clothesline, allowing Jericho to put him in the Walls of Jericho. Hook kicked Jericho away and trapped him in the Walls of Jericho, until Bill broke the hold. Keith stomped Hook down while Bill set up a table at ringside. Keith laid a board of barbed wire on the table, but Hook blocked a chokeslam from Bill. Hook rammed Bill into the ring post and took Keith out with a low blow.

Jericho gouged Hook’s good eye and clocked him with a punch to the face, setting him up for a trash can shot toe head. Hook avoided the Judas Effect and put Jericho down with a T-Bone suplex. Hook took off his eyepatch and dropped Jericho with another T-Bone suplex. Bill saved Jericho from the Redrum, only for Jericho to accidentally put him through the barbed wire table with a kendo stick shot. Hook put Jericho in the Redrum while Taz pulled Keith off the apron and put him in the Tazmission. Jericho tapped out to give Hook the win.

WINNER: Hook at 10:14 (New FTW Champion) (**1/2)

– A video package was shown to recap the rivalry between the Young Bucks, FTR & The Acclaimed.

(7) YOUNG BUCKS (Matthew Jackson & Nicholas Jackson) vs. FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler) vs. THE ACCLAIMED (Anthony Bowens & Max Caster w/Billy Gunn) – AEW World Tag Team Championship

Dax knocked Caster down with a shoulder tackle before receiving a hip toss, a dropkick and an arm drag. FTR and The Acclaimed faced off before chasing the Bucks into the ring and beating them down. FTR and The Acclaimed took the Bucks down with stereo atomic drops and clotheslines over the ropes. Bowens sent Dax out of the ring while Cash nailed Caster with chops. The Acclaimed caught Cash with a neckbreaker onto Caster’s knees. Caster put Cash down with a bodyslam while Nicholas stole the tag and knocked Bowens off the top turnbuckle.

Nicholas put Cash down with a springboard clothesline, following it with a gutbuster and neckbreaker combination on Caster. Matthew attacked Cash with knees to the back and put him in a headlock. Cash avoided a double superkick and took the Bucks down, but Matthew pulled Dax off the apron before he could tag out. Cash planted Nicholas with a snap powerslam and gave Bowens the tag. Bowens spiked Matthew with a leaping Famouser, following it with a pair of jabs and a thrust kick on Nicholas. Caster laid the Bucks on top of each other, setting them up for a double Scissor Me Timbers.

Dax planted Bowens and Caster with a series of German suplexes. Matthew stole the tag, only for Dax to drop both of the Bucks with a German suplex. FTR laid the Bucks out with stereo German suplexes for a two count. FTR stopped Matthew atop the turnbuckle, setting him up for a double superplex. Matthew blocked a diving splash with his knees, Cash blocked a Mic drop with his knees and Caster blocked a diving splash with his knees. Everyone knocked each other off their feet with clotheslines at the same time. Dax spiked Matthew with a DDT while Nicholas took care of Cash with an avalanche hurracarrana. Cash shoved Nicholas off the top rope onto The Acclaimed.

FTR nailed Matthew with the Shatter Machine, only for Nicholas to pull the referee out. Nicholas caught Billy with a superkick and spiked Bowens with a Tornado DDT. Caster and Matthew cracked Dax with an EVP Trigger before Caster and Cash nailed Matthew with the Shatter Machine. Bowens crashed into Cash with a diving cannonball, breaking a pinfall in the process. Nicholas saved Matthew from a power move before they hit The Acclaimed with stereo low blows. The Bucks knocked Cash off the apron with a double superkick and shut Bowens down with another double superkick for a series of two counts.

Billy stopped Matthew from using the belt and nailed him with a Famouser onto the belt. The Acclaimed crushed Matthew with the Arrival and the Mic Drop, only for Nicholas to break the pinfall. Cash clotheslined Nicholas out of the ring and launched Bowenns onto Caster at ringside. Cash took the Acclaimed down with a huge suicide dive while Dax caught Nicholas with an O’Connor Roll. The Bucks shocked Dax with a belt shot behind the referee’s back, setting him up for the EVP Trigger and the win.

WINNERS: Young Bucks at 13:32 (Still AEW World Tag Team Champions) (***3/4)

– After the match, James Drake and Zack Gibson (Grizzled Young Vets) entered the ring to face the Young Bucks. The Bucks rolled out of the ring while GYV assaulted FTR. GYV planted Cash with a tag team lariat.

(8) CASINO GAUNTLET MATCH – AEW World Championship Contender’s Match

Orange Cassidy and Kazuchika Okada were the first two participants. Cassidy and Okada hugged before Okada started whacking Cassidy’s back. Okada attacked Cassidy with a series of forearms to the back before Cassidy knocked him down with a dropkick. Cassidy knocked Okada down with a roll-through before receiving a flapjack.

The third participant was the shocking in-ring return of Nigel McGuinness. Nigel and Okada traded forearm strikes, until Nigel caught Okada with a strike to the neck. Okada pulled Nigel off the corner, only for Nigel to knock him down with a forearm to the chest. Nigel knocked Cassidy down with a clothesline for a two count.

Kyle O’Reilly was the fourth participant and hit Nigel with a jawbreaker and a kick to the chest. Kyle blasted Nigel with a Penalty kick and took care of Okada with a dragon screw into the ropes. Nigel missed a clothesline, allowing Kyle to put him down with a dragon screw. Kyle trapped Okada in an armbar while Nigel put him in a double wrist lock. Cassidy caught Nigel with Stundog Millionaire, setting him up fro an axe kick and a forearm from Kyle. Cassidy and Kyle knocked Okada down with Total Elimination.

NJPW’s Zack Sabre Jr was the fifth participant and quickly hit Cassidy and Kyle with neck twists. Nigel and ZSJ faced off and exchanged wrist locks before ZSJ attacked Nigel with an uppercut. They started exchanging uppercuts and pinning combinations. Okada shoved Nigel away, only for ZSJ to trap him in a headscissors lock. Okada broke the hold with a neckbreaker onto his knee, followed by a bodyslam and a diving elbow drop. ZSJ twisted Okada’s finger and put him in a Deathlock before receiving kicks to the chest from Kyle. 

Roderick Strong was the sixth participant and knocked ZSJ with a chop to the chest, followed by a facebuster. Strong dropped Kyle onto ZSJ’s back and nailed Cassidy with a backbreaker. Kyle trapped Strong in a Guillotine choke, until Okada hit Kyle with a dropkick to the back, setting him up for a backbreaker from Strong.

Mark Briscoe was the seventh participant and pummeled Okada and Strong with chops and kicks to the chest. Briscoe caught Strong with a Pele kick and took Okada out with a suicide dive. Kyle put ZSJ in an ankle lock, following it with a Saito suplex. Briscoe crushed ZSJ with a diving cannonball and knocked Strong and Nigel off the apron. Briscoe crashed into Nigel and Strong with an assisted cannonball.

Hangman Adam Page was the eighth participant and blocked a suicide dive from Cassidy. Page drove Briscoe into Kyle and put both of them down with clotheslines. Page dropped Kyle on top of Briscoe with a Death Valley Driver and sent ZSJ and Okada to the apron. Okada avoided a lariat, only for Page to  knock him and ZSJ off the apron. Page launched Cassidy away with a Fallaway slam before taking Okada, Nigel and Strong down with a plancha, a big boot and a powerbomb on the apron. Cassidy avoided the Buckshot Lariat, only for Page to spike him with Dead Eye for a nearfall.

Jeff Jarrett was the ninth participant and immediately took Page down with a barrage  of right hands. Jarrett knocked all of his opponents down with a series of jabs and pummeled Page in the corner. Page powerbombed Jarrett out of the ring onto everyone else. Page grabbed Karen Jarrett by her throat to scare away.

The debuting Ricochet was the tenth entrant and knocked Page down with a headscissors takeover and a dropkick. Ricochet nailed Kyle with a Tiger Feint kick and knocked Briscoe down with a pump kick. Ricochet knocked Kyle down with a springboard clothesline and knocked Briscoe off the apron with handspring kicks. Before anyone could react, Ricochet crashed into everyone with a Shooting Star Press at ringside.

Christian Cage was the eleventh participant, only for Ricochet to immediately shut him down with a diving crossbody. Ricochet nailed Strong with an enzuigiri, but Page dropped him with a Buckshot Lariat. Okada nonchalantly broke Page’s pinfall and knocked him off his feet with a dropkick. Page clocked Okada with a lariat before receiving a guitar shot to the head from Jarrett after a distraction from Karen Jarrett. Okada knocked Jarrett out with the Rainmaker before putting ZSJ down with a lariat. ZSJ put Okada in an armbar, only for Cassidy to take him down with an O’Connor Roll.

Cassidy cracked Okada with an Orange Punch and traded numerous pinning combinations with ZSJ. Strong countered the Satellite DDT with the End of Heartache. Briscoe crushed Strong with the Froggy Bow before receiving a boot from Nigel. Nigel shoved Briscoe into Kyle and put him down with the Tower of London for a nearfall. Strong cracked NIgel with a jumping knee, but Nigel immediately bounced back into a lariat on Kyle. Cage blasted Nigel with a Spear, but couldn’t go for the pinfall. A renamed Luchasaurus was the twelfth participant, only to take Kyle out with a chokeslam and put Cage on top of Kyle for the win.

WINNER: Christian Cage at 25:57 (****1/4)

– A video package was shown to recap the rivalry between the MJF and Will Ospreay.

– Will Ospreay made his way to the ring with an Assassin’s Creed themed entrance.

(9) MJF vs. WILL OSPREAY – AEW American Championship

They immediately started exchanging forearm strikes, until MJF raked Ospreay’s eyes. Ospreay sent MJF out of the ring and crushed him with a plancha, setting him up for the Sasuke Special. Back in the ring, MJF avoided the Hidden Blade and clocked Ospreay with a forearm to the back of the head. MJF tossed Ospreay out of the ring and drove him into the barricade. MJF blasted Ospreay with a big boot into the barricade before laying him out with a back body drop on the floor. Back in the ring, MJF blocked the OsCutter and started trading pinning combinations. MJF blocked a poison rana and dropped Ospreay with a powerbomb onto his knee for a two count.

Ospreay cracked MJF with an enzuigiri, but MJF slammed him by his hair before he could go for the OsCutter. MJF mocked Ospreay with the Kangaroo Kick, only for Ospreay to clobber him with a springboard forearm. MJF evaded a handspring move and poked MJF’s eye, but Ospreay knocked him down with an enzuigiri and a handspring enzuigiri for a two count. Ospreay swept MJF off his feet and crushed him with a standing Sky Twister. MJF countered the Sasuke Special with a Tombstone Piledriver on the floor. Ospreay avoided an Asai moonsault and floored MJF with a Spanish Fly on the floor.

Ospreay hung MJF’s body on the top rope, setting him up for a Shooting Star Press to the back and a nearfall. MJF countered the Storm Breaker with Cross Rhodes for a close two count. Ospreay countered a brainbuster with a Stunner, setting him up for the OsCutter and a nearfall. Ospreay blasted MJF with a pair of thrust kicks, following it with another OsCutter, but MJF managed to put his boot on the ropes. Both men landed on their feet off back body drops, until MJF spiked Ospreay with a piledriver for a close two count. Ospreay knocked MJF away with a thrust kick, only for MJF to shut him down with a discus forearm to the head.

Ospreay countered a lariat with the StormBreaker, but MJF managed to kick out at two. MJF rolled to the apron and avoided the OsCutter, making Ospreay crash onto the apron. MJF spiked Ospreay with the Panama Sunrise on the apron, but Ospreay managed to return to the ring before the Count Out. Ospreay collapsed before MJF could go for a Hidden Blade. Ospreay blocked the Heat Seeker and blasted MJF with a thrust kick, setting him up for the OsCutter on the apron. MJF avoided a Hidden Blade off the apron, making Ospreay take a referee out in the process.

Ospreay avoided a belt shot and nailed MJF with a hook kick, only for MJF to block the Hidden Blade with another belt shot for a nearfall. MJF immediately spiked Ospreay with a Brainbuster for another nearfall. Ospreay avoided the Hidden Blade and accidentally knocked MJF into the referee. MJF bit Ospreay’s head and nailed Ospreay with a low blow before he could go for the Tiger Driver 91. MJF put on some brass knuckles, until a masked man showed up to stop him from using them. The man revealed himself as Daniel Garcia and leapt off the apron, allowing Ospreay to crack MJF with a Hidden Blade. Ospreay spiked MJF with the Tiger Driver 91 for the victory.

WINNER: Will Ospreay at 25:47 (New AEW American Champion) (****1/2)

– After the match, Christopher Daniels presented Will Ospreay with the AEW International title.

– Mercedes Mone arrived in a carriage with British guards and corgi dogs.

– A video package was shown to recap the rivalry between Mercedes Mone and Britt Baker.

(10) MERCEDES MONE (w/Kamille) vs. BRITT BAKER – AEW TBS Championship

Mone caught Baker with a forearm strike and a dropkick, only for Baker to nearly put her in the Lockjaw. Baker tried to counter an arm drag with the Lockjaw, only for Mone to take her down with a jackknife pinfall. Mone pummeled Baker, until Baker caught her with a big boot. Kamille distracted Baker, allowing Mone to shut her down with an enzuigiri and a backbreaker onto the turnbuckle. Mone distracted the referee, allowing Kamille to put Baker down with a clothesline. Mone dropped Baker with a sideslam, followed by a pair of backbreakers.

Baker caught Mone with a back elbow, but was too hurt to follow up with a suplex. Mone nailed Baker with a knee to the back, setting her up for the Three Amigos. Baker stopped Mone atop the turnbuckle, only for Mone to drop her with an avalanche bodyslam. Baker blocked a Frog Splash with her knees before Mone countered her Curb Stomp with a powerbomb. Mone went for a running strike, but Baker knocked her down with a cutter. Mone missed a double knee strike, allowing Baker to knock her down with a clothesline and a sling blade.

Baker flattened Mone with a double underhook facebuster for a two count. Baker put on her glove, but Mone blocked the Lockjaw with a pinning combination. Mone knocked Baker off her feet and stole her glove, only for Baker to drop her with an Air Raid Crash. Baker put on her glove and blocked the Money Maker with an inside cradle. Mone cracked Baker with a backstabber and climbed the top turnbuckle. Baker stopped Mone with a thrust kick and countered an avalanche powerslam with one of her own.

Kamille put Baker’s boot under the rope to break the pinfall. Mone tried to use her TBS title and faked being knocked out by Kamille with the NJPW Strong women’s title. The referee ejected Kamille while Baker nailed Mone with a flatliner into the corner, a Panama Sunrise and a Curb Stomp for a nearfall. Baker managed to put Mone in the Lockjaw, but Mone quickly countered with a pinning combination. They exchanged pinning combinations, until Mone drove Baker into the ropes and dropped her with the Money Maker for the win.

WINNER: Mercedes Mone at 17:19 (Still AEW TBS Champion) (***)

– A video package was shown to recap the rivalry between Jack Perry and Darby Allin

– Darby Allin arrived with thumbtacks glued to his face.

(11) JACK PERRY vs. DARBY ALLIN – AEW TNT Championship Coffin Match

Allin immediately took Perry out with a suicide dive and sat him on a chair. Allin knocked Perry away with a missile dropkick and set the coffin vertically at ringside. Perry avoided a suicide dive, making Allin crash into the coffin. Perry dropped Allin with a back suplex onto the coffin and poured a bag of broken glass in the ring. Allin planted Perry with a back body drop on the glass, following it with a double stomp using his skateboard. Perry swept Allin off the top turnbuckle, making him crash onto the floor.

Perry drove Allin into the barricade and tied his hands up. Allin shoved Perry into the steel steps and crashed into him with a Coffin Drop. Perry kicked Allin away to stop him from closing the coffin and started climbing up the ramp. Perry dropped Allin with a powerbomb on the ramp and tied his feet up with a belt before throwing his body off stage through a table. Before Allin could react, Perry put his body inside a body bag and put him inside the coffin. Allin tried to get out of the coffin, only for Perry to crack him with the Glass Jaw and close the coffin for the victory.

WINNER: Jack Perry at 10:37 (Still AEW TNT Champion) (***)

– After the match, the Young Bucks showed up to cover Allin and the coffin with gasoline. Perry pulled out a lighter before the lights turned off and Sting showed up to confront the Elite. Sting clobbered the Bucks with his bat and withstood a chair shot to the back. Sting dropped both of the Bucks with a double Scorpion Death Drop.

– A video package was shown to recap the rivalry between Swerve Strickland and Bryan Danielson.

– Bryan Danielson made his way to the ring to Europe’s The Final Countdown.

– Swerve Strickland made his way with a live performance of his theme.

(12) SWERVE STRICKLAND (w/Prince Nana) vs. BRYAN DANIELSON – AEW World Championship Title vs. Career Match

They traded chops to the chest before Swerve took Danielson down with a hip toss. Danielson smashed Swerve’s shoulder into the mat and nearly put him in the LaBelle Lock. Swerve catapulted Danielson out of the ring and blasted him with a pump kick from the apron. Danielson caught Swerve with a dropkick through the ropes, following it with a springboard cannonball. Back in the ring, Danielson stomped Swerve’s arm and nailed him with a series of chops to the chest. Swerve caught Danielson with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, followed by a suplex. Swerve clocked Danielson with an uppercut, setting him up for a dropkick to the leg.

Before Danielson could react, Swerve crushed his arm with a knee drop and drove him into the corner with an Irish-whip. They traded slaps, until Danielson put Swerve in a Triangle Choke using the ropes. Swerve knocked the referee away with Danielson’s body and dropped him with a Death Valley Driver onto the ring bell. Swerve clocked Danielson with a diving uppercut to the back and dragged his body next to Danielson’s family to stomp him down. Back in the ring, Swerve sat Danielson atop the turnbuckle, setting him up for an avalanche Samoan drop. Danielson countered the Swerve Stomp with a modified STF. 

Swerve broke the hold and kicked Danielson away, only for Danielson to blast him with a lariat. Danielson knocked Swerve down with a backslide and a running lariat. Danielson attacked Swerve with dropkicks in the corner, until Swerve put him down with a rolling flatliner. Swerve missed the House Call kick, allowing Danielson to take him down with a Tiger suplex. Danielson beat Swerve down with a barrage of kicks to the chest and back. Danielson planted Swerve with an avalanche Tiger suplex, but he managed to kick out at two.

Before Swerve could react, Danielson stomped his head and trapped him in Cattle Mutilation. Swerve broke the hold and hit Danielson in a modified Vertebreaker. The referee brought medics to check on Danielson, only for Swerve to chase them away. Swerve crushed Danielson with the Swerve Stomp for a close two count. Swerve immediately cracked Danielson with the House Call kick three times in a row for a close nearfall. Danielson withstood a bunch of kicks to the chest from Swerve and got back up to his feet before slapping him away.

Danielson blasted Swerve with a barrage of kicks to the chest, setting him up for a Triangle Choke. Swerve tried to lift Danielson’s back, only for Danielson to take him out with a Regal Plex. Danielson clobbered Swerve with a Busaiku Knee, but Swerve immediately put him down with the House Call kick and Big Pressure for another shocking nearfall. Swerve prepared to go for the Busaiku Knee, only for Hangman Adam Page to show up at ringside and assault a couple of security guards and Prince Nana.

Danielson took advantage of the distraction to hit Swerve with the Busaiku Knee for a close two count. They exchanged kicks to the legs, until Danielson countered a rolling move with a Busaiku Knee. Danielson cracked Swerve with a Busaiku Knee to the back of the head, setting him up for the LaBelle Lock. Swerve tried to break the hold, only for Danielson to snap his finger and force him to tap out.

WINNER: Bryan Danielson at 25:59 (New AEW World Champion) (*****)

– The show came to and with Bryan Danielson celebrating with his family in the middle of the ring.