AEW Double Or Nothing aired live from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada, featuring seven title matches and the latest iteration of the brutal Anarchy in the Arena match.

– The Buy-In started with Renee Paquette, RJ City and Jeff Jarrett sitting on a panelist table to discuss tonight’s match card.

– Backstage, Lexy Nair interviewed a special match coordinator to discuss the creation of the Barbed Wire Steel Cage match. He believed that cage matches usually settle feuds, but this one was created only for destruction.


Purrazzo cornered Rosa and stomped her down, only for Rosa to blast her with chops to the chest. Purrazzo caught Rosa with a rising kick before receiving a headscissors takeover and a corner elbow strike. Rosa caught Purrazzo with a dropkick and sent her out of the ring, setting her up for a dropkick through the ropes. Purrazzo shut Rosa down with a boot to the face and clobbered her with a chop to the chest. Back in the ring, Purrazzo put Rosa in an armlock before smashing her arm into the mat.

Rosa caught Purrazzo off-guard with a Surfboard Lock, but Purrazzo was able to break the hold with a strike to the face. Both women knocked each other down with clotheslines at the same time. Rosa took Purrazzo down with a clothesline and a neckbreaker, followed by a basement dropkick into the ropes for a nearfall. Purrazzo swept Rosa off the top turnbuckle and crushed her with a shoulder thrust while in a Tree of Woe position. Rosa tried to go for an armbar and a Cobra Clutch, until Purrazzo rammed her into the corner.

Rosa clobbered Purrazzo with a discus elbow strike, but she kicked out at two. Purrazzo took Purrazzo down with a Fujiwara Armbar, until Rosa countered it with a pinning combination. Rosa nailed Purrazzo with a backstabber, following it with the Cobra Clutch. Rosa tried to kick the ropes to pull Purrazzo to the center of the ring, only for Purrazzo to grab the ropes and shock her with a pinfall.

WINNER: Deonna Purrazzo at 10:15 (***)

– Backstage, The Acclaimed called out Cage of Agony for blaming them for their loss at Collision.

– Tony Khan and Martha Hart made their way to the entrance way to officially announce the return of the Owen Hart Foundation tournament with Finals set for July 10 in Calgary. He also announced that the winners of the tournament would get world title matches at All In.

– They showed the Las Vegas Knights mascot cheering at ringside.

(2) THE ACCLAIMED (Anthony Bowens, Max Caster & Billy Gunn) vs. CAGE OF AGONY (Brian Cage, Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona)

Caster nailed Kaun with a chop to the chest before receiving a back slam and a lariat. Billy tagged in, only for Cage to knock him off his feet with a shoulder tackle and show off his muscles. Billy nailed Cage with a shoulder tackle and showed off his own muscles. Cage caught Billy with a roll-up into a basement dropkick while Liona and Kaun knocked The Acclaimed off the apron. Liona tackled Billy over the top rope while Cage and Kaun pummeled The Acclaimed down. They rammed Caster into the barricade and threw Billy into the steel steps, crushing Bowens’ leg in the process.

Cage clocked Caster with an uppercut, setting him up for a backbreaker on the turnbuckle from Kaun. Liona crushed Caster with a senton on the apron, followed by a superplex from Cage for a two count. Liona pummeled Caster with a bunch of punches and kicks to the back. Cage cracked Caster with a jumping knee, following it with a massive chop to the chest. Caster knocked Cage off the top turnbuckle and crushed Kaun with a high crossbody for a two count. Liona knocked Billy off the apron and clocked Caster with a jab. Liona missed a diving splash, reaching Billy for the hot tag.

Billy beat Cage of Agony down with a barrage of right hands before dropping Kaun with the One and Only for a nearfall. Liona shocked Billy with a pounce before receiving a springboard clothesline from Caster. Kaun and Cage nailed Caster with a gutbuster and a discus clothesline. Cage of Agony planted Billy with a triple powerbomb, only for Bowens to break the pinfall. Bowens tried to beat Cage and Liona down with chops, but Liona shut him down with a headbutt. The Las Vegas Knights mascot stopped Cage from using a chair, allowing Caster to take him out with a Famouser. Billy caught Kaun with an inside cradle for the victory.

WINNERS: The Acclaimed at 11:41 (**3/4)

– The commentary team ran down tonight’s match card one last time before the main show began.

(3) RODERICK STRONG (w/Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) vs. WILL OSPREAY – AEW International Championship

Strong immediately avoided the Hidden Blade and a Pescado. Ospreay sent Taven and Bennett over the barricade and into the timekeeper’s area. Ospreay blocked a backbreaker on the apron and took care of Taven and Bennett with a cannonball over the barricade. Strong and Ospreay traded strikes, until Ospreay catapulted Strong into the ring post. Back in the ring, Ospreay clobbered Strong with chops to the chest, until Taven and Bennett pulled him off the corner. The Kingdom turned Ospreay inside out with a suicide dive into a Doomsday Device.

Strong pummeled Ospreay down and put him in a headlock before dropping him with a hip toss. They got into a chop exchange, until Strong started pummeling him down with right hands. Ospreay hit Strong with a jawbreaker and blocked an enzuigiri to attack Strong with chops. Strong tried to go for a backbreaker, only for Ospreay to knock him down with a handspring enzuigiri. Ospreay kipped up and clobbered Strong with a running boot to the face. The Kingdom distracted the referee while Wardlow entered the ring. The referee stopped Wardlow from hitting Ospreay with a powerbomb, ejecting him from the ring.

Ospreay blasted Strong with a thrust kick and crashed into all of the Undisputed Kingdom with a Sky Twister at ringside. They got into another chop exchange, until Ospreay knocked Strong down with an enzuigiri and a fisherman suplex for a two count. Strong stopped Ospreay atop the turnbuckle, only for Ospreay to knock him down. Ospreay hurt his knee after going for the Leap of Faith, but was still able to hit Strong with a thrust kick. Strong picked Ospreay’s legs and trapped him in the Stronghold, until he was able to reach the ropes. Strong pummeled Ospreay with some massive chops to the chest and an inverted Olympic Slam for a two count.

Before Ospreay could react, Strong cracked him with an enzuigiri, a superplex and an over-the-shoulders backbreaker for a nearfall. Strong nailed Ospreay with a gutbuster before Ospreay countered his Sick Kick with a mid-air sitout powerbomb. They got into a forearm strike exchange, until Ospreay caught Strong with a hoo kick. Strong caught Ospreay with a dropkick to the damaged knee and managed to block the Styles Clash. Ospreay immediately took Strong down with an OsCutter for a close two count. The referee checked on Strong while Don Callis entered the ring to order Ospreay to hit him with the Tiger Driver 91. 

Ospreay shoved the referee out of the way and set Strong up for the Tiger Driver 91. Ospreay hesitated while going for the move, allowing Strong to hit him with a gutbuster and a Sick Kick for a nearfall. Ospreay countered the End of Heartache with a hurracarrana for a close two count. Strong cracked Ospreay with a jumping knee, only for Ospreay to land on his feet off the End of Heartache. Ospreay immediately clobbered Strong with the Hidden Blade and knocked him out with the StormBreaker.

WINNER: Will Ospreay at 17.57 (New AEW International Champion) (****1/4)

– Adam Cole made his way to the ring with a mic in hand to immediately insult the crowd. Cole said that he shouldn’t be here and should be home rehabbing his foot. Cole pulled out the Devil mask and said that once he was healthy, they would give the devil his due. The lights turned off and a video package appeared on-screen, featuring someone entering a room filled with MJF memorabilia. That person pulled out a torn picture of MJF and Adam Cole before the video cut.

– A returning MJF made his way to the ring to confront Cole. They hugged in the middle of the ring before MJF took Cole out with a low blow and a brainbuster. MJF grabbed a mic to tell the doctors to take that sh*t stain out of his ring. MJF said that he gave Cole his trust and wouldn’t do it again. He told anyone in the back that he didn’t need New Japan or Vince McMahon because he made himself. MJF said that he was done with the friendship bull sh*t and he was now driven by hate.

– MJF said that he was done hiding and he was done apologizing for hiding that he was the best. He said that masks were for cowards and looked at the Devil’s mask, saying that it represented the tail end of 2023. MJF stomped the Devil’s mask and hit it with an elbow drop. MJF revealed an AEW tattoo on his ankle and said that when it comes to him in AEW, he was the Wolf of Wrestling because he was not f*cking leaving.

– A video package recapping the rivalry between the Bang Bang Gang and Death Triangle was shown.

(4) BANG BANG GANG (Jay White, Austin Gunn & Colten Gunn) vs. DEATH TRIANGLE (PAC, Penta El Zero Miedo & Rey Fenix w/Alex Abrahantes) – Unified World Trios Championship

PAC immediately put Colten down with hip tosses and a shoulder tackle, followed by a pair of hip tosses on Austin. Penta nailed Austin with sling blades, followed by a tag team splash alongside Fenix. Death Triangle attacked Colten with corner splashes, setting him up for a triple basement dropkick. Penta blasted Austin with a diving dropkick to the butt, setting him and Colten up for a cannonball and a diving splash from the Lucha Bros. PAC blocked the Blade Runner, only for Austin to grab his leg, allowing White to spike him with a DDT.

White dropped PAC with a swinging neckbreaker, setting him up for stomps from Colten. White knocked PAC off his feet with chops to the chest, but he put his boot on the ropes. PAC knocked the Gunns off the apron, only for White to drop him face-first on the top rope and catapult him into the bottom rope. PAC kicked White and the Gunns away, reaching Penta for the hot tag. Penta crushed the Gunns with a high crossbody, followed by a load of chops to the chest.

Fenix took care of Colten with a thrust kick and cracked Austin with a top rope Penalty kick. Penta hit Austin with a backstabber, setting him up for a splash from Penta’s shoulders. Fenix clocked White with an enzuigiri, followed by a spinning hook kick and Penta’s modified Jackhammer for a nearfall. PAC attacked White with a series of kicks and chops, followed by a German suplex. Austin turned PAC INSIDE out with a lariat , only for Penta to take him out with a Destroyer. Colten took Penta down with a flipping strike to the back before receiving a dropkick from Fenix.

White laid Fenix out with a uranage, leaving everyone down on the mat. PAC caught White with a boot to the face and floored both of the Gunns with German suplexes. Death Triangle nailed White with numerous strikes in the corner, setting him up for the Fear Factor. The Lucha Bros took care of the Gunns with a suicide dive while PAC climbed the top turnbuckle. A returning Juice Robinson tripped PAC off the top turnbuckle, allowing PAC to steal the win with the Blade Runner.

WINNERS: Bang Bang Gang at 12:18 (Still Unified World Trios Champions) (***1/2)

– A video package recapping the rivalry between Toni Storm and Serena Deeb was shown.

(5) TONI STORM (w/Mariah May & Luther) vs. SERENA DEEB – AEW Women’s World Championship

They started the match exchanging headlock takeovers, until Storm mocked Deeb by shoving her face on her chest. Deeb slapped Storm and put her in the Paradise Lock, setting her up for a basement dropkick. Storm caught Deeb with a strike to the shoulder, following it with a running hip attack. Deeb caught Storm with a dragon screw into the ropes, followed by a neckbreaker on the floor. Deeb put Storm in an octopus stretch, until she was able to bite the ropes to break the hold. Storm broke an abdominal stretch with a hip toss, only for Deeb to shut her down with another dragon screw.

They exchanged pinning combinations, until Deeb took Storm down with a pinning backslide. Storm shocked Deeb with a headbutt, knocking both women off their feet. Storm caught Deeb with a backstabber, setting her up for a DDT and a fisherman suplex for a nearfall. Deeb countered the spinebuster with a cross armbreaker, transitioning it into a Triangle Choke. Storm managed to put Deeb down with a powerbomb and trap her in a Cloverleaf, until she was able to grab the ropes. Deeb pummeled Storm with a barrage of slaps, followed by a running clothesline.

Deeb nailed Storm with a neckbreaker into the rope, but Storm avoided her ripcord backfist. Storm tried to go for a suplex, only for Deeb to knock her down with a swinging neckbreaker. Deeb planted Storm with a German suplex, setting her up for a hammerlock lariat and a nearfall. They got into a chop exchange, until Deeb clobbered her with an uppercut. Storm managed to lay Deeb out with Sky High, but she kicked out at two. Deeb countered the running hip attack with a half Boston Crab, followed by a knee to the face. Deeb smashed Storms’ knee on the mat and put her in the Serenity Lock. May tried to throw the towel for Storm, but Luther stopped her.

Storm managed to roll out of the ring and crack Deeb with a headbutt before throwing the towel into the crowd. Back in the ring, Storm dropped Deeb with a German suplex, only for Deeb to surprise her with a jackknife pinfall. Storm spiked Deeb with the Storm Zero, but she managed to kick out at two. Deeb attacked Storm with three back-to-back dragon screws into the ropes, setting her up for the Detox on the apron and another in the ring for a shocking nearfall. Storm smashed Deeb’s head atop the turnbuckle before knocking her out with an avalanche piledriver and Storm Zero.

WINNER: Toni Storm at 15:38 (Still AEW Women’s World Champion) (****)

– A video package recapping the rivalry between Orange Cassidy and Trent Beretta was shown.

– Orange Cassidy made his way to the ring to ‘Where is My Mind?’ instead of ‘Jane’.


They immediately got into a hockey fight, knocking each other off their feet. They traded forearm strikes, until Trent hit Cassidy with a cross chop to the throat. Trent blasted Cassidy with a chop to the chest, only for Cassidy to smash his head numerous times into the turnbuckle. Cassidy crushed Trent with a high crossbody, setting him up for a Satellite DDT and a suicide dive. Cassidy pummeled Trent with a load of right hands before Trent started gouging his eyes. Trent hyper-extended Cassidy’s throat into the turnbuckle and beat him down with a bunch of shots to the head.

Trent dropped Cassidy with a pair of German suplexes before pulling him off the top turnbuckle with a Saito suplex and another German suplex. Cassidy put his hands in his pockets, only for Trent to whack him with numerous chops and elbow strikes. Trent missed a strike, allowing Cassidy to launch him into the corner with a shotgun dropkick. Cassidy nailed Trent with a basement dropkick and a barrage of stomps in the corner. Trent blocked a diving DDT on the apron, setting Cassidy up for a piledriver on the apron. Trent moved the steel steps and tried to go for a piledriver, only for Cassidy to sweep him off his feet. Cassidy immediately laid Trent out with Beach Break on the floor.

Cassidy mocked Trent with the Best Friends hug, followed by a Michinoku Driver and a Penalty kick. Trent clobbered Cassidy with an elbow strike and blocked the Stundog Millionaire. Trent blocked the Satellite DDT and the Stundog Millionaire before taking Cassidy down with a lariat and Strong Zero for a nearfall. Cassidy blocked the running knee with a punch, followed by Beach Break for a close two count. Trent countered the Orange Punch with a Codebreaker into the Gogoplata. Cassidy countered the hold with a jackknife pinfall to score the three count.

WINNER: Orange Cassidy at 13:55 (***1/2)

– After the match, Renee Paquette tried to interview Trent Beretta, only for Trent to shove Rocky Romero away and claim that he was done.

– A video package recapping the rivalry between Chris Jericho, Hook and Katsuyori Shibata was shown.

(7) CHRIS JERICHO vs. HOOK vs. KATSUYORI SHIBATA – FTW Championship FTW Rules Match

Jericho and Shibata traded chops, until Hook put both of them down with a German suplex and a T-Bone suplex. Hook set up a table at ringside before Shibata knocked him and Jericho off the apron with a big boot. Shibata blasted Jericho with a Penalty kick, only for Hook to ram him into the barricade. Jericho dropped Hook with a suplex on the floor before pouring a bag of dice on the mat. Hook and Shibata hit Jericho with a T-Bone suplex and a vertical suplex on the dice. They threw dice at Jericho before planting him with a double back suplex on the dice.

Hook and Shibata traded a Northern Light suplex and a belly-to-belly suplex. Everyone pulled out kendo sticks, only for Hook and Shibata to pummel Jericho down with a bunch of kendo stick shots. Shibata knocked Hook down with a lariat and set up a table in the ring. Jericho knocked Shibata down, only for Hook to lay him out with a Northern light suplex. Shibata stopped Hook atop the turnbuckle and dropped him with a Death Valley Driver on top of Jericho. Shibata threw Jericho through the table and clocked him with a Hesitation dropkick for a nearfall.

Before Jericho could react, Shibata trapped Jericho in a Deathlock, until Hook knocked him down with a forearm strike. Hook took care of Shibata with a T-Bone suplex before receiving a Codebreaker for a nearfall. Hook put Jericho in the Redrum, until Big Bill showed up to break the hold with an elbow drop. Bill tried to chokeslam Hook, only for Hook to put him through a table at ringside with a T-Bone suplex off the apron.

Jericho trapped Shibata in the Walls of Jericho, until Shibata turned it around with Figure 4. Hook put Jericho in the Redrum at the same time, until a masked man entered the ring to break both holds. The masked man put a trash can on Shibata’s head and crushed him with a senton before revealing himself as Bryan Keith. Hook sent Keith out of the ring, only for Jericho to knock him out with the Judas Effect and pin Shibata.

WINNER: Chris Jericho at 12:45 (Still FTW Champion) (***1/4)

– A video package recapping the rivalry between Jon Moxley and Konosuke Takeshita was shown.


Moxley clobbered Takeshita with chops to the chest, only for Takeshita to put his damaged arm in a wrist lock. Moxley clocked Takeshita with a back elbow before laying him out with a flying lariat. Takeshita maintained control over Moxley with joint manipulation and hammerlock bodyslam. Moxley knocked Takeshita off the apron with a forearm strike, but couldn’t follow up with a piledriver. Takeshita smashed Moxley’s damaged arm on the apron and pummeled him down. Takeshita crushed Moxley’s arm by stomping it into a chair before driving him into the steel steps.

Back in the ring, Moxley tried to attack Takeshita with chops, only for Takeshita to shut him down with a single forearm strike. Takeshita crushed Moxley’s arm with a bulldog and spiked him with a brainbuster. Takeshita put Moxley in a wrist lock before clobbering him with slaps. They got into a forearm strike exchange, until Takeshita caught Moxley with a big boot. Moxley caught Takeshita off-guard with a cutter, only for Takeshita to counter his piledriver attempt with a Fujiwara Armbar. Moxley countered the hold with a Triangle Choke, until Takeshita gouged his eyes and floored him with a powerbomb.

Takeshita put Moxley in the Fujiwara Armbar, until he was able to reach the ropes. Takeshita gouged Moxley’s eyes, but Moxley was able to launch him out of the ring and knock him down with a suicide dive. Back in the ring, Moxley clobbered Takeshita with a lariat, only for Takeshita to catch him off-guard with a cradle piledriver and a wheelbarrow German suplex. Moxley countered the Power Drive Knee with a Paradigm Shift out-of-nowhere. They started exchanging headbutts, slaps and forearm strikes, until Takeshita knocked Moxley off his feet with a wind-up forearm.

Takeshita cracked Moxley with a Power Drive Knee, but he managed to kick out at two. Moxley trapped Takeshita in the bulldog choke and started using his bandages to add pressure. Takeshita blocked the Paradigm Shift and smashed Moxley’s shoulder into the ring post, setting him up for a charged forearm strike and the Death Rider for a shocking nearfall. Takeshita threw a chair into the ring, only for Moxley to shock him with a Curb Stomp into the chair. Moxley immediately put Takeshita down with a Paradigm Shift to score the win.

WINNER: Jon Moxley at 17:24 (****)

– A video package hyping up Forbidden Door on June 30 was shown.

Announced for AEW Dynamite:

  • Forbidden Door Casino Gauntlet

– A video package recapping the rivalry between Adam Copeland and Malakai Black was shown.

– Adam Copeland made his way to the ring to “South of Heaven” by … and a Brood themed entrance.

(9) ADAM COPELAND vs. MALAKAI BLACK – AEW TNT Championship Barbed Wire Steel Cage Match

Copeland and Black immediately tried to attack each other with chairs, until Copeland dropped Black with a flapjack. Copeland clocked Black with a big boot into the wall and pulled out a piece of barbed wire. Black tried to pull Copeland down, only for Coepalnd to press the barbed wire on Black’s face. Copeland blocked a shot into the turnbuckle pad wrapped in barbed wire and nailed Black with a powerbomb into the wall. Copeland ran into Black’s boot, allowing Black to sweep him into the barbed wire in the corner. Black clocked Copeland with a strike to the head and pulled out a bat wrapped in barbed wire.

Black pressed the bat on Copeland’s forehead before putting a chair underneath Copelan’s head. Copeland avoided a bat shot to the back of the head and whacked Black with a bat strike to the abdomen. Copeland clobbered Black with a bat to the head, set up a table in the middle of the ring and laid Black on it. Black swept Copeland off the top rope with a roundhouse kick, tripping him into a low blow on the top rope. They traded strikes on the top rope, until Copeland put Black down with a sunset flip powerbomb through the table for a two count. Copeland shocked Black with a Spear, but he managed to kick out at two. 

Copeland set up another table and spiked Black with a stalling piledriver before laying his body on the table. Copeland tied Black to the table with barbed wire before putting him through the table with a diving elbow drop from the top of the cage for a shocking two count. Black countered the Spear with The End, but he managed to kick out at two. Black pulled out a spool and tried to stab Copeland with it, but Copeland avoided it at the last moment. Before Copeland could react, Black sent him out of the ring with a running boot into the door. 

At ringside, Copeland surprised Black with a Spear as the rest of the House of Black showed up. Buddy Matthews and Brody King stood next to Copeland, only to turn on him with a lariat and a bunch of right hands. Buddy and King wrapped Copeland’s body in barbed wire while Black put on a collar with Copeland’s ring. The lights turned red, as Gangrel showed up from under the ring to spit Red Mist on Buddy and King and spike them with Impaler DDTs. Black took care of Gangrel with The End, only for Copeland to finish him with a Spear and a crossface using the barbed wire.

WINNER: Adam Copeland at 20:11 (Still AEW TNT Champion) (****)

– Backstage, Lexy Nair interviewed Don Callis about the mixed results of his clients tonight. Callis put over Will Ospreay and Orange Cassidy’s victories tonight before announcing that he would present a contract for the Don Callis Family on Wednesday.

– A video package recapping the rivalry between Willow Nightingale and Mercedes Mone was shown.

– Mercedes Mone made her way to the ring with a drum band and Las Vegas dancers.

(10) WILLOW NIGHTINGALE (w/Kris Statlander & Stokely Hathaway) vs. MERCEDES MONE – AEW TBS Championship

Willow immediately cornered Mone, only for Mone to nail her with a knee to the face. Mone knocked Willow with a pair of arm drags and got a two count with a crucifix pinfall. Mone slapped Willow twice, but Willow blocked another arm drag and clobbered her with chops to the chest. Mone low-bridged Willow out of the ring and clocked her with a spinning kick to the head. Willow blocked a sliding dropkick and dropped Mone with a Doctor Bomb on the apron. Back in the ring, Willow launched Mone away with a release German suplex, but couldn’t follow up with an avalanche Doctor Bomb.

Mone swept Willow off the top turnbuckle and stomped her ankle into the ropes. Mone nailed Willow with a chop block and crushed her with a jumping Meteora for a two count. Mone tried to put Willow in a heel hook before they started exchanging right hands to the face. Before Willow could react, Mone took her out with a dragon screw, followed by a modified Ankle Lock. Willow smashed Mone’s head into the mat to break the hold. Willow blocked the Mone Maker, only for Mone to put her in an Octopus Stretch. Mone tried to add more pressure, but Willow countered the hold with an ankle lock.

Willow managed to pounce Mone away, setting her up for a load of clotheslines in the corner. Mone kicked Willow away, only for Willow to counter another Meteora with a spinebuster. Willow attacked Mone with forearms to the back, but Mone blocked the Doctor Bomb. Willow laid Mone out with a roll-up into a powerbomb, followed by a fisherman suplex for a nearfall. Mone blocked a fisherman superplex and planted Willow with a powerbomb for a two count. Mone immediately put Willow in a modified Figure 4, until she was able to grab the ropes. Willow evaded a diving move and dropped Mone with a kneebreaker on the apron.

Willow put Mone in a swinging inverted Cloverleaf before flattening her with a Death Valley Driver. Mone evaded a cannonball into the corner and crushed Willow’s ankle with a slingshot stomp, followed by Meteora for a two count. Mone crashed into Willow with a Meteora on the floor and shoved Statlander down. Willow managed to lay Mone out with a Doctor Bomb, but Stokely and Statlander were arguing with the referee during the three count. Mone countered the Doctor Bomb with a crossface, until Willow was able to reach the ropes. Mone shoved Willow off the top turnbuckle and finished her with the Mone Maker.

WINNER: Mercedes Mone at 18:04 (New AEW TBS Champion) (****1/2)

– After the match, Stokely Hathaway berated Willow Nightingale, until Kris Statlander pushed him to the mat. Statlander helped Willow leave the ring, only to lay her out with a lariat and walk away with Stokely.

– A video package recapping the rivalry between Swerve Strickland and Christian Cage was shown.

(11) SWERVE STRICKLAND (w/Prince Nana) vs. CHRISTIAN CAGE (w/Killswitch, Nick Wayne & Shayna Wayne) – AEW World Championship

They locked up and pushed each other into the other corner, until Swerve put Cage in a headlock. Cage attacked Swerve with body shots, only for Swerve to knock him down with a shoulder tackle and stomp his back. Cage countered a vertical suplex with a reverse DDT, followed by a bunch of right hands. Swerve evaded the diving headbutt and nearly put Cage in an armbar, but he grabbed the ropes. Swerve kicked Cage out of the ring and cracked him with a pump kick from the apron, only to miss a diving splash into the barricade.

Cage pummeled Swerve with chops and stood on his back into the ropes. Cage put Swerve in a chinlock, setting him up for a Tornado DDT and a diving splash. Wayne attacked Swerve with a cheap shot behind the referee’s back, allowing Cage to stomp Swerve down. Swerve drove Cage into the corner with an Irish-whip, but couldn’t follow up with a superplex. Cage planted Swerve with a sunset flip powerbomb, only for Swerve to counter the Spear with a modified spinning powerslam. Swerve clocked Cage with a big boot and a diving uppercut and used his turtleneck to lay him out with neckbreakers.

Swerve dropped Cage with a neckbreaker into the ropes, setting him up for a fosbury flop. Back in the ring, Swerve crushed Cage with a high crossbody for a close two count. Cage avoided the House Call and put Swerve in a Sharpshooter. Swerve surprised Cage with an inside cradle before they knocked each other out by running into each other. Nana stopped Shayna from using the belt, only for the referee to notice him and eject him. Killswitch and Wayne pummeled Swerve down behind the referee’s back for a nearfall.

Killswitch accidentally cracked Cage with a headbutt before receiving a double stomp to the chest. Swerve took care of Wayne with a back body drop, but Cage avoided the Swerve Stomp and blasted him with a Spear for a close two count. All of the Patriarchy tried to interfere at the same time, but the referee noticed them and ejected them all. Swerve clocked Cage with a rising knee, setting him up for a rolling flatliner and a two count. Swerve planted Cage with a vertical suplex on the floor and moved the steps next to the ring.

Cage gouged Swerve’s eyes and tried to go for a powerbomb off the apron, but Swerve shut him down with a double stomp to the chest. Cage caught Swerve with the Pendulum Kick, but couldn’t follow up with a suplex. Swerve missed a suicide dive and crushed into the steel steps at ringside. Cage distracted the referee, allowing Wayne to take him out with a cutter off the steel steps. Back in the ring, Cage dropped Swerve with a Killswitch, but he managed to kick out at two.

Nana ran down to the ring to chase Wayne away with a steel pipe while Cage cleared the announce table. Swerve blocked a Killswitch on the table and crushed him with a massive Swerve Stomp onto the table for a nearfall. Back in the ring, Cage blocked the JML Driver and the House Call, only for Swerve to block the Spear with a rising kick. Swerve caught Cage with a House Call mid-air, setting him up for a Swerve Stomp and one final House Call.

WINNER: Swerve Strickland at 24:45 (Still AEW World Champion) (****)

– A video package was shown recapping the rivalry between The Elite and AEW.

(12) THE ELITE (Matthew Jackson, Nicholas Jackson, Kazuchika Okada & Jack Perry) vs. FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler), DARBY ALLIN & BRYAN DANIELSON – Anarchy in the Arena Match

FTR and Danielson attacked the Elite on the entrance way, until Allin showed up to join the fight and make the match official. Allin was wearing a protective mask covered in thumbtacks while his theme music continued playing. Matthew grabbed a mic and demanded that they change the music to theirs. FTR knocked the Bucks down while Danielson demanded they change the music. They started taking the brawl away from the ring, as the “Final Countdown” started playing in the arena.

Dax dragged Matthew to the concession area where he drank two shots. Dax dropped a trash bin on Matthew’s back while Allin crushed all of his opponents with a Coffin Drop off a balcony. Okada tried to throw Danielson over a ledge, but Danielson shoved him down the stairs. Allin gouged Perry’s eyes while Cash clobbered Nicholas with a trash can. Matthew demanded the music to stop because it cost them everytime it played. Okada nailed Danielson with an uppercut while Nicholas tripped Dax into the steel steps. Okada knocked Danielson down with a crossbody over the barricade while Allin and Perry brawled to the parking lot.

Allin pushed Perry into a cooler full of freezing water and quickly pulled him deeper into the parking lot. Perry clobbered Allin with a steel pipe and choked him out with it while the Bucks planted Dax with the Shatter Machine for a nearfall. The Bucks accidentally hit Okada with a double enzuigiri, allowing Danielson to knock them off the apron. Okada blocked a suicide dive from Danielson with a chair shot. Perry tried to run over Allin with a truck, but was found unconscious inside it after crashing into a large pile of trash. Nicholas blasted Cash with a Penalty kick.

FTR spiked Nicholas with a piledriver on the apron before nailing Matthew with a superplex and a diving splash. Okada hit Dax with a dropkick, following it with a neckbreaker into his knee and a diving elbow drop. Okada gave the fans the middle finger, only for Cash to bite it before receiving a dropkick and a Tombstone piledriver. Allin returned to the ring to get into a strike exchange with Okada, until Okada stomped his damaged ankle. Allin raked Okada’s eyes and planted him with a Code Red for a two count. The Bucks pulled Allin out of the ring and put him down with a double powerbomb onto a bed of chairs.

Danielson blasted Okada with a running dropkick while the Bucks dragged Allin’s body into their entrance elevator. The elevator took Allin down before Danielson started attacking the Bucks. Matthew threw Danielson off-stage and smashed his head into the giant poker chips. The Bucks spiked Danielson with a tag team piledriver on the poker chip before laying Cash out with a back suplex on the poker chip. Dax hit Matthew with a DDT on the poker chip while Cash Irish-whipped Matthew into the LED wall. Matthew blasted Dax with a superkick before receiving one from Cash.

Cash set up a table on-stage, but Okada shut him down with a DDT on the floor. Nicholas climbed to the top of one entrance tunnel. Okada dove off-stage to put Dax through a table while Nicholas put Cash through a table with a Swanton Bomb off the entrance tunnel. Perry started walking to the back before noticing Tony Khan in gorilla position and dragging him away. Allin returned with the flamethrower and surprised Perry with it to set him on fire, but the Bucks quickly saved him with extinguishers.

Back in the ring, Nihcholas missed a 450 Splash through a trash can and Allin sent him out of the ring. Allin hit Okada with a low blow and a Coffin Drop, but the Bucks broke the pinfall. The Bucks smashed a trash can on Allin’s head and called for a winch to drop from the top of the arena. The Elite maintained FTR and Danielson away while tying the winch to Allin’s legs. FTR managed to drop Nicholas with a Shatter Machine, only for Okada to break the pinfall. Dax attacked Okada and Nichols with chops, until Matthew smashed an exploding chair on his head. Okada put on an arm sleeve covered in thumbtacks to blast Cash with a Rainmaker.

The Bucks put on their Reebok Pumps reinforced with thumbtacks while the winch started raising Allin’s body up by his ankles. The Bucks crushed Allin while hanging upside down with a double superkick. Matthew accidentally hit Nicholas with a superkick with thumbtacks while Danielson took care of Okada with a Busaiku Knee. Danielson took out the Reebok Pump and smashed it on the Bucks’ heads before beating them down with a barrage of kicks to the chest. Danielson cracked Nicholas with a Busaiku Knee with a chair, only for Okada to break the pinfall. The Bucks crushed Danielson with the EVP Trigger, setting him up for Perry’s Glass Jaw for the win.

WINNERS: The Elite at 29:55 (****3/4)