This week’s AEW Collision was taped from the Scotiabank Saddledome in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, featuring the likes of “Dynamite Kid” Tommy Billington, Konosuke Takeshita, Orange Cassidy, Kyle O’Reilly and the Undisputed Kingdom in action.


Takeshita shoved Tommy down, only for Tommy to knock him down with an arm drag. Takeshita clocked Tommy with a boot to the face before receiving a running shoulder tackle. They locked up and pushed each other into the corner, until Tommy caught Takeshita with a running dropkick. Tommy caught Takeshita with a shoulder tackle, but missed a running dropkick. Tommy caught Takeshita off-guard with a crossbody over the top rope and bodyslam on the floor.

At ringside, Tommy smashed Takeshita’s head into the apron before throwing him back in the ring. Takeshita stopped Tommy atop the turnbuckle and laid him out with a delayed vertical superplex. Takeshita pulled Tommy’s arms back, until they started exchanging forearm strikes. Tommy evaded a bodyslam, but Takeshita quickly rammed him shoulder-first into the ring post, as AEW Collision went to commercials.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Tommy crashed into Takeshita with a high crossbody at ringside. Tommy blasted Takeshita with a missile dropkick and a flying clothesline before dropping him with a snap vertical suplex. Takeshita stopped Tommy atop the turnbuckle and hurled his body across the ring. Tommy avoided a clothesline and barely managed to hit Takeshita with a Tombstone Piledriver. Tommy missed a diving headbutt, allowing Takeshita to flatten him with a Blue Thunderbomb for a nearfall. Takeshita tried to go for a powerbomb and a suplex, but Tommy avoided them and got a close two count with an O’Connor Roll. Tommy caught Takeshita with a back elbow, only for Takeshita to lay him out with a pair of lariats. Takeshita immediately clobbered Tommy with the Power Drive Knee to pick up the win.

WINNER: Konosuke Takeshita at 13:29 (***1/2)

– After the match, Don Callis walked down the ramp and praised Tommy Billington’s performance. Callis talked about his mentor Bad News Allen, also being the original Dynamite Kid’s mentor. Callis offered Tommy a spot in his family, only for Tommy to tell him to kiss his ass. Takeshita assaulted Tommy as soon as he put his hands on Callis and Kyle Fletcher showed up to aid his partner. FTR ran down to make the save and chased the Don Callis Family away.

– A recap of Mariah May winning the Owen Hart Foundation tournament and her betrayal of Toni Storm was shown.


Robinson allowed Moore to put him in a headlock before The Gunns put him down with clotheslines. Robinson crushed Moore with a senton, followed by a splash from Colten and an axe handle from Austin. Austin swept MARC off his feet, setting him up for a dropkick from Colten. Robinson pummeled London with a barrage of right hands while The Gunns knocked MARC out with the 3:10 to Yuma.

WINNERS: Bang Bang Gang at 2:07 (*1/4)

– After the match, the Bang Bang Gang announced that Jay White was hurt after Christian Cage’s assault. The Gunns announced that Juice Robinson was now officially one of the trios champions. Christopher Daniels showed up to tell the Bang Bang Gang that Robinson couldn’t take White’s place as champion and the belts would be vacated. Christian Cage and the rest of The Patriarchy interrupted to ask Daniels to immediately anoint them as trios champions. Daniels officially set up a trios match to determine which team would hold the trios champions. Austin Gunn dared The Patriarchy to have the match right now, only for Cage to decline the offer.

– A recap of Jack Perry defeating Marko Stunt on last week’s Dynamite was shown.

[Commercial Break]

– Backstage, the House of Black said that next week they would start building the foundation for Wembley.

– A video package was shown, featuring Jeff Jarrett, Dr. Martha Hart & Oje Hart discussing the Owen Hart Foundation tournament.

(3) RODERICK STRONG (w/Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) vs. DALTON CASTLE (w/Turbo Floyd & Truth Magnum) – ROH World Championship Contender’s Match

Castle picked Strong’s leg and put him in a waist lock, forcing him to roll out of the ring. Back in the ring, Castle tried to put Strong in a sleeper hold, until Strong sent him out of the ring with a kick to the face. Castle fired up and attacked Strong with right hands before sweeping him atop the turnbuckle.

Castle blasted Strong with a running knee strike, knocking him into the floor. Strong nailed Castle with a chop, only for Castle to shut him down with a hurracarrana. The Outrunners and The Kingdom taunted each other while Strong hit Castle with a dropkick through the ropes. Strong dropped Castle with a back suplex onto the barricade, as AEW Collision went to an ad break.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Castle laid Strong out with a modified back suplex, followed by a series of elbow shots. Castle nailed Strong with a jumping knee and an inverted sling blade for a two count. Castle avoided a clothesline and floored Strong with a series of gutwrench suplexes. Strong ducked a jumping knee strike, making Castle crash into the floor. Strong dropped Castle with a back suplex onto the apron for a close two count. Castle evaded a jumping knee and transitioned the Bangarang into a pinning combination for a nearfall. Strong blocked the Bangarang and knocked Castle out with a jumping knee for the three count.

WINNER: Roderick Strong at 10:54 (***1/4)

– Mark Briscoe spoke from the ring in his home to discuss how he would fight in Blood & Guts and would have to face Roderick Strong two days later.

[Commercial Break]

– A vignette hyping up the arrival of Hologram next week was shown.

– Backstage, Lexy Nair interviewed Kris Statlander and Stokely Hathaway about what happened on Dynamite. Stokely said that Willow was a con artist that falsey preached about positivity. Stokely said that everything Willow got was because of them and they would take her out. Statlander finished by saying that this would never end for Willow.


Ava hit Rose with a series of elbow strikes and forearms, until Rose blocked an STO attempt. Rose dropped Ava with a chokeslam, followed by a corner splash. Rose planted Ava with a suplex, a facebuster and a thrust kick, setting her up for the Beast Bomb and the win.

WINNER: Nyla Rose at 1:51 (*)

– A recap of Bryan Danielson defeating Hangman Adam Page to win the Owen Hart Foundation tournament finals from Dynamite was shown.

(5) TOP FLIGHT (Dante Martin & Darius Martin w/Action Andretti) vs. SHANE TAYLOR PROMOTIONS (Lee Moriarty & Anthony Ogogo w/Shane Taylor)

Moriarty took Dante down with an arm drag, only for Dante to surprise him with a series of pinning combinations. Dante put Moriarty in an arm lock, followed by a dropkick from Darius. Ogogo clobbered Darius with a corner clothesline and an uppercut, but he kicked out at two. Darius caught Ogogo with backslide and a shoulder thrust, setting him up for a corner clothesline from Dante. Darius hit Ogogo with a suplex and Dante crushed him with a slingshot senton. Ogogo put Darius in a draping position, allowing Moriarty to sweep him down, as AEW Collision went to a commercial break.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Moriarty smashed Darius’ shoulder into the ring post before receiving a German suplex. Dante pummeled Ogogo with a load of forearms and nailed him with an enzuigiri, setting him up for a springboard crossbody and a two count. Dante clocked Ogogo with a jumping knee, but Ogogo shut him down with a pop up forearm shot.

Darius took care of Ogogo with an enzuigiri, only for Moriarty to drop him with a modified back suplex. Darius blocked a Full Nelson move and clobbered Moriarty with an enzuigiri. Taylor grabbed Darius’ leg to stop a mid-rope move before receiving a diving splash from Andretti. Darius evaded a leg lariat and finished Moriarty with a modified spinning DDT.

WINNERS: Top Flight at 11:47 (***1/4)

– After the match, Shane Taylor attacked Top Flight from behind and cracked Action Andretti with a charged punch to the face.

– Backstage, Lexy Nair interviewed Deonna Purrazzo about her assault on Thunder Rosa and Deonna Purrazzo from Rampage. Purrazzo said that she would burn this place to shape it in her image. Rosa interrupted to tell Purrazzo that she had learnt patience, so she could beat her. Purrazzo mocked Rosa for losing their last two matches before Rosa officially set up a Lumberjack match on next week’s Collision.

[Commercial Break]

– Backstage, Lexy Nair interviewed Nyla Rose about her win tonight. Rose gloated about her win and acknowledged Mercedes Mone’s open challenge for next week. Rose accepted Mone’s challenge and said that she would wreck a Mercedes.


Saraya distracted Blue, allowing Cameron to get a roll-up for a two count. Cameron attacked Blue with a corner splash and pressed her boot into Blue’s face. Blue turned the move around and pressed her boot on Cameron’s face, only for Cameron to catch her with a roundhouse kick and a clothesline. Blue blasted Cameron with a thrust kick into the corner and knocked her off the apron with a running boot. Saraya distracted Blue, allowing Cameron to lay her out with a Russian leg sweep, as AEW Collision went to commercials.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Blue nailed Cameron with a pump knee and a swinging neckbreaker for a two count. Cameron caught Blue with a pinning combination and Eat Defeat for a nearfall. Blue put Cameron down with an inside cradle, only for Cameron to crack her with a pump knee for a nearfall. Blue blocked a backstabber and got a two count with a jackknife pinfall. Blue hit Cameron with a thrust kick and a TKO, setting her up for a modified Dragon Sleeper and the win.

WINNER: Skye Blue at 8:09 (**1/2)

– A recap of Chris Jericho putting Samoa Joe through a wall with a forklift was shown.

[Commercial Break]

– Backstage, Skye Blue demanded more respect from the roster and challenged Hikaru Shida to a singles match next week.

– Roderick Strong was on commentary for the next match.

(7) THE CONGLOMERATION (Orange Cassidy & Kyle O’Reilly) vs. UNDISPUTED KINGDOM (Matt Taven & Mike Bennett)

The Kingdom rolled out of the ring, only for Cassidy to blast them with a suicide dive. Cassidy and Bennett traded arm drags, until Cassidy made Bennett crash into the floor. Cassidy dropped Taven with a back body drop while Kyle nailed Bennett with a series of kicks to the chest. Taven poked Kyle’s eyes, only for Cassidy to hit him with Stundog Millionaire. Kyle cracked Taven with an axe kick and put Bennett in an ankle lock. Taven broke Kyle’s lock before Cassidy knocked him down.

Cassidy went for a suicide dive on Bennett, only for Bennett to shock him with a rebound forearm. Kyle trapped Bennett in a sleeper hold, until Taven blasted him with a Sick Kick. Cassidy took care of Bennett with a shotgun dropkick before receiving a roundhouse kick from Kyle. Klye knocked the Kingdom off their feet with a rebound double clothesline, as AEW Collision went to its final commercial break.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Bennett clobbered Cassidy with a chop to the chest, but Cassidy was able to low-bridge him. Cassidy kicked Bennett and Taven away, reaching Kyle for the hot tag. Kyle attacked The Kingdom with a series of kicks to the head and chest before knocking them down with a dragon screw. Kyle dropped Bennett with a back body drop and put him in an armbar. Taven tried to stomp Kyle down, only for Kyle to trap him with a knee bar. Kyle caught Bennett off-guard with a Guillotine Choke, until Taven broke the hold with a Disaster Kick. The Kingdom dropped Kyle with a powerbomb and back slam combination, until Cassidy broke the pinfall.

Cassidy catapulted Bennett into the corner, knocking Taven off the top turnbuckle. Cassidy spiked Bennett with a Satellite DDT, but Bennett retaliated with a forearm strike to the head. Kyle kicked Taven off the apron and clocked him with a flying knee while Cassidy dropped Bennett with Beach Break. Strong showed up to distract Kyle, until Tomohiro Ishii pulled him off the apron. Trent Beretta threw Cassidy into the barricade while Bennett got a nearfall on Kyle with a roll-up. Kyle put Bennett in an armbar, but Taven broke the pinfall with a Frog Splash. The Kingdom finished Casidy with a tag team piledriver for the three count.

WINNERS: Undisputed Kingdom at 13:37 (***1/2)

– After the match, Trent Beretta tried to assault Kyle O’Reilly, but The Undisputed Kingdom stopped them. Orange Cassidy clobbered Trent with a monkey wrench to the back of the head, scaring The Kingdom into leaving. Kyle calmed Cassidy down while Ishii laid the Kingdom out with a double clothesline.

– The show ended with a video package hyping up the title match between Will Ospreay and MJF.

Announced for AEW Dynamite 150:

  • Will Ospreay vs MJF – AEW International Championship
  • Swerve Strickland vs Kazuchika Okada
  • Mercedes Mone vs Nyla Rose – AEW TBS Championship