This week’s episode of AEW Collision was taped from the PPL Center in Allentown, Pennsylvania, featuring Will Ospreay defending his International title against The Machine Brian Cage.

(1) SAMOA JOE, HOOK & KATSUYORI SHIBATA vs. PREMIER ATHLETES (Josh Woods, Tony Nese & Ariya Daivari w/Mark Sterling)

Nese put Joe in a headlock, only for Joe to knock him down with a shoulder tackle. Nese caught Joe with a spinning back, but Joe shut him down with another shoulder tackle. Hook pummeled Nese down and clobbered him with a forearm strike. Nese landed on his feet off a German suplex and crushed him with a double stomp to the chest. Nese and Daivari beat Hook down before putting him in a Full Nelson. Shibata and Woods tagged in, immediately starting a forearm strike exchange. They traded numerous arm bar attempts, until Shibata fully locked it in.

Shibata put Woods in a knee bar, only for Nese to break the hold and tag himself in. Nese caught Shibata with chops and a back elbow, but Shibata walked away from a moonsault attempt. Joe pummeled Nese with a series of right hands, only for Woods to pull his face into the ropes. Nese pulled Joe’s head into the ropes, setting him up for a double shoulder tackle and a one count. Woods pummeled Joe with forearms to the chest, setting him up for a bunch of forearms from Daivari. Joe swept Daivari off his feet and crushed him with a senton, reaching Hook for the hot tag.

Hook dropped Nese with a lariat and a Xploder before knocking Woods off the apron. Hook planted Nese with a Xploder and clobbered Daivari with a forearm strike. Woods launched Hook away with a German suplex, forcing Shibata to tag himself in. Shibata put Woods down with an STO and pummeled Nese with a bunch of forearms, setting him up for a Hesitation dropkick and a snap suplex. Shibata immediately put Nese in a cross armbreaker to score the submission win.

WINNERS: Samoa Joe, Hook & Katsuyori Shibata at 7:30 (***)

– Backstage, Juice Robinson complained about AEW not recognizing how he is one quarter of the trios champions. The Gunns mocked Buddy Matthews for getting injured and called PAC out for interfering in their match. They put over how Jay White was training for the Owen Hart tournament and would return with 10 abs.

(2) CHRIS JERICHO & BIG BILL (w/Bryan Keith) vs. PRIVATE PARTY (Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen)

Jericho immediately gave Bill the tag, so he could hit Quen with a shoulder tackle. Bill blasted Quen with a chop to the chest and threw his body across the ring. Bill crushed Quen with a corner splash and threw his body across the ring again. Quen evaded a corner splash and knocked Bill away with a shotgun dropkick. Bill knocked Quen off his feet with a single jab and dropped him with a press slam.

Jericho nailed Quen with chops, only for Quen to respond with a shoulder tackle. Kassidy pummeled Jericho with a series of right hands, until Jericho gouged his eyes. Kassidy nailed Jericho with a bunch of forearms and spiked him with the Silly String for a two count. Quen pummeled Jericho down, but couldn’t follow up after Keith grabbed his leg. Jericho took Quen down with a clothesline, as AEW Collision went to commercials.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Quen dropped Jericho off the top turnbuckle and hit him with a high crossbody for a two count. Kassidy nailed Jericho with a springboard crossbody and a pop up dropkick. Kassidy low-bridged Bill and knocked him fof the apron with a springboard dropkick. Before they could react, Kassidy nailed Bill with a cutter into the ropes and Jericho with a Stunner and a Code Red. Jericho knocked Quen off his feet with a cross chop, only for Quen to block the Lionsault with his knees.

Kassidy leapt off of Jericho’s back to blast Bill with a flying lariat. Kassidy and Quen crushed Jericho with a Swanton Bomb and a 450 Splash, but he managed to kick out at two. Keith distracted the referee while Bill hit Kassidy with an illegal big boot for a nearfall. Kassidy pummeled Jericho with chops and forearms, until Jericho countered a hurracarrana with the Walls of Jericho. Kassidy managed to reach the ropes before receiving a Boss Man Slam from Bill for a two count.

Bill dropped Quen onto Kassidy’s back with a chokeslam, but he managed to kick out at two. Kassidy shoved Bill into Jericho, setting him up for an elevated dropkick. Private Party clotheslined Bill out of the ring and took Jericho down with Gin And Juice into the Codebreaker for a shocking nearfall. Kassidy attacked Jericho with numerous forearms and a lariat, but Keith knocked him out with a brass knuckles punch behind the referee’s back.

WINNERS: Chris Jericho & Big Bill at 14:52 (***1/4)

– After the match, Big Bill and Bryan Keith assaulted Private Party, until Samoa Joe, Hook and Katsuyori Shibata ran down to make the save. Shibata stomped Keith’s elbow while Joe challenged Jericho to a trios match at Forbidden Door.

[Commercial Break]


Guerrero took Okada down with an arm drag and a shoulder tackle, followed by a clothesline for a two count. Guerrero blasted Okada with chops to the chest and a forearm to the back, setting him up for a bodyslam and a lariat. Before Okada could react, Guerrero put him in a leg lock, until he was able to reach the ropes. Guerrero blocked a fireman’s carry move with the Rings of Saturn, only for Okada to hit him with a neckbreaker into his knee, as AEW Collision went to an ad break.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Guerrero blasted Okada with a chop to the chest before receiving a back elbow. Both men knocked each other off their feet with running clotheslines. Guerrero swept Okada off his feet and knocked him off the apron with a sliding dropkick. Guerrero nailed Okada with a chop to the chest and a shot into the ring post, only for Okada to shut him down with a dropkick. Okada targeted Guerrero’s mask, until Guerrero floored him with a sitout powerbomb for a two count. Guerrero sat Okada atop the turnbuckle, but Okada grabbed his mask to block a superplex. Guerrero surprised Okada with a roll-up before Okada pulled his mask off and finished him with the Rainmaker.

WINNER: Kazuchika Okada at 11:45 (***1/4)

– Backstage, Lexy Nair interviewed Dante Martin about his ladder match at Forbidden Door. Dante talked about breaking his leg in his ladder match and having to learn to walk, run and jump again. Lio Rush interrupted to tell Dante that come Forbidden Door, he wanted the TNT title for himself.

[Commercial Break]

– Jacked Jameson arrived with a mic to insult Christian Cage and mock how he has been a loser since coming to AEW.

– Christian Cage joined the commentary table, instead of standing in his corner with his team.

(4) THE PATRIARCHY (Christian Cage, Killswitch & Nick Wayne) vs. IRON SAVAGES (Bronson & Boulder) & JACKED JAMESON

Bronson drank the Savage Sauce and fired up only for Killswitch to shut him down with a headbutt. Wayne mocked Bronson with kicks to the head, followed by a Penalty kick to the back. Wayne landed on his feet off a back suplex before receiving a back body drop. Bronson shoved Wayne’s face into Boulder’s chest, only for Killswitch to knock him, Boulder and Jameson down. Killswitch clocked Bronson with a thrust kick and cracked Boulder with a back elbow.

Jameson grabbed Killswitch’s hair, but Killsiwthc threw him off the top turnbuckle  into Boulder. Killswitch dropped Wayne on top of Boulder and Jameson, but couldn’t follow up with a chokeslam on Bronson. Bronson clobbered Killswitch with a series of forearms and lariats, until Killswitch planted him with a Chokeslam. Wayne nailed Bronson with Wayne’s World before Cage walked down the ramp, hit the Killswitch and took the pinfall.

WINNERS: The Patriarchy at 4:45 (**1/4)

– A video package was shown recapping the confrontation between Mercedes Mone and Stephanie Vaquer on Friday’s CMLL show.


Hirsch swept Storm off her feet and tried to press her into the mat before receiving a thrust kick. May blasted Hirsch with a double stomp, forcing her to tag Frost in. May clobbered Frost with a pair of chops, setting her up for a spinning side slam. Storm knocked Frost off the apron with a running hip attack, as AEW Collision went to a commercial break.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Storm hit HIrsch with a backstabber and a fisherman suplex for a two count. Hirsch put Storm in a cross armbreaker, until May took her out with a Penalty kick. May knocked Frost down with a headbutt, but missed a hip attack into the corner. Frost crushed May with a flipping cannonball, setting her up for an elevated dropkick from Hirsch. Storm took Hirsch down with a headbutt and protected May from the Frost Bite. Storm and May planted Hirsch and Frost with stereo German suplexes. They crushed Hirsch and Frost with stereo hip attacks before Storm finished Hirsch with Storm Zero.

WINNERS: Toni Storm & Mariah May at 8:06 (***)

– Backstage, Serena Deeb talked about her three back-to-back losses since Double Or Nothing. Deeb said that she would go back in the up and dare anyone to step in the ring with her next week.

(6) HOUSE OF BLACK (Malakai Black & Brody King) vs. LSG & MSG

Black knocked MSG down with a shoulder tackle, only for MSG to respond with a forearm. Black clobbered MSG with a forearm strike and  took LSG down with an arm drag. King knocked MSG off the apron and shut LSG down with a massive chop to the chest. Black and King took care of MSG with a double strike to the head before finishing LSG with a pop up knee strike and Dante’s Inferno.

WINNERS: House of Black at 1:53 (*1/4)

– After the match, Ian Riccaboni interviewed the House of Black about Buddy Matthews. Black called it a human question while King said that they felt nothing.

(7) HECHICERO (w/Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona) vs. MATT MENARD

Menard attacked Hechicero with a pair of clotheslines, until Hechicero swept him off his feet mid-air. Hechicero crushed Menard with an elbow drop and nailed him with a kick to the head. Hechicero nailed Menard with a jumping knee, followed by a back body drop and an arm snap. Menard clobbered Hechicero with forearm strikes and right hands, setting him up for a cutter and a two count. Hechicero put Menard in a sleeper hold using the top rope and crashed into him with a slingshot Tornillo. Hechicero dropped Menard with Hechizo and forced him to tap out with a modified Rings of Saturn.

WINNER: Hechicero at 3:18 (*3/4)

– A video package was shown featuring Jeff Jarrett talking about his relationship with Owen Hart. Jarrett said that he had to win The Owen, so he could stand in Owen Hart’s home town in his memory.

[Commercial Break]

Announced for next week’s AEW Dynamite:

  • Jay White vs Rey Fenix – Owen Hart Cup Quarterfinals
  • Saraya, Anna Jay & Harley Cameron vs Toni Storm, Mariah May & Mina Shirakawa
  • Swerve Strickland & Will Ospreay vs Gates of Agony
  • MJF Live

Announced for next week’s AEW Collision:

  • Deonna Purrazzo vs Hikaru Shida – Owen Hart Cup Quarterfinals

(8) WILL OSPREAY vs. BRIAN CAGE – AEW International Championship

Cage immediately clobbered Ospreay with forearm strikes, only for Ospraey to respond with a series of right hands. Cage took Ospreay down with a clothesline before countering a hurracarrana with a facebuster and laying Ospreay out with a Fallaway slam. Ospreay low-bridged Cage and knocked him off the apron with a big boot, setting him up for a Pescado, as AEW Collision went to commercials.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Ospreay clocked Cage with an enzuigiri, followed by a big boot in the corner. Ospreay knocked Cage down with a springboard forearm strike before receiving a back body drop. Cage attacked Ospreay with an elbow shot, an enzuigiri and a release German suplex. Cage planted Ospreay with a deadlift superplex, but he kicked out at two. Ospreay countered a powerbomb with a hurracarrana into the corner and cracked him with a diving elbow to the back.

Cage blocked the Hidden Blade, only for Ospreay to blast him with a thrust kick. Cage blocked the OsCutter with a dropkick mid-air, only for Ospreay to counter a discus clothesline with a sitout powerbomb. They started exchanging forearm strikes, until Cage floored Ospreay with an F10 for a two count, as AEW Collision went to its final commercial break.

[Commercial Break]

Cage blocked an avalanche hurracarrana and laid him out with a spinning avalanche powerslam for a nearfall. Ospreay countered an avalanche powerbomb with a hurracarrana, but Cage blocked the OsCutter. Cage hit Ospreay with a forearm strike before receiving Stundog Millionaire. Ospreay spiked Cage with a poison rana and dropped him with the OsCutter for a shocking nearfall. Ospreay immediately clobbered him with the Hidden Blade to pick up the win.

WINNER: Will Ospreay at 17:22 (Still AEW International Champion) (***3/4)