This week’s episode of AEW Dynamite aired live from the Rogers Place in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, featuring a brutal No DQ match between Adam Copeland & Brody King and a massive announcement from Kenny Omega.

– The show opened with Arkady Aura interviewing Adam Copeland ahead of his match against Brody King. Copeland said that he wasn’t feeling great before confirming that his match was now a No DQ match.


Trent rolled out of the ring, only for Cassidy to blast him with a suicide dive. Cassidy smashed Trent’s head into the ring post twice, but Trent was able to shut him down with a lariat. Trent pummeled Cassidy down and drove him into the barricade with an Irish-whip. Cassidy leapt over the barricade before blasting Trent with a thrust kick. Cassidy dragged Trent into the crowd where he pummeled him with a load of right hands.

Trent tried to hit Cassidy with a suplex on the floor, but Cassidy was able to reverse it. Trent catapulted Cassidy over the barricade, only for Cassidy to sweep him off the barricade. Back in the ring, Trent caught Cassidy with a running knee before receiving an Orange Punch. Don Callis showed up to join the commentary table, as AEW Dynamite went to commercials.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, they started exchanging forearm strikes, until Trent hit Cassidy with a cross chop. Trent blocked Slumdog Millionaire, but Cassidy still spiked him with a Satellite DDT. Cassidy stomped Trent down, only for Trent to counter the Orange Punch with a half-and-half suplex. Trent knocked Cassidy off his feet with a clothesline and spiked him with two piledrivers. Trent turned Cassidy with a running knee strike and refused to go for a pinfall. The referee checked on Cassidy while Trent exposed the turnbuckle. The referee put the protection once again, only for Cassidy to expose another turnbuckle, smash Trent’s head into it and beat him with roll-up.

WINNER: Orange Cassidy at 13:17 (***1/4)

– After the match, Trent Beretta attacked Orange Cassidy from behind and put him down with a piledriver onto the steel steps. Trent catapulted Cassidy’s throat into the ring frame and pulled out a toolbox. Cassidy tried to pick up a chair while Callis showed up to get in the way. Various referees and Kris Statlander showed up to confront Trent while Callis helped Cassidy walk to the back.

– Earlier tonight, the Elite arrived at the arena and parked at the spot designated for Tony Khan.

– A recap of The Elite assaulting Kenny Omega last week was shown.

– Last Wednesday, Jack Perry told Kenny Omega that he hoped that he enjoyed hitting his moves for the last time. Perry said that neither The Elite nor AEW need Omega anymore.

[Commercial Break]


– Kenny Omega spoke from his hospital bed to discuss what happened last week. Omega said that if the Elite didn’t want to play by the rules then they should throw the rules book out of the window. Omega officially booked The Elite in an Anarchy in the Arena match at Double Or Nothing. He announced that they would face FTR and two opponents that would be revealed later tonight.




– Tony Schiavone interviewed Serena Deeb about her upcoming title match at Double Or Nothing. Deeb said that she was aware that people didn’t think she could win, but losing was not an option. Deeb recapped how she was able to return to the ring earlier this year after suffering three unprovoked seizures. She said that the only thing that let her get through that horrible experience was the vision of winning the AEW Women’s World title.

– Toni Storm interrupted Deeb to call her a charity case and throw money at her. Deeb told Storm to start giving a sh*t because she has fought for her life and she would do it again at Double Or Nothing. Storm told Deeb that she didn’t give a single sh*t about anything she just said. Storm tried to attack Deeb, but Deeb knocked her out with a single punch to the face.

– Backstage, Lexy Nair interviewed Orange Cassidy about what just happened before Rocky Romero interrupted. Romero informed Cassidy that if he beat Jay White tonight, he would get a trios title match. Romero suggested some partners, including Trent, but Cassidy quickly shut him up.


Saraya distracted May, allowing Cameron to attack her from behind. Cameron caught May with a kick to the head and a running knee strike for a two count. May pummeled Cameron with a couple of chops to the chest and forearm strikes, setting her up for a spinning side slam. May knocked Cameron away with a basement dropkick before receiving a jawbreaker and a roundhouse kick. Cameron nailed May with an axe kick, as AEW Dynamite went to an ad break.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, May and Cameron knocked each other down with running clotheslines at the same time. They started exchanging forearm strikes, until May laid Cameron out with Sky High for a two count. Cameron hit May with a jawbreaker, but May blocked a rising kick with a headbutt. May blasted Cameron away with a missile dropkick, only for Saraya to save Cameron from a running hip attack. May clobbered Saraya with a forearm strike and kicked out of an inside cradle. Cameron missed a clothesline, allowing May to score the win with the May Day.

WINNER: Mariah May at 9:11 (***)

– After the match, Saraya and Harley Cameron assaulted Mariah May, until Mina Shirakawa showed up to make the save. Shirakawa blasted Cameron with a spinning backfist and celebrated with May by drinking champagne.

– Backstage, Arkady Aura interviewed PAC about the possibility of seeing a Death Triangle reunion. Bullet Club Gold interrupted to tell PAC that Death Triangle was dead and mocked him for his loss to Kazuchika Okada. White teased going for Okada’s title before focusing on his match tonight.

– A video package was shown where Malakai Black spoke about Adam Copeland creating a facade for what he really was. Black said that he had to break the facade and would do so by bringing Copeland to the brink of death.

[Commercial Break]

– A video package proclaiming that the Elite would change the world was shown.

– Backstage, The Elite put over their video package and took a shot at Swerve Strickland.


– Swerve said that he was in a fighting mood while showing footage of The Patriarchy assaulting him last week. He said that once you become world champion, everyone wants a piece of him literally. Swerve Strickland admitted that he would have done what Christian Cage did before calling him out. Cage talked about this being a city of champions before claiming that their team would lose. Cage told Swerve that he would take something from him every single week. He said that Swerve was on a wave that would crash at his feet. Cage said that he would still see the gold of his teeth after losing the title, only to threaten to take it out.

– The rest of the Mogul Embassy showed up to back up Swerve before The Patriarchy could approach. Swerve said that he wanted to beat Cage just as bad as Kendrick Lamar did to Drake. Swerve told Cage that he got here by playing the politics game while he worked his ass off. He told Cage that challenging him for the title would put him in a very uncomfortable position and he would quit. Brian Cage attacked Swerve from behind, setting him up for a bunch of body blows from the Gates of Agony. The Embassy planted Swerve with a triple powerbomb and chased away the referees trying to stop them. Brian Cage threw Swerve’s body out of the ring before Liona and Kaun put him through the announce table with Open the Gates.

– Backstage, the Young Bucks congratulated Christian Cage for his performance while mockingly saying that it shouldn’t be considered a b*tch move.

– A recap of Willow Nightingale defeating Skye Blue last week was shown.

– Backstage, Arkady Aura interviewed Willow Nightingale about her title defense last week. Willow said that physically she didn’t feel great, but emotionally she felt amazing. Willow claimed that Double Or Nothing was just another stop for her as champion. She told Mercedes Mone that she might think get the red carpets, but in wrestling she would come out victorious.

(3) ROCKY ROMERO vs. JAY WHITE (w/Austin Gunn & Colten Gunn)

Romero blasted White with a chop to the chest and a series of kicks to the legs. Romero knocked White off the apron with a dropkick and blasted him with a suicide dive. White shut Romero down with a lariat, as AEW Dynamite went to a commercial break.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Romero caught White with a boot to the face and an uppercut, followed by a springboard Tornado DDT. Romero took White down with a hurracarrana and crushed him with a high crossbody for a two count. White caught Romero with a boot to the face, only for Romero to crack him with a jumping knee. Romero blocked the Blade Runner and nearly beat White with a backslide. Romero put White down with a Rewind Kick and Sliced Bread for a nearfall. White surprised Romero with a butterfly suplex, setting him up for the Blade Runner and the win.

WINNER: Jay White at 8:07 (**3/4)

– After the match, Bullet Club Gold kept on beating Rocky Romero down, until PAC showed up to confront them. 

– A video package was shown where Samoa Joe spoke about the fear of not being good enough while training. Joe said that he wasn’t the warrior that fears, but what the warriors fear in the first place.

[Commercial Break]


Jericho put Jabari in a wrist lock, but Jabari quickly knocked him off his feet. Bill blasted Jabari with chops to the chest before throwing his body across the ring. Bill cornered Abbott and crushed him and Jabari with a series of corner splashes. Bill clobbered Jabari with a big boot and laid Abbott out with a Boss Man Slam. He dropped Abbott and Jabari with a pair of chokeslams, setting Jabari up for the Judas Effect and the win.

WINNERS: Chris Jericho & Big Bill at 2:35 (*)

– After the match, Chris Jericho accidentally named the wrong city before putting over how good Big Bill truly was. Jericho thanked Shibata for his performance last week and thanked Hook as well. Tony Schiavone informed Jericho that Hook would return next week. Jericho said that it was okay while thanking everyone and claiming that this was for the fans.

[Commercial Break]

(5) ADAM COPELAND vs. BRODY KING – AEW TNT Championship No DQ Match

King knocked Copeland down with a shoulder tackle and nearly put him down with a piledriver. Copeland nailed King with a shoulder thrust on the apron, only for King to retaliate with a neckbreaker into the ropes, as AEW Dynamite went to commercials.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, King maintained control over Copeland with chops to the chest, until he missed a crossbody into the barricade. Copeland clobbered King with a pair of chair shots to the back. King blocked a power move, only for Copeland to gouge his eyes and drop him with a DDT on a chair on the apron. Back in the ring, Copeland crushed King with a high crossbody for a nearfall. Copeland pulled out of the crossbar of a chair and set up the rest of the chair in the corner. King laid Copeland with a massive lariat and rammed his head into the chair in the corner, as AEW Dynamite went to its final commercial break.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Copeland managed to break a sleeper hold from the turnbuckle with a modified Iconoclasm. Both men knocked each other with big boots at the same time. They traded forearm strikes, until Copeland tried to go for a power move and collapsed under King’s weight. King crushed Copeland with a corner cannonball, but he managed to kick out at two. Copeland avoided the Gonzo Bomb and dropped him with a back slam. King countered a Spear with a piledriver on the corner. Copeland shocked King with a Death Valley Driver on the apron, setting him up for a Spear off the apron through the table at ringside. Back in the ring, Copeland hit King with one final Spear for the victory.

WINNER: Adam Copeland at 18:18 (Still AEW TNT Champion) (***3/4)

– After the match, Brody King assaulted Adam Copeland, until Kyle O’Reilly showed up to make the save. Kyle and Copeland sent King out of the ring with a double clothesline.

– Backstage, Arkady Aura interviewed Mercedes Mone about her debut at Double Or Nothing. Mone talked about her appointments to promote AEW coming this week and how she was training at every other moment. Mone said that Willow took time out of her career and at Double Or Nothing, she would wipe her smile out of her face.

– Backstage, Lexy Nair interviewed Adam Copeland about receiving Kyle O’Reilly’s help. Copeland thanked Kyle, only for Kyle to challenge him to a title match in his hometown on Collision.


– The Elite made their way to the ring to cover a few bullet points. Kazuchika Okada wished Kenny Omega a speedy recovery while the Bucks told Tony Khan that he shouldn’t have gotten in their way. The Bucks mocked Omega for ending their friendship and claimed that FTR would struggle to find two guys with the balls to fight them. FTR interrupted to reveal that their partners for Anarchy Arena were Eddie Kingston and a returning Bryan Danielson. Both teams brawled in the middle of the ring, as the show came to an end.