This week’s AEW Dynamite aired live from the Bon Secours Wellness Arena in Greenville, South Carolina, featuring a first-time ever encounter between AEW originals Darby Allin and Hangman Adam Page.


– MJF made his way to the ring to gloat about being the American champion and told the South Carolina crowd that he wasn’t talking about them. MJF asked the crowd to have some respect and rise for their American hero. Will Ospreay interrupted to call MJF out for what he said about his family last week. Ospreay said that no one acknowledged MJF’s belt and how he disrespected its legacy.

– Ospreay listed all of the former champions and put over how it represented hard work. He said that he would restore the prestige of the International championship and that MJF didn’t represent the American spirit. MJF said that he would let his actions speak and said that Ospreay might not even make it to Wembley, introducing Lance Archer.


Archer immediately planted Ospreay with a chokeslam before knocking him down with an elbow strike. Ospreay caught Archer with a handspring enzuigiri, sending him out of the ring. Archer blocked the Sasuke Special and dropped Ospreay with a bodyslam on the floor. Ospreay knocked Archer down with a hurracarrana and blasted him with a springboard dropkick for a one count. Archer stopped Ospreay atop the turnbuckle and laid him out with a chokeslam, as AEW Dynamite went to commercials.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Ospreay landed on his feet off a chokeslam and nailed Archer with two kicks to the head. Archer countered the OsCutter with a Boss Man Slam for a close two count. Archer caught Ospreay with a pop up spinebuster for a close two count. Ospreay nailed Archer with a thrust kick and managed to put him down with a Spanish Fly. Archer shocked Ospreay with a huge stomp to the chest before climbing the top turnbuckle. 

Ospreay surprised Archer with a Spanish Fly, followed by the OsCutter for a close nearfall. Archer blocked the Hidden Blade with a lariat, turning Ospreay inside out. Archer clocked Ospreay with a jumping knee atop the turnbuckle, only for Ospreay to counter the Black out with a DDT. Ospreay knocked Archer with a Hidden Blade to the side of the head for a shocking kick out at one. Ospreay immediately clobbered Archer with another Hidden Blade for the three count.

WINNER: Will Ospreay at 11:22 (***3/4)

– After the match, MJF attacked Will Ospreay from behind and pulled out his diamond ring. Kyle Fletcher showed up to protect Ospreay and force him to retreat to the stage. Don Callis tried to talk with Fletcher, only for Fletcher to grab a mic and say that Ospreay was his brother. Fletcher told MJF that he clearly didn’t care about America and that this country gave him his dream life. Fletcher said that everyone in Australia, the UK and this arena was tired of MJF’s old bullcrap. He dared MJF to come to the ring and fight him, but after teasing the crowd MJF refused. MJF said that he would face Fletcher next week and that he would break his neck just like he did to Daniel Garcia.

– A video package was shown, recapping the highlights of Swerve Strickland’s world title reign.

[Commercial Break]

– A recap of Katsuyori Shibata assaulting Chris Jericho after his loss to Minoru Suzuki.

– Backstage, Alex Marvez interviewed Chris Jericho, Big Bill and Bryan Keith about what happened last week. Bill presented Jericho with a cake to celebrate 102 days as champions. Jericho said that there is no cake in the history of wrestling that has not been smashed in someone’s face, but this would be the exception. Jericho told Katsuyori Shibata that he was alone and that Keith would deal with him next week.


Statlander pulled Willow’s head into the ropes and blasted her away with a missile dropkick. Willow pummeled Statlander with a series of chops and forearms, only for Willow to retaliate with a bunch of chops. Willow knocked Statlander down with a big boot before they started a quick pinning combination exchange. At ringside, Willow smashed Statlander’s head into the apron and drove her into the barricade. Willow missed a cannonball into the barricade, as AEW Dynamite went to an ad break.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Willow dropped Statlander with an elevated facebuster, followed by a series of clotheslines and a spinebuster. Statlander blocked the Pounce and dropped Willow with an electric chair facebuster, setting her up for an axe kick. They traded forearm strikes, until Willow planted Statlander with a Death Valley Driver on the apron. Willow held Stokely by shirt and pushed him into the barricade where he slapped the back of his head. 

Statlander surprised Willow with a clothesline and sent her back into the ring. Willow countered a missile dropkick with a sitout powerbomb, following it with a DDT for a nearfall. Statlander knocked Willow off the top turnbuckle and crushed her with a 450 Splash for a close nearfall. Stokely distracted the referee, allowing Statlander to knock Willow out with a chain for the win.

WINNER: Kris Statlander at 9:58 (***1/4)

– After the match, Kris Statlander pummeled Willow Nightingale with a bunch of chair shots. A group of security guards tried to protect Willow, only for Statlander to beat them all down.

– A recap of Jeff Jarrett giving Bryan Danielson advice backstage was shown.

[Commercial Break]


– Bryan Danielson talked about taking engagement pictures with his wife in this city. Danielson said that he didn’t know what the good old days were, until they were almost gone. Danielson put over how he got to be present for some of the funnest times of his career in AEW. He mentioned the promise that he made to his daughter to stop wrestling full-time and the promise he made to his family that his final wrestling contract would be with AEW.

– Danielson said that his contract would end tomorrow before reminding everyone that he promised that he would win the AEW World title when he came in. Danielson said that his family and doctors didn’t want him to wrestle; and that this was his last chance to win the world title. He promised that at Wembley Stadium, he would go all in before being interrupted by Swerve Strickland.

– Swerve told Danielson that he respected everything that he did. Swerve said that in any other time, he would root for Danielson, but this was his time. He said that when he arrived at AEW he promised to win the world title and he did. Swerve said Danielson couldn’t handle when people started kicking back. Swerve said that the world title wasn’t an award that he would be handed after 25 years.

– He put over how unlike Danielson, he actually beat Will Ospreay and The Elite. Swerve mocked how Danielson couldn’t make it to last year’s All In and warned him that after he was done with him, he might never walk again. Danielson stopped Swerve before he could leave and promised him that he would never wrestle again. Danielson put his own career on the line and shook Swerve’s hand. Swerve told Danielson to keep that promise with his family.

– Backstage, Renee Paquette tried to interview Bryan Danielson about his announcement. Jeff Jarrett tried to congratulate Danielson on going all in, only for Danielson to challenge him to a match next week.

(3) THE CONGLOMERATION (Mark Briscoe, Orange Cassidy & Tomohiro Ishii) vs. THE BEAST MORTOS, RODERICK STRONG (w/Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) & RUSH (w/Don Callis)

Rush, Strong, Ishii and Briscoe started brawling while Cassidy taunted Mortos in the ring. Cassidy knocked Mortos off his feet by spinning all over his body, only for Mortos to shut him down with a headbutt. Ishii and Mortos blocked brainbuster attempts, until Mortos hit Ishii with a belly-to-belly suplex. Ishii immediately nailed Mortos with a clothesline, withstood a thrust kick and planted Mortos with a vertical suplex. Rush and Ishii traded shoulder tackles and kicks to the back.

Rush clocked Ishii with a pair of elbow strikes before starting a strike exchange with Briscoe. Briscoe caught Rush with a dropkick in the corner, only for Rush to retaliate with a corner splash. Briscoe knocked Rush off his feet with a leaping clothesline and tried to go for a Tope con Hilo with a chair, but Strong shut him down with a jumping knee. Strong moved the chair to the apron, only for Briscoe to shut him down with a knee strike off the apron. Briscoe used the chair to take Mortos and Rush down with a cannonball off the apron, as AEW Dynamite went to a commercial break.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Rush and Mortos knocked Cassidy off his feet with a double shoulder tackle. Rush missed a corner splash and Cassidy caught Mortos with Stundog Millionaire. Briscoe got the hot tag to pummel Rush and Mortos with chops and forearm strikes. Briscoe caught Rush with an enzuigiri and blocked a backbreaker from Strong. Ishii withstood all of Strong’s forearms and knocked him down with a single one. Ishii put Rush, Mortos and Strong down with a series of release German suplexes. Cassidy took care of Strong with a Satellite DDT, followed by Briscoe’s Froggy Bow and Ishii’s sliding lariat. Mortos knocked Briscoe down with a suicide dive and blocked one from Cassidy.

Rush knocked Briscoe, Cassidy and Mortos down with a Tope con Hilo while Strong dropped Ishii with a back suplex and a Tiger driver. Strong and Ishii traded numerous strikes, until Cassidy and Mortos tagged in. Briscoe knocked Mortos off his feet, only for Rush to shut him down with a forearm. Ishii put Rush down with a lariat before receiving a backbreaker from Strong. Cassidy took Strong out with an Orange Punch, but Mortos quickly shut him down with a pop up Samoan Drop. Briscoe evaded a power move from Mortos and tried to go for the J-Driller. Rush cracked Briscoe with a headbutt, allowing Mortos to take the win with a spinning sit-out piledriver.

WINNERS: The Beast Mortos, Roderick Strong & Rush at 11:18 (***1/2)

– Backstage, The Acclaimed said that they were coming to Collision to confront FTR. They called them out for not showing up on Dynamite and said that they would prove to them how serious they are.

[Commercial Break]


– Backstage, Renee Paquette asked Mariah May why she did what she did to Toni Storm. May said that she loved Storm before saying that Storm told her that this business would eat her life, so it was her time to eat. May refused to answer any further questions.

– Toni Storm showed up on stage to tell Mariah May that she loved her. Storm said that some say that they would die for their love before declaring that at All In, it would be the romance of a bloody lifetime.

– A recap of Mercedes Mone and Britt Baker fighting at San Diego Comic Con and Tony Khan making their match for All In official was shown.

(4) KAMILLE (w/Mercedes Mone) vs. BRITTANY JADE

Kamille immediately pummeled Jade with a barrage of forearms. Kamille dragged Jade’s head across the ropes and threw her body across the ring. Before Jade could react, Kamille crushed her with a leaping guillotine leg drop. Kamille cracked Jade with a roundhouse kick and knocked her out with a Dominator.

WINNER: Kamille at 1:16 (*)


– Mercedes Mone called out Britt Baker’s actions and said that she was obsessed with her. Mone gloated about Baker being suspended after her actions by the EVPs. Mone told Baker that no one cared about what she thought and that AEW was her house now. She said that she would turn her house into a mansion and show her that money changes everything.

[Commercial Break]




Allin knocked Page down with an arm drag and sent him out of the ring with a dropkick. Page caught a Coffin Drop at ringside and launched Allin away with a release German suplex. Page dragged Allin to the top of the cage with a chair, but the referee stopped him from using it. Allin immediately caught Page with a flipping Stunner, setting him up for a Coffin Drop from one of the entrance tunnels, as AEW Dynamite went to commercials.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Page blocked the flipping Stunner and put him in a spinning sleeper hold, followed by a kick to the back. Page spiked Allin with a Death Valley Driver for a close two count. Allin surprised Page with a roll-up and a springboard crossbody for a two count. Page drove Allin into the steel steps and clobbered him with a bunch of forearm strikes to the chest. Allin avoided a shot into the steel steps by flipping over it, only for Page to ram him into the ring post and powerbomb him numerous times on the apron. Page launched Allin back-first onto the steel steps with a Fallaway Slam, as AEW Dynamite went to its final commercial break.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Page hurled Allin’s body across the ring with an avalanche Fallaway Slam. Allin blocked the Dead Eye off the apron and swept Page onto the steel steps. Allin blasted Page over the steel steps with a huge suicide dive. Back in the ring, Allin whipped Page with his belt and nailed him with a shotgun dropkick, followed by the Code Red for a two count. Page countered the Coffin Drop with a sleeper hold, only for Allin to turn into a pinning combination.

Allin knocked Page off his feet with a boot and tried to go for the Buckshot Lariat, but Page blocked it with a lariat of his own. Page planted Allin with a powerbomb for a close nearfall. Page spiked Allin with two back-to-back Dead Eyes, but refused to make the cover. Allin collapsed before Page could go for the Buckshot Lariat before shocking Page with an Oklahoma Roll for the victory.

WINNER: Darby Allin at 20:30 (****1/4)

Announced for this week’s AEW Dynamite:

  • MJF vs Kyle Fletcher
  • Jeff Jarrett vs Bryan Danielson