Dear Cody, Thank You

This is not your average article for me. In matter of fact its to Cody Rhodes; thanking him.


Dear Cody,

Thank you for being the wrestler that got me involved and hooked on wrestling! 2007, You debuted with Hardcore Holly, you were just getting started in the WWE. Man, that seems many decades ago. I  am a huge wrestling fan, but I never felt more alive in a long time, when it came to wrestling I was lost. You are probably wondering, why is this crazy person writing me and thanking me? The answer to that is, I am complete again! Your bring a spark to the wrestling world, you bring nothing but greatness everywhere you go. I have a purpose to watch wrestling again! 

Wrestling Momentum

Many people fall into a dark hole, and can’t find the light. You built a kingdom, and it has helped a lot of people with everything. It’s like we have a new life, a new chance. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you! Your father could not be more proud of what you have accomplished! I have been fan of yours for long as I can remember. You have built a kingdom, and we as fans will stand strong. A story is complete It’s about time we can have the feeling of true meaning of pro wrestling again! Most of congrats on finishing the story, very well deserved! 

Thank you!
-Kayla McCurry

P.S. Out of curiosity are you going to be at Monday Night RAW in Greenville, SC on May 13th? I will be there holding a sign saying “It will make my night if I met Cody Rhodes.” Last October I was so close of meeting you, but by the time I reached you the event staff  directed you in the opposite direction of me.



photo credit to yahoo!