On the Beat With Michael Londra

A few years ago, when I came across Ireland with Michael on PBS, I was immediately hooked. Host Michael Londra‘s relaxed, but passionate voice, combined with the beautiful scenery and wonderful music, made for an amazing experience. From then on, I set the DVR to record every episode. I have to admit, I never thought a travel show about Ireland would become “must see” for me, but there was just something mesmerizing about the presentation.

Ireland with Michael is just one of the recent projects on Michael’s long resume. Coming from an entertainment family, it seemed a natural path to follow, but Michael’s original career goal was different. That eventually changed though. In 1998, he was cast as lead tenor in Riverdance. Next came many other projects as a producer and performer.

Armed with a heartfelt passion for his homeland Ireland and genuine charisma, Michael took his talents to television and tours of Ireland. The thing I enjoy most about his show is it isn’t aimed at typical tourist spots in Ireland, as Michael prefers spots off the beaten path. From our brief talk about my hometown Chicago, I knew he had a knack for finding such spots, and he proves it on every episode of Ireland with Michael. In our interview he also gave tips on how to find such places.

Michael’s passion comes through clearly in our interview, but it isn’t only limited to Ireland. He is a true world traveler. Ireland just happens to be his favorite, but he talks of other destinations he enjoys or hopes to someday visit.

Michael is truly a national treasure of Ireland. Fortunately, Ireland shares him, or more accurately, Ireland and Michael share each other. Ireland with Michael is in its fourth season and shows no signs of slowing down, nor does Michael. A great staff, Tourism Ireland and Michael himself continually find new spots to feature.