This week’s episode of AEW Dynamite aired live from the State Farm Center in Champaign, Illinois, featuring the debut of Ricochet, the in-ring return of Jamie Hayter and a clash between Tomohiro Ishii and Hangman Adam Page.

– The show opened with a surprise appearance from a returning Jon Moxley. Tony Schiavone entered the ring to interview Moxley about his status after losing at Forbidden Door. Moxley said that he has done a lot of thinking and that he was here to have a conversation with someone. Moxley called out Darby Allin and told him that he wasn’t hard to find. He warned Tony that this wasn’t his company anymore before walking away from the ring.

– Backstage, Renee Paquette interviewed The Conglomeration and Hook ahead of their matches tonight. Mark Briscoe cut a fired up promo and praised Hook, Ishii and Willow for their wins at All In. Willow officially announced that she would take on Kris Statlander in a Chicago Street Fight.


They immediately started exchanging forearm strikes to the head for a long time. Ishii knocked Page off his feet with a shoulder tackle before they started trading chops to the chest. Page smashed Ishii’s head into the turnbuckle, as AEW Dynamite went to commercials.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Page pulled Ishii’s head into the ropes and knocked him off his feet with a clothesline. Page blasted Ishii with a chop on the chest and spiked him with a DDT on the apron. Back in the ring, Page laid Ishii out with a diving clothesline for a close two count. Page dropped Ishii with a backbreaker before putting him in a modified Figure 4 Leg lock. Ishii managed to reach the ropes and knocked Page down with a forearm strike.

Ishii dropped Page with a back suplex, but he managed to kick out at two. Ishii clobbered Page with a corner clothesline and cracked him with a headbutt atop the turnbuckle, setting him up for a superplex and a two count. Page missed a clothesline, allowing Ishii to lay him out with a German suplex. Both men nailed each other with forearms to the head, as AEW Dynamite went to an ad break.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Ishii clocked Page with an enzuigiri before they hit each other with lariats at the same time. Both men blocked each other’s finishers, until Page landed on his feet off a German suplex. Page caught Ishii with a discus forearm shot, setting him up for a German suplex. Ishii countered the Buckshot Lariat with the Dead Eye, following it with a big lariat for a nearfall. They started exchanging lariats to the chest, until Page knocked Ishii off his feet. Page spiked Ishii with a Dead Eye, setting him up for the Buckshot Lariat and the win.

WINNER: Hangman Adam Page at 16:45 (****)


– After the match, Swerve Strickland showed up alongside Prince Nana to confront Hangman Page. Swerve told Page that he felt sorry for him and that he had become a petulant little child. Swerve said that Page keeps on getting away from success while he will now always be recognized as a world champion. He asked the crowd whose house this was and told Page that he failed. Page called Swerve a piece of shit and pointed out that Swerve couldn’t beat him on his own. Page said that he wanted to be locked up with Swerve and Swerve officially challenged him to a Steel Cage match at All Out.

– Swerve called Page out for giving up at Revolution, just to keep the title away from him. Swerve said that he passed by Page’s house and saw him with his pregnant wife before telling him that that was the man that Page should be. Swerve said that he shouldn’t focus on Page, but on the world title, claiming that it would happen again. He mocked Page for losing the Owen Hart cup, the Casino Gauntlet and Blood & Guts. Swerve said that the cage would let Page show what cowboy shit was all about and told him that the cage would reveal which kind of man Page is.

[Commercial Break]

– A recap of The Outcasts injuring Jamie Hayter at last year’s Double Or Nothing was shown.


Cameron cornered Hayter with shoulder thrusts, only for Hayter to shut her down with a barrage of stomps. Hayter knocked Cameron down with a shoulder tackle, followed by a bunch of forearms and a lariat. Cameron caught Hayter with a jawbreaker and drove her head into the turnbuckle. Cameron hit Hayter with a kick to the head, but Hayter blocked her attempt at a big boot. Hayter withstood a forearm and blocked Eat Defeat before dropping Cameron with three backbreakers. Hayter immediately blasted Cameron with the Hayterade to pick up the win.

WINNER: Jamie Hayter at 3:06 (*3/4)

– Backstage, Renee Paquette interviewed Chris Jericho, Big Bill, Bryan Keith and Roderick Strong about their match tonight. Jericho claimed that Hook only beat him because he finally listened to his orders. Strong asked Jericho to help him handle Kyle O’Reilly and get him away from Orange Cassidy. Jericho pointed out that Cassidy still owed money for his jacket from 3 years ago and said that he would make them pay the price.

[Commercial Break]

– A recap of Daniel Garcia stopping MJF from cheating and helping Will Ospreay win the International title was shown.


– MJF made his way to the ring and said that he was in a lot of pain. MJF said after All In he lost his ring, his title and had two herniated discs. He called out the fans for not supporting him and denounced his American citizenship. MJF denounced the fans for not showing him any support and claimed that AEW without him was a circus. MJF said that he had Ospreay beat and told him that this was not over. He warned Ospreay that whenever he came close to winning the biggest prize, he would cut him out from his knees.

– MJF warned Daniel Garcia to never show his face in this company again, only for Garcia to attack him from behind and knock him out with a Guillotine. Garcia tried to hit MJF with an avalanche piledriver, only for security to show up to make the save. Garcia took out the security before receiving a clothesline from behind from MJF. MJF tried to pummel Garcia down, but Garcia managed to sit him atop the turnbuckle. More security guards showed up to save MJF from an avalanche piledriver.

– Garcia told MJF that he took his diamond ring and pawned it off. Garcia said that ruining MJF’s life was his obsession and his fetish before announcing that he talked with Tony Khan to set up a match at All Out. He said that he would break his neck at All Out and if anyone cared about him, they would have to suffer with him.

– A video package was shown, highlighting Ricochet’s debut at All In, as he said that he was on the first day of a new journey.

– A recap with numerous highlights from the Casino Gauntlet match were shown.


Jericho immediately gave Keith the tag to avoid facing Hook. Hook put Keith down with a waist lock takeover and launched him away with a suplex. Cassidy and Hook dropped Keith with a double suplex, followed by a series of kicks from Kyle. Briscoe planted Keith with a vertical suplex, forcing him to tag Bill in. Briscoe pummeled Bill with chops and right hands, only for Bill to retaliate with chops of his own. Briscoe knocked Jerihco, Keith and Strong off the apron before both teams had a face-off. Both groups started brawling around the ring, as AEW Dynamite went to a commercial break.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Jericho put Cassidy in a Full Nelson, until he put his hands in his pockets to break the hold. Cassidy knocked Jericho down with a dropkick, avoided an elbow drop from Bill and kicked Strong out of the ring, reaching Briscoe for the hot tag. Briscoe blasted Keith and Jericho with numerous chops and smashed their heads together. Briscoe cracked Keith with an enzuigiri and knocked Bill off the apron with a big boot.

Strong shocked Briscoe with a backbreaker, setting him up for a bunch of right hands from Keith. Keith pummeled Briscoe with a series of kicks to the chest, until he was able to kick him away and give Kyle the tag. Kyle cracked Keith with an axe kick and put him in a knee bar, until Bill broke the hold with an elbow drop. Bill laid Briscoe out with a lariat, knocked Hook off the apron and flattened Cassidy with a Boss Man Slam, as AEW Dynamite went to commercials.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Kyle tripped Bill into the ropes and low-bridged him, reaching Hook for the hot tag. Hook put Strong and Jericho down with clotheslines, only for Strong to kick his back. Hook nailed Strong with a DDT and launched him away with a T-Bone suplex. Strong tried to attack Hook from behind, but Hook laid him out with a T-Bone suplex. Keith broke Hook’s pinfall before taking Kyle and Cassidy out of the ring. Briscoe tossed Keith out of the ring, only for Jericho to shut him down with a lariat.

Hook planted Jericho with a forearm strike and a T-Bone suplex, only for Strong to hit him with a gutbuster. Kyle took Strong out with a Penalty kick, followed by a flying knee on Jericho. Cassidy took care of Keith with a suicide dive while Briscoe crushed Bill with a Tope con Hilo. Hook avoided Strong’s End of Heartache and forced him to tap out despite the fact that his leg was under the rope.

WINNERS: Hook & The Conglomeration at 16:31 (***1/2)

– After the match, the Undisputed Kingdom assaulted Hook while everyone else brawled on the ramp. Roderick Strong posed in the ring with Hook’s FTW title belt.

– Backstage, Mercedes Mone had a backstage party for her recent win, only for Private Party to interrupt to celebrate her win. They put over how she was now scheduled to face Momo Watanabe at NJPW Capital Collision. Isiah Kassidy tried to flirt with Mone, only for Kazuchika Okada to interrupt and scare him away.

[Commercial Break]


– Tony Schiavone introduced Mariah May to the entrance way. May said that her women’s championship celebration was postponed because she didn’t want to do it in this town. May mocked the town for their beer and their women before saying that they desperately needed some glamor. She took off her robe to reveal her lingerie and the women’s world title around her waist.

– Last Sunday, Grizzed Young Veterans tried to speak, but the Young Bucks immediately interrupted. GYV told the Bucks that they were not the same and their message was for everyone including them.

– Backstage, Grizzled Young Veterans said that one unlucky team would find out their intentions in this week’s Rampage.

[Commercial Break]

– A video package was shown, recapping Konosuke Takeshita’s run through this year’s NJPW G1 Climax.

Announced for this week’s AEW Rampage:

  • Konosuke Takeshita vs The Beast Mortos vs Komander vs Lio Rush
  • Grizzled Young Veterans vs The Outrunners


Fletcher knocked Ricochet down with a shoulder tackle, only for Ricochet to send him out of the ring with a headscissors takeover and a dropkick. Ricochet knocked Fletcher off the apron, but Fletcher avoided a plancha and blasted him with a dropkick. Fletcher knocked Ricochet off his feet with a suicide dive and send him over the barricade with a pump kick. Ricochet crushed Fletcher with a diving Meteora off the barricade, as AEW Dynamite went to an ad break.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Fletcher blocked a Codebreaker and dropped Ricochet with a modified facebuster. Ricochet knocked Fletcher off the top turnbuckle with forearms and a headbutt, setting him up for a springboard clothesline. Ricochet caught Fletcher with a handspring back elbow before slapping him. Fletcher avoided a springboard move, only for Ricochet to take him down with a cyclone kick, a Northern light suplex and a twisting suplex. Ricochet crushed Fletcher with a running Shooting Star Press for a two count. Fletcher withstood Ricochet’s chops and whacked him with a running lariat.

Ricochet kicked Fletcher away and hit him with a rolling dropkick, setting him up for a suicide dive. Fletcher blocked a high crossbody with his knees before nailing Ricochet with a running dropkick and a brainbuster for a nearfall. Fletcher blasted Ricochet with a leg lariat into the ropes, followed by a bunch of kicks to the chest. Ricochet blocked a powerbomb and cracked Fletcher with a pump kick, setting him up for a Death Valley Driver and a nearfall. Ricochet immediately flattened Fletcher with Vertigo to pick up the win.

WINNER: Ricochet at 12:03 (***3/4)

– After the match, Will Ospreay showed up on the ramp to address Ricochet. Before Ospreay could speak, PAC showed up behind him and spiked him with a poison rana on the stage. PAC warned Ospreay to not forget about him and told Ricochet to the back of the line.

– Backstage, Jon Moxley and Marina Shafir assaulted a pair of stage hands and said that it was a lesson in humility.


– Bryan Danielson made his way to the ring to talk about all his previous failures before finally winning the AEW world title. Danielson put over how he did it in front of 50,000 fans and his family, calling it his favorite moment of his career. Danielson said that after All In, he was asked what was next. He admitted that his contract with AEW was over, he needed neck surgery and his family was ready to have him back. Danielson thanked AEW for making professional wrestling and his life better. Danielson said that after seeing all his peers on the back, he realized that it was time to go home, but not yet. He said that the moment he lost the belt, his full time career would be over, but he still had plenty of heads to kick in.

– Danielson called out anyone in the back to fight him for the AEW world title at All Out. Jack Perry interrupted on the screen to talk about making his own future and put over all of his accomplishments. Perry said that he beat Danielson the last time they were in the ring and his future would be to retire the American Dragon. Perry appeared behind Danielson to attack before clobbering him with the Glass Jaw and standing tall with both the world and TNT titles.