Reggie Bush gets Heisman Back after 24 Years

The Heisman Trust will announce Wednesday the formal “reinstatement” of the trophy to Reggie Bush. It has been a long time coming since he turned the trophy over in 2000  as NCAA sanctions were handed to USC, which included Bush receiving improper benefits during a Trojans career that spanned from 2003 to 2005.

Bush had this to say;

“Personally, I’m thrilled to reunite with my fellow Heisman winners and be a part of the storied legacy of the Heisman Trophy, and I’m honored to return to the Heisman family,” Bush said in a statement. “I also look forward to working together with the Heisman Trust to advance the values and mission of the organization.”

The decision to reinstate the Heisman Trophy was based on a “deliberative process” by the Heisman Trust to monitor a sea change in college athletics in recent years. The Trust cited;

“fundamental changes in college athletics” in which rules that have allowed “student-athlete compensation” to become “an accepted practice and appears here to stay.”

Michael Comerford, president of The Heisman Trophy Trust had this to say;

“We are thrilled to welcome Reggie Bush back to the Heisman family in recognition of his collegiate accomplishments,” said Michael Comerford. “We considered the enormous changes in college athletics over the last several years in deciding that now is the right time to reinstate the trophy for Reggie. We are so happy to welcome him back.”

It has been far too long as he deserved that award from day one. That is a start of what the NCAA could do to help make right their wrongs, but I bet we never see any more than little gestures like this. Stay with EDF Lifestyle for more great content.