This week’s episode of AEW Rampage aired live from the Rogers Arena in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, featuring the likes of Trent Beretta, Dalton Castle, PAC Johnny TV and Deonna Purrazzo in action.

– As the show transitioned from Collision into Rampage, Adam Copeland and Kyle O’Reilly hugged in the middle of the ring. Copeland didn’t let go of Kyle’s hand for a second and awkwardly walked out of the ring.

– Backstage, Lexy Nair interviewed Claudio Castagnoli about him leaving the ring during Bryan Danielson’s speech. Claudio said that he understood why Danielson did what he did before focusing on the last time he and Eddie Kingston were in Anarchy in the Arena. Claudio said that he wanted to support Danielson during his last year, but he didn’t want anything to do with Anarchy in the Arena.


Castle knocked Trent off his feet and dropped him with a waist lock takeover. Trent pulled Castle’s head into the ropes, but Castle tripped him onto the turnbuckle. Castle launched Trent away with a running knee strike from the apron. Trent pulled Castle’s head into the turnbuckle, setting him up for a draping DDT on the apron, as AEW Rampage went to commercials.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Castle countered an avalanche hurracarrana with a pinning combination before laying him out with a lariat. Castle dropped Trent with a pair of Xploders, followed by a Saito suplex for a two count. Trent countered the Bangarang with a piledriver for a nearfall. Castle managed to throw Trent away with a release German suplex, forcing him to roll out of the ring. Trent distracted the referee with a chair and gouged Castle’s eyes. Trent drove Castle’s head into the turnbuckle before blasting him with a running knee and making him pass out with a Gogoplata.

WINNER: Trent Beretta at 9:38 (***1/4)

– Backstage, Deonna Purrazzo questioned Thunder Rosa if she was dodging her before claiming that she would think about her when she snapped Lady Frost’s arm. Purrazzo said that someone told her to keep her front towards the enemy, so they know their fate.

[Commercial Break]

– A video package hyping up the return to action of Rush was shown.


Keith attacked Drake with a chop, only for Drake to block a bodyslam and hit him with a bell clap. Keith sent Drake out of the ring with a big boot, setting him up for a chop to the chest. Drake clobbered Keith with a rebound forearm strike, but couldn’t follow up with a vertical suplex. Drake caught Keith with a flying Shining Wizard for a close two count. Keith withstood a pair of massive chops to the chest before attacking him with chops of his own. Keith knocked Drake off his feet with a shoulder tackle and planted him with a bodyslam, setting him up for an enzuigiri and a flipping Stunner for the win.

WINNER: Bryan Keith at 2:45 (**)

– Backstage, Adam Copeland said that he just survived a war with Kyle O’Reilly. Copeland said that since he already took out Buddy Matthews and Brody King, he had another idea. Copeland challenged Malakai Black to a barbed wire steel cage match at Double Or Nothing.

– A recap of Deonna Purrazzo attacking Thunder Rosa from behind was shown.


Purrazzo clobbered Frost with a forearm strike and knocked her down with a headlock takeover. Purrazzo nailed Frost with a shoulder tackle and blocked a headscissors takeover with a stomp to the hand. Frost caught Purrazzo with a punch, followed by a hurracarrana. Purrazzo blocked a kick from the apron and swept Frost off the apron, as AEW Rampage went to an ad break.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Frost caught Purrazzo with a back and a roundhouse kick, but Purrazzo shut her down with a boot to the face. Frost nailed Purrazzo with a thrust kick, setting her up for a cannonball. Purrazzo immediately grabbed the ropes to break the pinfall before taking Frost down with a rising knee and a Russian leg sweep. Purrazzo trapped Frost in a Fujiwara Armbar, until she was able to grab the ropes. Frost clocked Purrazzo with a roundhouse kick and crashed into her with a diving Tornillo for a nearfall. Purrazzo stopped Frost atop the turnbuckle, but Frost knocked her away with a kick to the head. Purrazzo tripped Frost in a Tree of Woe position, setting her up for a corner Spear and the win.

WINNER: Deonna Purrazzo at 8:12 (***)

– After the match, Thunder Rosa ran into the ring with a chair while Deonna Purrazzo ran away through the crowd. Rosa tried to reach Purrazzo, but a security guard got in her way, allowing Purrazzo to escape.

– A music video from The Acclaimed was shown, featuring numerous highlights from their career.

[Commercial Break]

– A video package was shown, featuring Scorpio Sky talking about being hurt. Sky said that after everything he’s been through, the sky is the limit.

Announced for AEW Dynamite:

  • Hook Returns
  • BCC (Moxley & Danielson) vs. Kyle Fletcher & Jeff Cobb
  • Young Bucks vs. Matt Sydal & Christopher Daniels
  • Kazuchika Okada vs. Dax Harwood – AEW Continental Championship
  • Willow Nightingale & Mercedes Mone Contract Signing
  • Swerve Strickland vs. Brian Cage
  • Adam Copelands Calls Out Malakai Black
  • Roderick Strong & Will Ospreay Face-to-Face
  • Toni Storm vs. Harley Cameron

Announced for AEW Collision:

  • Will Ospreay vs. Shane Taylor

(4) PAC vs. JOHNNY TV (w/Taya Valkyrie)

Johnny pulled out a Vancouver jersey from his pants and rubbed it on his groin to boos from the crowd. PAC immediately blasted Johnny with a pump kick before sending him out of the ring with a diving shotgun dropkick. PAC took Johnny down with an Asai moonsault, only for Taya to distract him. Johnny gouged PAC’s eyes, setting him up for a pair of kicks and a standing Shooting Star, as AEW Rampage went to its final commercial break.

[Commercial Break]

Back from break, Johnny dropped PAC with a Russian leg sweep, but PAC shut him down with a pair of forearm strikes. PAC nailed Johnny with a leaping clothesline, followed by a series of kicks to the chest. Taya grabbed PAC’s foot, angering PAC into getting in her face. Johnny took advantage of the distraction to crush PAC with a corkscrew Tope con Hilo.

Back in the ring, Johnny planted PAC with a modified neckbreaker, but he kicked out at two. PAC evaded Starship Pain and launched PAC away with a German suplex. Johnny caught PAC with a kick and tried to go for Starship Pain, but missed. Taya distracted the referee, only for PAC to drive Johnny into her and knock her off the apron. PAC immediately put Johnny in the Brutalizer to get the win.

WINNER: PAC at 9:41 (***)

– Backstage, Bullet Club Gold showed up on-screen to mockingly congratulate PAC for his win. Jay White warned PAC to never get into their business ever again or else.