This week’s episode of AEW Dynamite aired live from the Simmons Bank Arena in North Little Rock, Arkansas, featuring two championship encounters and a big champion vs. champion match on the main event.

(1) WILL OSPREAY vs. MJF – AEW International Championship

MJF immediately mocked Ospreay by doing the strut, only for Ospreay to mock him with the same move. Ospreay swept MJF off his feet and nearly caught him with the Hidden Blade. MJF blocked numerous right hands and avoided the OsCutter before, only for Ospreay to do a flip over his body and taunt him. Ospreay nailed MJF with a Tope con Hilo, followed by a back suplex for a two count. MJF tripped Ospreay into the turnbuckle and whipped his body across the corner. MJF smashed Ospreay’s head into the mat and knocked him off his feet with a kick to the legs.

They both went for various back suplex attempts, until Ospreay caught him with a Stunner. Ospreay blocked the Heat Seeker, but MJF immediately launched his body into a cutter for a two count. Ospreay clocked MJF with an enzuigiri and a springboard elbow strike. Before MJF could react, Ospreay crushed him with a Sasuke Special. Back in the ring, Ospreay caught MJF with a running Shooting Star Press, followed by a Sky Twister for a nearfall. MJF rolled out of the ring to avoid the Hidden Blade, only for Ospreay to knock him down with a Pescado. 

Ospreay cleared the timekeeper’s table and set it up at ringside while MJF returned to the ring. Ospreay blasted MJF with chops to the chest, until MJF caught him with a thrust kick in the corner. MJF seemingly hurt his knee before spiking Ospreay with a snap piledriver. Ospreay attacked MJF with more chops, but MJF shut him down with a back body drop. MJF put Ospreay in a Figure 4 Leg Lock and slapped him, only for Ospreay to reverse the pressure. MJF managed to reverse the move, forcing Ospreay to grab the ropes. Ospreay collapsed due to the damage to his knees, allowing MJF to attack him with chops.

MJF gouged Ospreay’s eyes, but Ospreay was able to fire back with a load of chops to the chest. MJF tackled Ospreay’s hurt knee and stomped it afterwards. Ospreay shocked MJF with a couple of chops before both men knocked each other down with clotheslines at the same time. Ospreay countered a Brainbuster with Stundog Millionaire, setting MJF up for an OsCutter. MJF rolled to the apron and evaded an OsCutter, making Ospreay crash on the apron, as AEW Dynamite went to commercials.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, MJF hit Ospreay with a shoulder breaker, followed by Made in Japan for a two count. Ospreay nailed MJF with a handspring enzuigiri, followed by a series of chops and another enzuigiri. Ospreay floored MJF with a Rack Bomb, but he kicked out at two. MJF rolled out of the ring and tried to run away through the crowd, only for Ospreay to chase him to the bleachers. Ospreay pummeled MJF with a series of chops and right hands, until MJF threw a drink into his face. Ospreay inserted MJF’s head into a trash bin and dragged his body to the table at ringside.

MJF rolled out of the table at the last moment and got into a quick roll-through exchange with Ospreay. Ospreay spiked MJF with a poison rana, only for MJF to crack him with a thrust kick atop the turnbuckle. MJF laid Ospreay with the Panama Sunrise for a close two count. MJF laid Ospreay on the table at ringside and climbed the top turnbuckle. Ospreay rolled off the table, only for MJF to bite his arm and drive his body into the barricade. MJF devastated Ospreay with a running boot into the barricade, only for Ospreayy to retaliate with an OsCutter on the floor.

Back in the ring, Ospreay countered the Cross Rhodes with one of his own for a two count. MJF used the referee to protect himself and poke Ospreay’s eyes before stomping Ospreay’s arm and spiking him with a cradle DDT. Ospreay blocked the Heat Seeker, but MJF tripped him on the top rope and turned him inside out with a diving lariat for a nearfall. MJF tried to go for a Tombstone Piledriver on the apron, only for Ospreay to drop him with a thrust kick and a Styles Clash. Back in the ring, Ospreay managed to plant MJF with a one-armed powerbomb for another nearfall, as AEW Dynamite went to an ad break.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, MJF bit Ospreay’s head before receiving a leaping elbow strike for a two count. Ospreay nailed with two thrust kicks, but MJF responded with a Tombstone Piledriver for a nearfall. MJF Irish-whipped Ospreay into the corner twice, only for Ospreay to nail him with two chops. MJF smashed Ospreay’s arm into the mat before being catapulted out of the ring.

Ospreay shocked MJF as he tried to show-off with a suicide dive into a Hidden Blade. Back in the ring, Ospreay cracked MJF with a diving Hidden Blade for a close nearfall. MJF tripped Ospreay atop the turnbuckle, only for Ospreay to counter a hurracarrana with an avalanche Styles Clash. MJF spiked Ospreay with the Heat Seeker on the apron, setting him up for a diving elbow drop through the table, as AEW Dynamite went to a commercial break.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, MJF put Ospreay in an abdominal stretch using the ropes, until the referee kicked his arm away, allowing Ospreay to drop him with a hip toss. They exchanged quick pinning combinations, until MJF caught Ospreay with a powerbomb onto his own knee for a close nearfall. Ospreay sent MJF into the corner with a monkey flip and blasted him with the Cheeky Nandos kick. MJF landed on his feet off an avalanche poison rana before nailing Ospreay with a corner clothesline.

Ospreay landed on his feet off an avalanche hurracarrana and clobbered MJF with a hook kick. They exchanged a series of strikes to the heads, until MJF clocked Ospreay with a rising knee strike. They traded numerous pinning combinations, only for MJF to block the OsCutter with a thrust kick. Ospreay caught MJF with a thrust kick and a poison rana, but couldn’t follow up with the Stormbreaker. Ospreay caught MJF off-guard with a Spanish Fly for yet another close nearfall.

MJF nearly hit Ospreay with an avalanche Tombstone Piledriver, only for Ospreay to shut him down with an avalanche cutter and a Hidden Blade for a close two count. MJF evaded the Hidden Blade at the last possible moment before spitting in Ospreay’s face. Ospreay stopped himself from doing the Tiger Driver, allowing MJF to shove him into the referee. MJF cracked him with the diamond ring behind the referee’s back and got the pinfall with two seconds on the timer.

WINNER: MJF at 59:58 (New AEW International Champion) (****3/4)

– Backstage, Arkady Aura interviewed Mark Briscoe and The Acclaimed. Max Caster and Anthony Bowens offered their services for the Blood & Guts match. Swerve Strickland showed up to acknowledge the Acclaimed as tough competition and make them part of their officially.


– Big Bill introduced Chris Jericho to the ring to talk about being part of almost every episode of Dynamite. Jericho showed footage of Katsuyori Shibata, Hook and Samoa Joe getting hurt as a result of not listening to him. Jericho asked who would be crazy and maniacal enough to question his teachings. Minoru Suzuki interrupted to immediately stare at his FTW title and say next week. Suzuki revealed a contract that confirmed that Bill and Bryan Keith would be banned for their title match in next week’s title match.

– Backstage, the Elite gloated about what they would do to team AEW next week. Mercedes Mone showed up to thank the Young Bucks for barring Britt Baker from Dynamite 250.

[Commercial Break]

(2) MERCEDES MONÈ vs. NYLA ROSE – AEW TBS Championship

Rose cornered Monè, until she climbed the top turnbuckle and leapt above her body. Monè tripped Rose into the ropes and stomped her down before blocking a vertical suplex and hitting her with a chop block. Rose blocked a Tornado DDT and hung Monè on the top rope, setting her up for a diving knee strike for a close two count.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Rose countered a sleeper hold with a snap suplex, followed by a backsplash and a clothesline. Rose crushed Monè with a corner splash, setting her up for a corner cannonball and a two count. Monè caught Rose with a double knee strike into the corner and a Meteora for a nearfall. Rose sat Monè atop the turnbuckle, only for Monè to lay her out with an avalanche bulldog. Monè put on a glove to mock Britt baker and put Rose in the Lockjaw, until Rose bit her hand. Monè immediately smashed Rose’s head into the mat and forced her to tap out with the Statement Maker.

WINNER: Mercedes Monè at 9:21 (Still AEW TBS Champion) (***1/4)

– After the match, a masked fan shoved Mercedes Monè, revealing herself as Britt Baker. Numerous security guards showed up to separate them to protect Monè.

– A video package was shown, recapping Mariah May winning the Owen Hart Foundation tournament and assaulting Toni Storm.

[Commercial Break]

– Backstage, Jack Perry told Darby Allin that he didn’t give a sh*t about Brandon Cutler and dared him to find him tonight.


– Mariah May made her way to the ring dressed as Timeless Toni Storm. May said that everyone saw what was coming, except for Toni Storm. May said that people should be asking her what took her so long. She said that she was having a lot of fun before realizing that she could kill the horse in front of as many people as possible. May said that she never loved Toni more than when she held her crying and bleeding. May said that her greatest performance would come at All In and that now AEW was all about Mariah.

– Backstage, the Bang Bang Gang complained about being stripped of the trios titles. They claimed that they weren’t scared of the Patriarchy.

[Commercial Break]


Swerve blocked the Rainmaker while Okada blocked the Big Pressure. Swerve knocked Okada down with a headscissors takeover, followed by a diving uppercut to the back of the head. They traded forearm strikes, until Okada dropped Swerve with a flapjack. Okada dropped Swerve with a DDT on the floor, as AEW Dynamite went to its final commercial break.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Swerve cracked Okada with a headbutt and a boot to the face, only for Okada to knock him off the top turnbuckle with a dropkick. Swerve pulled Okada’s head into the ropes and nailed him with a rolling flatliner, followed by a delayed vertical suplex for a two count. Okada raked Swerve’s eyes and hit him with a neckbreaker into his own knee. Okada laid out Swerve with a body slam, setting him up for a diving elbow drop.

Swerve surprised Okada with a roll-through, following it with various kicks to the head. Okada knocked Swerve down with a dropkick, only for Swerve to retaliate with a backbreaker and a modified Jackhammer. Okada evaded the Swerve Stomp and spiked Swerve with a Tombstone Piledriver. Swerve countered the Rainmaker with a leaping Swerve Stomp, only for the Young Bucks to attack him and end the match.

WINNER: Swerve Strickland at 11:31 via DQ (***1/4)

– After the match, The Acclaimed and Jack Perry ran down to the ring to join in the brawl. Mark Briscoe showed up to make the save and take care of the Young Bucks with a suicide dive into a cannonball. Perry caught Briscoe with a draping DDT, only for Swerve to take care of him with the House Call. Hangman Adam Page showed up to have a face-off while Okada pulled Swerve out of the ring. Numerous security guards showed up to separate them, until Darby Allin’s theme started playing. Allin descended from the rafters to reignite the brawl between The Elite and team AEW.